Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 320

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:23:01 AM

Chapter 320

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Amun nodded his head and said, "thanks for reminding me. I will only cut off one finger of Antonio. I don't intend to ask for more."

The chief judge said slowly, "then this court will rule that you can cut off one of his fingers."

Antonio also highly praised: "Themis! Dear Lord judge, you are the Themis who symbolizes fairness and justice to the world

At the same time when the chief judge made the decision, several gods and a dozen of envoys in the hall quietly prayed for Antonio, and they were using the space transfer shielding technique. That is to say, Antonio's space has become a whole. Even if amon slashes his finger with a knife, it is equivalent to hitting the whole space. If it's powerful enough, it can shatter the space, but it can't cut off a finger alone.

This kind of means is limited. Although there is no abnormality on the surface, ordinary people can't bear it. It is because Antonio is a ninth level God envoy that the gods can do this. "It's too much. It's just a trick for you," said madanzo! It's a pity that Gabriel's blade of order has not been brought. Maybe it can be done with that ax

Aware of the situation, Amun frowned and said, "what if I don't chop today?"

The chief judge did not speak, but a priest nearby said, "the court has made a ruling, which needs to be carried out on the spot. If you refuse to carry out the judgment, you will be flouted, punished and expelled from the place where the Olympian gods shine. If you do it, you will not only cut off a finger, but also violate the verdict of the court. If you hurt a high priest, you will be punished more severely

The speaker was yalena, who was wandering in the hall. Amun looked at Antonio and said, "your life doesn't belong to me. If you die, your soul will either disperse on its own or go to the underworld of Olympus."

People don't understand it. Antonio raised a finger to Amun and said, "Amun, are you here to challenge the Olympus Gods? If you want to cut off my finger, only the most powerful God can do it

If Amun showed the means of the gods, he would naturally violate the agreement with Zeus, and the cooperation between him and Zeus would be terminated, and Antonio might not be hurt. If he did, it would mean a formal break with the gods, and there might be an immediate conflict. If he doesn't chop it, he will be expelled as an ordinary person and will never return to Olympus.

Antonio cocked his mouth and scoffed, as if to say - here are your fingers. Do you have the seed to chop? But in a flash, the smile froze, and the finger he held up disappeared!

As soon as his finger came out, Amun disappeared from the original place and suddenly appeared in front of him. He drew out a cold shining hunting knife and waved it without saying a word. He chopped the finger cleanly. The fingers whirled out and landed on one end of the trial balance held by Themis.

What Amun used was not a magic blade of order, but a common hunting knife, which was less than a foot long. It was not a weapon in the battlefield, but a guy used for hunting in the wild to peel and cut meat. At that time, the blacksmiths in Duke town were made of fine iron, which was sharp, tough, wear-resistant and not easy to break. When Amun left Duke, mayor dasty gave him the knife. Over the years, Amun has seen countless sharp weapons, many of which have been given to his disciples, but this sword has been kept.

Amun only cut off a finger, Antonio's wound did not shed a drop of blood, a piece of golden light firmly locked Antonio's space, the flesh and blood were condensed into one. If such means are used, Antonio will certainly die!

If the gods didn't perform space shifting shielding for Antonio, the envoy would still be alive and would not die if he lost a finger. Amun is a deity, and his form and spirit are mixed with a strange golden light. With this golden light, Antonio's space is condensed, and a common hunting knife is used to cut the space and chop off his fingers.

"Your honor, I have cut off this finger. Thank you for your fair judgment today." Amun said the last word calmly and walked out of the temple gate with medanzo. Many people in the temple were sucking air-conditioning and looking at Antonio's body there, many people showed a look of indignation.

"Amun broke his agreement with the father of the gods and used the means possessed by the gods in public. Olympus should not tolerate his existence any more."

Themis still blindfolded and said faintly, "this is a private feud. The gods can decide what to do as long as they are willing to pay the price. Amun was no longer a collaborator of the father of the gods, and Zeus could not prevent it in the name of the divine system. "


Amun walked out of Delphi's Apollo temple, and madanzo followed him and said quietly, "my God, can we still leave Delphi?"

Amun quietly replied: "of course, you can leave. This is the temple of the gods. No one wants to be in his own house. If anyone wants to besiege us, it must be outside Delphi and on the way we leave."

Medanzo some worried said: "my God, you can step into the void, go quickly, there is no need to fight these people, let me deal with it!"Amun said with a wry smile: "I can't go. Countless magical breath has locked me in. I can't get out of it directly. They didn't want to target you at all. They came for me. "

"Do you really want to start? Do you need to call the angels in heaven? Who is afraid of whom? "

Amun shook his head and said, "as long as I don't chop that knife and kill Antonio, there will be no conflict, but I have already done that, and naturally there will be this result. This has nothing to do with the angels, nor is it a battle between the two deities. If there is a God who wants to revenge, I am already waiting for you to follow me. "

The two people walked while talking, not fast or slow. They didn't want to escape at all. Instead, they were walking to see the scenery. As early as before Amun became a God, he witnessed the destruction storm of Mary, which severely damaged Seth, the main god of the nine link system at that time. If the gods avoid to see, mortals can not find him in the immortal eternity, but if the gods come to the human world and are in the state of being locked by the detection of divinity, there is no way to step into the void one step at a time.

Either you get out of this kind of detection lock, or you fight your opponent, and Amun doesn't do anything. If he took off at the fastest speed, most of the envoys here may not be able to catch up with him, but this is the Olympian realm, and it's easy for the gods to stop him, so Amun just walked slowly.

Walking along, medanzo suddenly asked, "my God, you are not going down the mountain, but going up the mountain!"

Amun did not go down the road when he came down. Instead, he turned around and walked through the temples to the main peak of Delphi's mountain. There was no road under his feet. In front of him were wild flowers, weeds and dense rocks. Amun replied lightly: "we are in the hinterland of the Olympus God domain, which direction we go is the same."

Medanzo said, "but if we go down to the plain at the foot of the mountain, the gods of Olympus have a lot of scruples about it. Isn't it clear that we can attack the main peak of the mountain without fear Oh, I see! You just give those who want to do it a chance. Now that you've broken up, you can just end it. "

Amun said with a smile: "since there will be conflicts sooner or later, we should solve them here. Why guard against thieves for thousands of days?" Moreover, you should know those gods who have gone through countless hardships to enjoy the achievements beyond immortality and have real eternal life. They will not easily take the risk of falling down. They mainly drive their envoys to attack together. "

Medanzo also sighed: "not to mention the gods, even the vast majority of the nine level God envoys who have passed the test of life and death will not easily fight for life and death. Instead, they are used to solving the fight in an agreed way like the gods. But the emissary accepts the guidance of the gods and has the oath in his body. Sometimes he has to do something. "

Amun also sighed: "the oath is also a kind of responsibility and a kind of burden. It may be nothing for a hundred years, but you also need to face the consequences when something happens. If they really besiege me, I will never be soft hearted, just like Antonio

Medanzo said: "my God, none of them is your opponent, but even if you are the Lord of heaven, those nine level gods may hurt you in the world Even if they can't hurt you, if you kill too much, you will also have the risk of being hurt or perished. Now I know very well what "the inquisition of fate, the judgment of the end."

Amun replied, "I will avoid the possibility of falling, because once I fall, the kingdom of heaven will no longer exist, which is against my promise. But I don't mind being hit hard, and I'll only leave the battlefield at the most critical moment. In fact, there are many ways to kill a person. The power may be earth shaking, or it may be just a slight blow. I will be measured. "

As they talked, they continued to walk up the mountain. It was almost dusk. A cool evening wind blew, and the vegetation was ringing. The higher you went, the more complex the terrain was. Looking back, Amun suddenly looked up and said, "this is a beautiful sunset. Medanzo, how long have you not enjoyed the sunset?"

Medanzo a Zheng: "listen to you so said, there are really many years have not enjoyed well."

Amun: then take a good look at the sunset in Delphi. What a beautiful scenery it is, and put your mind into it. If you can do it at this moment, you will have a new understanding

Medanzo stopped talking and followed Amun to enjoy the sunset scenery. They passed through the dense forest and rolling ridge, and passed several places suitable for ambush along the way. Amun's expression did not change. Medanzo was just watching the setting sun, so he went all the way to the top of the mountain. At this time, the sun has gradually sunk in the distant horizon, medanzo comfortable open arms, looking at the sky's golden glow: "my God, this feeling is really good!"

Amun suddenly reached out and said, "give me the key of destiny."

In the golden glow of the setting sun, medanzo took out the gold shuttle and gave it to Amun, saying, "my God, are they going to start?" He didn't ask what to do when he handed the weapon to Amun?

Amun held the key of destiny and said, "some people are staring at us all the way. Maybe they didn't wait for the right time and place. Do you remember that year, madanzo? We have had a similar experience. "

Medanzo raised his chest, and unconsciously he had a heroic spirit. He said with a smile, "do you mean that we two made a surprise attack thousands of miles ago and went deep into the rear of the enemy camp and captured King Hattie alive?"At that time, Amun was still the head of the Legion of ejuin-la, and his public identity was a great warrior, and medanzo was the captain of his personal guard. They went deep into the rear of the Hadi army and captured Lucille, king of hatti, alive and surrounded by strong enemies. Now it is the two of them who have gone deep into Delphi, the holy land of Olympus.

Amun said indifferently: "if you start later, you must remember that you should try your best to follow behind me and not be separated. Do you still remember the duty of the captain of the guard?"

In the battle, if the commander in charge personally, then the personal guards need to follow closely, protect the flanks and the back to resist the arrow and sneak attack. Medanzo nodded, "I see!"

Amun smile: "medanzo, so far, you look the most popular! It's no less than Gilgamesh, not to mention losing to Apollo. "

They stood on the top of the mountain for a while, watching the sunset disappear completely. Amun waved his hand and said, "it seems that they don't want to start here. Let's go our way."

Amun led medanzo to the other side of the mountain. He asked curiously, "my God, you seem to know where to go. Have you ever been here?"

Amun replied, "I haven't been here, but I've heard of one place for a long time. Since I'm free, I'll go and have a look. Do you remember what the clerk said in the court just now

"The Pythagorean Manor! The clerk mentioned this place in the court, and Aesop once said it! "

As the clerk of the Delphi court, Artemis once said a sentence in the court. On the surface, he accused Amun of being too hard hearted, but it was a kind of reminder. She specially mentioned that there was a Pythagorean manor at the foot of another mountain over Delphi's main peak. On such occasions, the goddess would not talk casually. She must be reminding Amun of something. So Amun left Apollo temple and went to Pythagoras manor.

Pythagoras was a mysterious sage, whom Aesop had mentioned. It is said that he was very rich, but led his disciples to set up a group and lead a collective life of asceticism. The place was in Pythagoras manor. Some people say that he is a very good doctor and a great magician. Some people even say that he has seen the gods and knows the secrets of the gods.

Aesop accidentally touched the stone, so he told the story of Pythagoras and left his finger in front of theo. After that, Amun asked Aesop if he had really met Pythagoras? Aesop replied that he had really seen the sage when he was very young. In this way, Pythagoras should be at least 100 years old. Is he still alive, still living in the Pythagorean manor?

Amun, of course, was interested in visiting Pythagoras. Even in this situation, he did not change his decision.

Amun and medanzo walk down a mountain, the terrain is gradually low and slowly rising, facing another mountain. The front is a raised slope, on both sides are jagged rocks, hidden in the vast dense forest. By this time it was dark, and the stars appeared blinking in the sky. Medanzo said, "Aesop loves to look up at the stars, and the sky is beautiful."

Amun sighed softly, "the night is so peaceful that even the insects don't sing any more."

Before his voice dropped, Amun waved the key of fate, and his whole body was shining with dazzling gold, and flew away toward the high slope ahead. And medanzo seems to be gone, only listen to a bang, he turned into a burning wing of fire, closely followed by Amun.

There were thirty-two wings when they were just unfolding, but when Amun rushed up the hillside, four more were produced. It looks like Amon, holding the key of destiny, is launching a full speed impact under the protection of 36 fire wings.

These two people speak well, the night is also a peaceful and peaceful, but there is no sign to start. There were ambushes around. A total of 24 God envoys set up a magic array. At the moment when the array was about to start, Amun rushed out. Then, the sky seemed to be torn to pieces by the glints, flames and thunderbolts.

Amun was the victim, but now he is. In the direction of the impact on Amun on the high slope, a god emissary suddenly jumped out, waving a strange arc-shaped staff, and made a roar. His body flew back to avoid Amun's attack.

But he can't avoid it. The attack from the key of destiny can only be resisted, but it can't be transferred. The roar of this God emissary has the power to impact the soul. The bones of his whole body are ringing in Kaka, which shows that he is a powerful beast of Los. In the face of Amun's close attack, he wanted to change the original form of combat, but it was too late.

The golden light of Amun's bodyguard trembled slightly in the roar, and the shuttle tip of the key of destiny gently touched the God's eyebrow, and the roar stopped suddenly! This blow will kill him on the spot.

With so many envoys around him, how could Amun be the first to attack him? He can only blame the God himself, because his breath Amun is familiar with. He was the God envoy directed by Aphrodite, and also the calling animal of Aphrodite. Aphrodite came to the world as Helen to tempt Alexander and medanzo. He was the Los beast that he met when he was in danger in the mountains.At that time, the Los beast concealed its strength and deliberately let medanzo seize it. Then Amun saw his origin and put him back into the deep mountain without saying anything. Today, the Los beast appears here again.


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