Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 277

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:24:02 AM

Chapter 277

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Deep in the desert, there is a scene of horror. The gray whirlpool tore the sky, in the black lightning entanglement, there is a strong body is crazily waving the arms turned into giant tongs. The Scorpion King Surabaya is covered with translucent light, which is comparable to the toughest armor in the world. However, under the black lightning strike, the light is torn and broken layer by layer. His roar echoed in the desert, and the endless sand dunes around him seemed to tremble with his roar.


I don't know how long, the immortal eternity seems to appear a crack, a giant scorpion smoking smoke fell into the kingdom of heaven. Its pair of tongs are damaged, the huge scorpion tail is soft and soft on the ground, and the body is burnt. There are many terrible cracks on its tough shell.

Surabaya is very lucky, more or less because of the strong blood, he passed the final test and did not lose in the eternal, because of Amun's lead to the kingdom of heaven. However, he was a little dizzy and had not recovered. He was still a changed demon body. He was seriously injured in the test. He could not get up with his forceps.

A golden light fell on him. At this time, he heard Amun's voice: "Surabaya, congratulations on your transcendence of eternal life. Here is my kingdom of heaven. You are already a different being. The body is the heart, the form is the God, the existence is also the consciousness. "

With the golden light and voice, Surabaya seems to be awakened, the scars on the body disappeared, and turned into the normal human form, but the expression was still very weak. He turned over and sat up and said, "my God, thank you for your guidance."

Amun did not know when he stood in front of him and said with a smile, "you have made your own way out of immortality. I just gave you the final guidance to the kingdom of heaven. You've been hurt a lot. You need to take care of yourself for a while. The injury suffered by an angel is different from that of ordinary people. It is a loss of physical and spiritual strength. If you don't want to have pain, there will be no pain, but recovery still needs cultivation. "

Angel? Surabaya was stunned, and then he laughed: "my Scorpion King has become a scorpion now!" Then he sighed: "I don't know what happened to the lion Wang renyun who ran away with others? Since I can come to the kingdom of heaven, he should also be able to. If I had known this, I would have left him

Amun shook his head and said, "each has his own luck and fortune. Maybe he has accepted another guidance and can transcend immortality in another way. This is not a necessity for the living beings. In any case, you have made a thousand years of hard work. "

Gabriel came up and asked, "angel Scorpio, are you the second angel after me to come here? Do you want to stay in the kingdom of heaven to heal, or do you have other plans?"

The scorpion king bowed to Amun, then stood up and bowed to Gabriel. He replied, "I intend to stay here for a while, until the injury is OK, and ask to go to the world to recuperate. After some things are over, return to the kingdom of heaven, enjoy the eternal peace, and become the guardian angel here. "

Amun laughed again: "the thing should have been like this. Do you still have a temple in the bottom of the desert? I will stabilize the injury for you for the time being, and then you will go back and arrange the affairs of the world and return to the kingdom of heaven. Even if you are in heaven, you can go back and see it from time to time. "

Scorpion King: "thank you, my God! Looking back at the world, I know how lucky I am. How many scorpions can there be a mutated scorpion, and how many years can a psychic scorpion appear in these mutated scorpions? What kind of luck can a scorpion demon like me have to reach the other shore beyond immortality? I will stay on earth for some time, but I will come at once if you and the kingdom of heaven call. "

Gabriel added, "angel Scorpio, you should first stabilize your realm, absorb your body and spirit, adapt to a new way of existence, and then go to the Syrian desert. But don't worry too much. There is a great pioneering work at present. Amun wants to integrate the kingdom of nine and anuna. You are lucky to be one of the witnesses. "

The scorpion king called out, "yes! How could I be so lucky? "


It will take time for Surabaya to recover completely, but with Amun's blessing, the shape and spirit are no longer affected. When it was time to merge the kingdom of God, Amun said to Gabriel and Surabaya, "leave the kingdom of heaven and watch in the eternal eternity."

In the kingdom of the nine kingdoms and the anuna apocalypse, the creator God said the same thing to the gods. The gods of the nine couplets and the anuna Apocalypse all withdrew from the kingdom of God and looked at the images of the lotus flower and Tianming slips in the immortal eternity, which was the outline of the kingdom of God.

For Gabriel and Surabaya, who accepted Amun's guidance, the image of heaven is a golden light seen by the soul in the immortal eternity. The golden light gradually spread and turned into petal like mist, and then the scene of a lotus flower appeared in the void. The white petals unfolded one by one, and a round of red sun appeared on the center of the flower, all shrouded in the golden light.

Where is Allah's nine kingdoms at the moment? Right there, in the golden light! This is a concept that ordinary people can't understand, because there is no difference between time and space in the eternal eternity. The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God can be said to be very far away or very close. When Amun unfolded the lotus flower in his soul, he also entered the kingdom of God of Allah. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven became one.

Then the red sun went into the heart of the flower, and the lotus gradually closed and turned into a golden light. From then on, the nine alliance Kingdom disappeared, but it still existed forever.The golden light gradually unfolded, with dense divine texts appearing on it, which turned into a volume of slips of letters. Anuna Qishen Kingdom also appeared here. The letters of destiny spread out like endless, and then gradually rolled up and re turned into a golden light. Those sacred texts slowly disappeared, as if they had been strangely integrated.

When the golden light returned to its original state, the nine linked gods and anuna enlightened gods were inspired and guided by a kind of inexplicable inspiration and guidance, and appeared in a piece of heaven and earth through time and space. Amun sits on the source of the roni River, on the glaciers of the Assyrian plateau, and on the mountainside of heaven. Each angel felt that this piece of heaven and earth seemed to be familiar with each other, and the mysterious extension had integrated the original kingdom of God.

When they entered the kingdom of heaven, they had already accepted Amun's guidance. Now they are the angels in the kingdom of heaven. They salute together and say, "my God, the only God!"

Among all these angels, Surabaya, who has passed the test the latest and has just arrived in the kingdom of heaven for a short time, is like an old guide standing beside Amun and laughing to the people: "welcome all the angels! Ha ha ha, I'm a step ahead of you. If there's anything I don't understand, I can introduce it to you. "

Mu Yun knew the details of Surabaya, looked at the new kingdom of heaven, and asked Si waterway with a smile: "do you see my palace? What's the difference? "

Surabaya was asked, a little embarrassed to scratch his head: "I don't know where your previous palace is, there are many mountains and rivers here, there are many palaces distributed among them, which one is yours?"

Amun suddenly said, "do you see your world, EA?"

The shock in EA's eyes did not fade away. He quickly bowed down and said, "yes, my God, Lord of heaven! I have accepted your guidance, my world unfolds in the kingdom of heaven

Amun's kingdom of heaven is a combination of the nine alliance Kingdom and the anuna Kingdom, which is equivalent to an extension. Everything in the kingdom of God is still in existence, but it has been changed wonderfully. AEA was originally the God of wisdom of anunaghi and the highest god except the creator God. He had made great achievements. He also opened up his own world by relying on the kingdom of God, which is the same as the world created by Seth depending on the nine linked kingdom.

No matter how rich and colorful the creator's world is, it belongs only to him, and no other God can enter it. Amun had seen Seth's world, like a drop of dew on the lotus in the early days, and only Seth could hide in it. At this moment, EA accepted Amun's guidance and made different vows, and his world opened to the angels.

It's not that his accomplishments are higher in an instant, but that his path has changed and that Amun's guidance is magical. The creator becomes an angel and worships Amun as the only God, which means that he integrates his soul imprint and cultivation knowledge into the kingdom of heaven. His world is his, but it is also Amun's.

This is sacrifice, the sacrifice guided by amon's realm today! "The only God" is not only a title, but a real confirmation!

According to the selfish psychology of some people, as the creator, EA could have enjoyed his own world, but now he sacrificed it to Amun and became a part of the kingdom of heaven. It seems that he suffered a lot? But this is the guidance he received, the vow to enter the kingdom of heaven. In other words, if AAH doesn't want to, Amun will not be able to integrate anuna, even Anu, the original creator God.

So Amun will kill Seth and persuade Osiris before he merges the nine alliance Kingdom, and Anla has always wanted him to do so. At the moment, Amun asked kindly, "what is the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the original kingdom of God?"

Before EA answered, Mu Yun suddenly said, "Oh, I understand why you can leave the kingdom of heaven and go to the world, and the kingdom of heaven will not collapse!" She spoke with the mapping of information divinity, and the angels suddenly understood the difference of heaven. "I can build a rose garden in heaven for myself here," she said with a smile

Although the Kingdom created by the original creation God can bring the gods to enjoy the carefree and eternal life, the gods can not build palaces or other things for themselves in the kingdom of God, because everything is created by the spirit of the creation God. If they want a palace or a garden, a mountain, a lake, they need to ask the creator to create it.

Unless they become creators, they can attach themselves to the kingdom of God and create a world of their own, but that world does not exist for other gods. If you break through the creator's achievements and become a creator God, you will break away from the God system and build another god system. This is what Seth once wanted.

Amun's achievements have surpassed the creation God. Whether Amun is present or not, the angels can use everything created in the kingdom of heaven to build their own gardens and palaces. In a sense, it is very similar to the human scene. If the angels achieve more, just like EA today, they will no longer be the original creator, but become "archangels" who can create things that were not in the kingdom of heaven.

However, no matter what kind of things the angels built or created in the kingdom of heaven, they will be integrated into Amun's soul imprint and cultivation, and Amun will also master it. This is an amazing achievement. Amun has fulfilled a vow that will amaze the gods.If we refer to the realm of achievement, "Archangel" seems to be equivalent to the "creator" of other deities, but it can not be so absolutely compared. Amun established a completely different God system, and the guidance that the angels follow is also another system. Amun is a different God. Today's Amun may have fulfilled a prophecy - the God of the gods.

Where are the former gods, Allah and Anu? To be honest, amon doesn't know. The two men made a vow and went to the world in the way of soul rebirth. But in a sense, they are still here. They create the soul imprint and practice of the kingdom of God, and see that they have been integrated into Amun's soul and the kingdom of heaven. Amun was once an'rah and Anu.

The creator God is the end of a road. If they leave, the kingdom of God will collapse. If they have a higher level of pursuit, they must give up to get something. Therefore, Anla and Anu do not exist at present, but they have not fallen, but a new beginning. Their souls are floating in the world, and I don't know how many new lives they have to go through. Until one day they can prove their vows, they will not understand the cause and effect of all this.

But can they prove it? Even if the new creature is lucky to be guided by the original power, how many people in the world can escape from immortality? If they do not have this luck, they will just sink and fall in a flowing river. If they have this luck, they may also fall in the face of "the examination of fate and the judgment of doomsday".

Even if they transcend immortality and become gods, they are new gods, and have nothing to do with the former anyra or Anu. This new God has to find another way to break through the original creation God's promise of achievement and verification, so that everything will be clear in the soul, and the test at this time can also make the real God perish.

If they are lucky enough to fulfill their vows, they will no longer be Anla or Anu at that time, but no one knows their existence at present. Whether all this can happen, the hope is boundless, even if it can happen, I don't know how much time and space to go through.


Amun showed the angels everything in the kingdom of heaven, and then let everyone go back to his palace. They accepted the new guidance, but some things do not need to be changed. For example, some angels just want to enjoy eternal life and peace in the kingdom of heaven, which is the promise of Allah and Anu inherited by Amun.

All the angels saluted and dispersed. The original anuna opened up the gods and almost all went to see the world unfolded by AENA. Only mu Yun stayed in the spot and hooked Amun's fingers. He should have something to say and pouted his lips like a coquettish one. Seeing this, Scorpion King saluted Amun and said, "my God, it's time for me to go back to the desert of Asia. If the kingdom of heaven calls, I will come immediately!"

Amun quietly made a gesture toward Mu Yun, and then toward Si waterway: "wait a little longer, to meet a new angel."

Surabaya reaction is very fast, grinning surprise way: "who wants to pass the test to come to the kingdom of heaven?"

Gabriel replied, "it's Michael seagull. It's not easy for anyone to pass the test, but he should be much better than you."

Before the words fell, there was a figure breaking through the boundary of heaven. It was Michael seagull. He looked a little gray, and did not change into a strong demon body, but behind a pair of huge wings, the feathers were incomplete, still with the smoke of the gunpowder.

Gabriel let out a long howl, with a message imprinted into his soul, telling the gull where he had come, and teaching him what was beyond immortality. The seagull's response is much more fresh than the original Surabaya, and immediately sends out a roar response, struggling to shake the wings, the smoke and dust of both wings dissipate, and a pair of wings become white and flawless.

Surabaya was surprised to look at the side, Gabriel issued a long scream at the same time, behind the "bang" to expand a pair of white wings. At this time, the seagulls have come to Amun, spread their wings and prostrate salute: "my God, thank you for your guidance! I have finally witnessed your kingdom of heaven. "

Amun nodded with a smile: "you've come just in time. I'm going to take a long trip to the world to think about more questions and find out more answers. You and Gabriel will guard the kingdom of heaven and pay attention to everything in the garden of Eden, and prepare for the arrival of other angels, if they are as lucky as you

The seagull got up and saluted Mu Yun, Gabriel and Surabaya. Finally, he said with a smile: "Scorpion King, I have heard that you have come to heaven in the garden of Eden. Now I have the opportunity to congratulate you face to face."

Surabaya said with a smile: "I also want to congratulate you! Don't call me Scorpion King, call me Scorpio Surabaya or scorpion king angel. You and Gabriel have wings like this. It doesn't look like magic. Is this the sign of an angel

The seagull answered honestly, "yes, the disciples of Amun have made such a pair of wings, which symbolize the yearning of the soul to soar."

Mu Yun interposed in one side: "Scorpion King angel, you should also practice the formula of Eden, refining such a pair of wings."

Surabaya slightly a frown: "scorpion with white pigeon wings, the appearance is not too funny?"

Mu Yun said with a smile: "that's actually the wings of seagulls! What's the matter with long wings? You can't change into a demon body. Who knows you're a scorpion? Besides, the armored beasts and mermaids in the garden of Eden also have such wings. What can't scorpions do? "**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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