Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 293

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:23:39 AM

Chapter 293

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With the help of the resurgent Boz Navy, fox broke the peace treaty and fought back against kibata and achieved a series of victories. He achieved unparalleled brilliant achievements. ——He is the symbol of victory and success. No matter how the world fights, it is the Vanity Fair for him to make contributions!

Under Fox's counter attack, the kibata alliance was defeated and retreated. The powerful people did not want to lose their hegemony. They were also inspired by Fox's various means, so they sent people to negotiate with the borz empire. As long as the Boz empire gave up its support for the Yalun alliance and supported the kibata alliance, they promised to give the Persian Empire more benefits.

When the war situation has evolved to this point, the two hostile groups are simply competing to see who is more traitorous!

The forces of Boz, who had been expelled from the hitton Peninsula, have now been invited back by the hittons themselves, and Boz has also held a good hand. Therefore, the Persian empire made more demands on the Yalun alliance, and even asked them to promise to cede several city states on the hitton Peninsula to the Boz Empire, otherwise they would support the alliance of kibata.

At this time, the yalens were finally angry and prepared to use the national assembly to banish fox. Fox fled at the news, but the politician's ambition did not stop there. He went directly to Potts to discuss the terms. Fox told the Persians that he had a way to lead the army of Boz back to the hitton peninsula. As long as he was appointed king of all hittons, he could help the Persian Empire realize the wish that Darius had not realized at that time.

If the bozzians really listened to his demagogues, the situation might be what, but the bozzians killed fox, the careerist's life ended. The development of the situation has made the Persians do not need a king of hitton. Both the alliance of Yalun and the alliance of kibata have been greatly weakened and are asking for the help of Boz. Boz can control the whole hitton.

It was in this context that Zeus came to the vineyard and found Amun. The father of the gods of Olympus was infuriated. He wanted to punish him, unify hitton, and defeat Boz completely. What would Amun do?


After Zeus left, Amun remained in Aesop's farm, working as a farmer, as if nothing had changed. Hermes was so worried that he looked at the vineyard every day and said in his heart, "when will this God leave?"

When the grapes were made into wine and the wine was in the cellar, Amun took madanzo to leave Aesop. He said to Aesop, "old friend, I have to leave. You have found your hometown and you are very happy here. As long as you call to me, I can hear your voice, and your God is still with you and waiting for you in heaven. "

Aesop enjoyed his old age in the city of miduli, with his cousins and three nephews, and made wise friends. It was this old man who sought to live in his native land. He lived a comfortable life. Amun also knew that Aesop's life was coming to an end, and that the place where they would meet next time, without accident, would be heaven.

Medanzo followed Amun and left the city-state of miduli all the way northward. On the way, he asked curiously, "don't we go to the garden of Eden or the kingdom of heaven? I heard that link has just passed the test and has become an angel in heaven. He spoke to me the other day in the kingdom of heaven - to show that he was ahead of me. "

Amun replied, "you're on the road, medanzo. Your achievements are not for showing off, but for your own verification. You are still the chief of my disciples, and will be the leader of my angels. I bring you with me because you need to experience. Remember the story of the vineyard? I pay the workers who enter the garden in the morning the same as those who enter in the afternoon. For the kingdom of heaven, the latecomers and the first comers receive the same amount. "

"Oh, that's what you did for me," he said

Amun said with a smile, "I'll show it to everyone, including you. People can get inspiration from it."

Medanzo blinked and said, "my God, where are we going now and what are we going to do?"

Amun replied, "from now on until we leave the hitton Peninsula, you will call me amon in any public occasion. We are going to escort a man named Aristotle, an elder whom I have respected since I was a child


How did Aristotle come to miduli? He was passing by. Aristotle, as the ambassador of the kingdom of Macedonian, recently went to Yalun and made an alliance with him on behalf of the kingdom of Macedonian.

On the surface, the content of the covenant is that the kingdom of Macedonian allied with the city-state of Yaron to jointly resist Boz. In fact, this is a covenant that Yalun surrendered to Macedonian. The so-called alliance is mainly Macedonian, and the kingdom of Macedonian enjoys the right to issue the oracle. In the past, Yalun had signed treaties with other states as allies, but this time he became a submissive one.

Aristotle, the plenipotentiary envoy sent by King Philip II, contributed greatly to the success of Macedonian diplomacy. Aristotle was originally a nobleman born in the city of Yalun. His teacher was Plato, the famous sage. Later, he was hired by Philip II of Macedonian king to work as a court teacher in the palace. This time, he went to Yalun city to discuss the treaty.

When Aristotle returned to the city of Yalun, he not only communicated with the powerful people in the city, but also preached to the people on the square and in the temple. He denounced Fox's behavior and told people that the cities of hitton were facing great crisis.The hittons had united to defeat the army of Boz, but they did not know how to enjoy the victory correctly. Under the provocation of fox, the ambitious man who had been in trouble, both sides colluded with the forces of Boz in an attempt to strengthen their own power, at the expense of betraying the interests of the whole hitton United Kingdom.

The enemy, who had been defeated, was invited back on his own initiative. Darius' iron hoof failed to achieve the goal, but the hittons themselves helped the enemy achieve it!

Aristotle called on the city states of hitton to unite and not to sell the interests of all people for the sake of the ambition of a city-state, so as to realize the real strength and prosperity. Unity begins with the alliance between Macedonian and Yalun. The kingdom of Macedonian should retaliate against the aggression of the Persians and punish those traitors who collude with foreign enemies.

What Aristotle said was true. It was the city of yalon who first colluded with the people of Boz, and then the city of kibada also colluded with Boz. Under the strong attack of kibata, the city-state of Yaron could hardly breathe. They also hoped to get the help of the increasingly powerful kingdom of Macedonian in the north to drive out the power of Boz people and defeat kibata to restore their prosperity and prosperity.

But help is not without cost. The purpose of Macedonian is to unite with the city states of hitton to end the civil war and expel the forces of Boz, instead of supporting Yalun to become the overlord again. The city-state of Jaron must be subject to Macedonian control. Therefore, the jaronites were divided into two groups, belonging to the pro Macedonian and anti Macedonian groups.

Aristotle's preaching moved a lot of people, and finally made the city-state citizens' assembly make a decision and sign the covenant. The yalans hoped to defeat kibata with the help of Macedonian for the time being, and to extricate themselves from their immediate difficulties. They did not intend to abide by the covenant for a long time in the future. Although fox is dead, his poison still exists, affecting many people in the city of yalen.

Aristotle was a great success in diplomacy. He left Yalun and returned to Macedonian under the escort of the guards. On the way, Aristotle passed through the northern border of the city of mituli. Amun had long wanted to visit Aristotle, but he could meet on the way.


Amun took medanzo on the road. Instead of flying to Aristotle's motorcade, Amun waited on the way to the north of miduli. Here is a mountainous terrain, winding road across a continuous mountain range, in the dense forest hidden, the mountain pass through several passes.

"The terrain here is very dangerous," he said! It's not suitable for the army. It's most suitable for ambush and assassination. "

Amun nodded his head and said, "this is the terrain. Let's sneak through the dense forest and have a look."

"Do you want to check the condition around the road?" he asked? Is there anyone here to assassinate the Macedonian envoy? That's a lot of courage

Amun replied, "there are plenty of bold people in the world! Not to mention the small envoys of the kingdom of Macedonian. Even if it was a great emperor like Cyrus or sinah, would someone assassinate it? I remember how you stormed into the sinach guard alone, and it was very impressive at that time

Medanzo was a little embarrassed to smile: "I was just attracting attention, not the main force to assassinate sinah." Then she sighed: "the assassination of sinnah has been successful, and Princess Siu Chi has gone with Gilgamesh."

Amun looked at him and said, "do you need to sigh?"

"Aristotle is not a tyrant like sinach, but a respected sage. Who will assassinate him?" medanzo said

It's amon's turn to sigh: "if there's no ambush, of course it's best. But I just want you to see if this road is safe. If someone does, it's not because of anything else, it's just for the treaty that Aristotle was carrying. "

"But who would do this?" medanzo asked? Boz or kibada? It's meaningless! The alliance is the decision of the city-state of Yaron and the kingdom of Macedonian. Killing the envoys will not change the fact. Even if you want to prevent Macedonian alliance with Jaron in this way, you should do it before Aristotle arrives at the city of Jaron, not now. If you do this, it will lead to joint retaliation between yalen and Macedonian. You can't be stupid any more! "

Amun sighed and said, "you are right. Because of this, you can't think of it."

At this time, medanzo in the soul issued a exclamation: "my God, there are assassins in front of you, there are still many people! It turns out that you have discovered it long ago. "


PS: if you have friends coming from afar, don't you drink them.

I drank a little too much last night, but I didn't wake up today, so I only wrote more than 3000 words in this chapter. I apologize!

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