Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 310

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:23:16 AM

Chapter 310

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Amun said with a simple smile: "you are welcome to come here But the person who made this rumor saw it very accurately. Even if you knew it was a rumor, it would still come, and someone would calculate that you would come! "

Yin Nanna's look has eased, and then in a coquettish way: "you just want to be happy."

Amun grabbed her wrist, hugged her and said, "of course I'm very happy, but I'd like to ask a question. What's the matter with the arrow of Eros that you mentioned just now?"

Yin Nanna replied, "I didn't understand. It must be just a kind of address, but I already understood it just now. You should also have a sense that someone is shot by an arrow outside the door, which is actually a moving feeling

Amun nodded: "yes, I sensed that someone was casting magic on Alexander in the dark. When I went out to say hello to him, his mind was on you. You used to be the God of youth and love. Some means should be clearer than me. What's going on? Can Cupid make one person fall in love with another, and if so, can you do the same? "

Yin Nanna said with a wry smile: "as the God of love, or the angel of youth and love, the question that cannot be answered is exactly - what is love? I've heard countless prayers in the temple, people praying for God's blessing to make another person fall in love with him. But I've never used it, except once. "

Amun asked, "which time, is it for the lion king or for the enlightenment?"

Yin Nanna slapped him: "what are you talking about! At that time, the man was just a silly boy who didn't know anything. He just came out of the deep mountain to the outside world. He was not as smart as he is now. I said I was a shepherdess, and he believed me. He accompanied me to find the lost lamb, but he didn't know that lamb was himself

Amun said with a smile: "Oh, so you said me, did you shoot me an arrow?"

Yin Nanna said with anger: "if that's the arrow of love God, I wonder if that arrow has hit the knee? You didn't react at all! "

"Who said that?" Amun said with a smile? I have a reaction. I'm very moved Then he said slowly, "but it's not right. The Alexander I saw just now is obviously different from me at that time."

Mu Yun explained: "people are different from people. Who knows what you are thinking? At that time, you were practicing the power of both sides of one body. You just passed the test of "the devil's temptation". You were not influenced by me. Otherwise, you would not have won my bet with enril. I knew it at that time But Alexander is not you. Now you should understand why God of love can't answer what love is, because even the gods can't decide. The arrow of Cupid may have nothing to do with love

Amun shook his head and said, "I still don't understand."

Mu Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "can you tell me why a person falls in love with another person? What is this so-called love? Is it the cause or the result? Is it inevitable? Are there supposed to be and should not be, possible and impossible? "

Amun blinked: "well I can't answer. "

Mu Yun stretched out his finger and nodded at Amun's chest: "if you can't answer, then no one can answer."

Amun: let's talk about the arrow just now. You're standing next to Alexander. You should feel better than me

Mu Yun: "I've explained that it's a moving feeling, just when he saw me. It can awaken the resonance between the desire in the heart and the pursuit of the soul. The body and mind have a strange feeling and feel that it is what they want. It was like leaving a mark in his soul that he would never forget. Alexander is just a mortal. He may be thinking about such a problem in his heart, and he is imprinted into his soul by this arrow. "

Amun blinked his eyes again: "after such a big circle, you might as well simply say that he is in love with you."

Yin Nanna also showed a wry smile: "to be more precise, he is in love with me! That moving feeling has been blended with the desire of the soul, and that arrow has succeeded. "

Amun frowned slightly: "is that a plot? If it is a magic effect, it can also be eliminated by magic. "

However, Mu Yun shook his head and said, "even if you use the most skillful divinity, he will not miss him any more, because this is his spontaneous induction. Although it is caused by external factors, his soul has been touched. Emotion is his own, you pray for him, and you can't let him not dream of me

Amun thought for a moment, "there's only one way."

Mu Yun understood what Amun was saying and reminded him: "the imprint of the soul is indelible, but memory can be sealed. However, to seal a memory is the only means possessed by gods. If you use this method against Alexander here, you will violate your agreement with Zeus What? Are you upset? In fact, this method is not unconditional success, but also depends on whether the object can arouse his love

Amun said with a smile: "it also proves that you are charming enough. How can I be unhappy? But this is a trap. Someone has designed a trap against me, which is to use your coming. "At the same time, Amun prints a message into Mu Yun's soul, explaining a series of recent events. Mu Yun also instantly realized that he was in the trap, and frowned: "doing this kind of small action is just to leave a shadow in Alexander's mind. Every time I see you, I can't help thinking about it, feeling sorry and sighing in secret. Although he still respects you and won't say what he shouldn't say, he can't help but think about it. I'm afraid it's not a happy thing. This is the subtlety of emotion. To pry a small gap repeatedly will make a bigger crack over time. "

Amun asked, "it's Aphrodite's method again. How can she always do the same thing on such boring things?"

Mu Yun grabbed Amun's hand: "you have to be careful, this method is not boring at all! Although it is just a small trouble, but the accumulation of small troubles over and over again can enlarge the cracks that have not been seen, which is the inherent weakness of human nature. Aphrodite, as the God of love, can use this kind of means of course, and I suspect that there are people behind her, very clever calculation.

Apollo is not your opponent. If they want to fight you directly, they may not be any opponent, but they have used people related to you, including medanzo, Alexander, and now implicated me. As long as the gods have weaknesses in the human world, if you have nothing to do with everything around you, why do you exist? That's why they want to do it themselves. "

Mu Yun is worthy of being beyond immortality and the God of youth and love. Although she has been calculated, she has seen this matter thoroughly. It is the goddess of wisdom who points out Aphrodite behind her, and Mu Yun tells the truth about yalena's plan and predicts that there will be trouble in the future.

Amun nodded and said, "actually, Schrodinger has reminded me of what will happen. This is also the test I have to face when I come here to verify. It seems that it is only some boring troubles, but the means of the gods can only be understood in the past. I also want to thank you for being here today. Although this is the result of the calculation of the Olympian gods, you also remind me

Mu Yun also said: "even I have been calculated, and it's embarrassing to stay here. I'd better go. Now that you understand the intention of the other party, you should pay attention to everything. "

Amun said with a smile, "you don't have to worry. Since you are here, you can leave tomorrow. I will accompany you to visit Macedonian."


The next day, yinnana quietly left Macedonian, did not stay in the Olympus God domain, the next two months were calm, as if nothing had happened.

Alexander did not mention it to anyone. He knew what to say and what not to think. But in the dead of night, he could not help but think of Yin Nanna's appearance and felt helpless and regretful. This young prince inexplicably experienced the taste of lovelorn. Is all this because of Amun? In fact, he knew it had nothing to do with Amun.


The wedding of Philip II's daughter and Alexander's sister was finally held. Due to the special identity of the groom and the bride, the wedding site was chosen at the border of the kingdom of Macedonia. It was originally the territory of the kingdom of TuYaQi, which was occupied by post Macedonian during the Hebrew war.

Both Philip II and Alexander attended the wedding ceremony, and Alexander has made a decision to choose a princess who will be most helpful to the kingdom of Macedonian in the future. He told his father about the decision, and Philip II was very happy - how sensible the child was!

Amun, however, was a little uneasy. He specifically told medanzo to go with Alexander. The purpose of this marriage arranged by Philip II was to control and annex TuYaQi, and some people would not like to see it. When Amun assassinated sinnah, he was also at a wedding. No matter whether there is an accident or not, it is better to be prepared.

Amun was on guard, but the accident happened. On the evening of the wedding day, a magician flew back to Wangdu to report that Philip II had been assassinated!

The murderer assassinated the king and fled with his accomplice. When he fled to the border, he was caught up and died in resisting arrest. Therefore, the motive of assassinating the king is always a mystery. Once Philip II died, if there were changes in all places, the kingdom of Macedonian would immediately face civil strife.

Philip II fought countless battles in his life, but his death was so sudden that everyone was surprised. Fortunately, he had made various arrangements before his death, and Alexander firmly controlled the army of the kingdom. Medanzo immediately escorted Alexander back to the royal capital and asked his royal highness to preside over the overall situation and ascend to the throne as soon as possible to stabilize the situation.

When this happened, Amun of course asked medanzo why he could let the assassin succeed if he was there? And medanzo was helpless. He was talking with Alexander and a group of gorgeous princesses. Suddenly, the assassin started.

The assassin's assassin can't be prevented by anyone. He is a level 8 warrior, and his identity is actually the captain of the bodyguard protecting Philip II! After the assassination, people have made a variety of speculation, but no one can say why the assassin did it?


After Alexander returned to the capital, he never saw Amun again. The young king was in the pain of his father's death, and he had to take control of the kingdom in a sudden change. Zeus had sent down an oracle to bless the new king, and Alexander announced his succession on the day he returned to Macedonian.He also needs to hold a formal ceremony to ascend the throne, offer sacrifices to the gods and pray for blessings under the leadership of the priests, and accept the congratulations of the ministers and the people before he can become a legitimate new monarch. So Alexander has so many things to deal with recently that he has no time to come back to Aristotle.

Aristotle was also busy. He lived in the palace for many days, and was responsible for many ceremonial affairs concerning the funeral of Philip II and the accession of Alexander. Amun still lived in Aristotle's house, as if he had become a forgotten, idle man.

Just after the assassination of Philip II, there was a rumor all over Macedonian that it was about Amun. At that time, Amun had a notorious nickname - Emperor killer! All the emperors who had met with Amun and had close contact with him died in a short time.

Some people also mentioned amon when discussing the death of Philip II, claiming that the reason why Philip II was so strangely assassinated was because of Amun's magic spell. Many people who spread this rumor did not know who Amun was before, and even had never heard of Amon's name. However, due to the assassination of Philip II, amon's story quickly spread in the area of Macedonian.

It is said that there is such an evil god from a foreign country, quietly entered into the Macedonian, met Philip II, and then there was the tragedy.

The people who talked about it had never met Amon, and most people did not know that amon lived in Aristotle's house. This kind of rumor sounds absurd. All the people who know it are very clear that the death of Philip II has nothing to do with Amun, and no one mentions it in front of him. But how could amon not be clear about this?

Amun can only smile bitterly. He also has a magic spell, just like the famous "love curse" of Goddess Mu Yun in those years, which makes people helpless. He did not say anything, just quietly waiting for someone to mention it to him.

Just one day before the ceremony of the new king's accession to the throne, Aristotle, who had been busy for many days, finally returned to his house. He came to see Amun, accompanied by madanzo. Medanzo's expression is somewhat embarrassed and resentful, but Aristotle's look is very calm, only with a trace of fatigue and regret.

Medanzo told Amun what kind of rumor was spreading in the kingdom of Macedonian recently, and finally gnashed his teeth and said, "I don't know who deliberately created this kind of rumor, that is, to force you to leave Macedonian, let Alexander no longer see you or hate you. But the rumor maker did not succeed, because Alexander did not believe it. He still invited you to the ceremony

Amun sighed, "medanzo, you don't have to be angry. It's not a complete rumor. People believe what they see, and it's true what happened. The misfortunes of the emperors have their own causes, but I am to blame. "

Aristotle also sighed: "my teacher Plato told a story when he taught epistemology. A group of prisoners lived in a cave since childhood. They were all tied up, unable to move or turn back. They could only look at the back wall of the cave. There was a fire behind them, and between the fire and the prisoners, there were people holding various dolls to make movements, sometimes talking and sometimes silent.

The prisoners can only see the images projected on the wall of the cave. This is the world they can see. They will take these images as the reality and the echo of the cave as the words of images. People can only understand what they can see, and it is difficult to know beyond what they can see. If a prisoner breaks free and turns out of the cave, he will discover the source of those images. "

Amun said with a bitter smile: "Sir, thank you for opening me up! Is this the source of my so-called "emperor killer" spell? Are you also implying the meaning of transcendent immortality? In fact, I know in my heart that I am like the prisoner who has broken away from his shackles

Aristotle explained, "I know that I don't have to tell you these words. I just told Alexander the story of teacher Plato to answer the rumors in the Kingdom about you. So Alexander still decided to invite you to attend the ceremony. "

Medanzo thumbed up at the side and said, "this child has courage and courage, and he has seed."

Amun waved his hand: "you haven't finished speaking. Go on."

Aristotle also said with a wry smile: "but the ministers objected. The generals who followed Alexander faithfully even drew out their swords and admonished him to never see you again."

Aristotle finally said the dead end of the problem. Even if Alexander himself did not care about this rumor, others would care. The more loyal a servant he was to the new king, the more he would prevent Alexander from seeing Amun. Those who were willing to serve Alexander even tried to dissuade him. This is their loyalty to Alexander, and Alexander can't scold him.

Amun replied, "I see. Alexander invited me to the ceremony to show his attitude. The loyal servants would never allow the new king to see me again for the sake of his safety. It seems that this is a difficult problem. Who is more important than the authority of the king and the loyalty of his subjects? But this problem is easy to solve, as long as I refuse to invite, no one has to be embarrassed. "

Aristotle nodded: "that's what it is. You can make this decision without me saying anything. But I'll tell you everything myself. It's my responsibility. ""I must trace the source of the rumor," madanzo said angrily! See who spread it? "

However, Amun shook his head, looked up at the sky and said, "don't go to find out. I know who it is. These people didn't make up anything. They just told people something that happened and let us see the shadow on the cave Mr. Aristotle, it was you who brought me to Macedon. I don't want to embarrass you. Please tell your majesty Alexander that I will not go to the ceremony and will leave Macedonian and never see him again before he officially ascends the throne. "


PS: ask for tickets, ask for monthly tickets, sing for monthly tickets! God Amun, give me a monthly pass!

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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