Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 339

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:22:34 AM

Chapter 339

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As Amun led his disciples into the synagogue, the wounded man knelt down in front of Jesus with the help of his family, while the people of the town watched. There are those who sympathize with the unfortunate wounded and hope that Jesus can heal him, while others, such as the Salem priests in the temple, are gloating.

This is a dilemma. If Jesus does not cure the wounded, it is against his preaching of Aloha's kindness. But if Jesus were to treat the wounded today, it would be a violation of the so-called aroha commandment of the elders of Salem. Jesus looked around and understood what was going on. Salem's priests deliberately put him in a difficult situation and were waiting to catch him.

Jesus stepped forward and held up the wounded man and said, "God loves the world. Get up."

The wounded person was involuntarily brought up by a force, still there pleaded: "I heard that you are preaching Aloha's faith everywhere, treating people all the way. You are a magic doctor. Please cure this arm for me too Hold on to Jesus' arm as you speak.

Jesus asked with a smile, "stranger, which hand are you holding on to me?" The wounded man was stunned, and then all the people in the meeting room were stunned, because the man grabbed Jesus' sleeve with his unconscious hand.

Just as Jesus held his arm to get him up, he fixed one of his arms in silence. It's not a very serious injury, but if you don't treat it in time, you may be disabled. Jesus didn't tell him "I'm treating you" or "I'm going to cure you." he reached for it.

The man moved his arm. In addition to some avulsion pain in the joint, the whole arm had completely regained consciousness and activity. He exclaimed, "thank you, thank God! You must be the messenger of God, preaching the voice of God

"Wow!" All the people in the meeting room exclaimed, and they began to whisper and admire the magic of Jesus. The Temple priests, who were waiting to see the excitement, were a little disheartened. They wanted to find fault in Jesus' healing process. If Jesus is a doctor, he must treat the patient; if he is a magician, he must use his magic power? But Jesus was better than they could have imagined, and he was able to relieve the pain only by helping him.

The disciples of Jesus were amused by the fact that the injured man had a dislocated joint? Do you need to make such a big move? It's like what's on!

Jesus did not forget the people who tried to embarrass him. He looked around the crowd and said, "today is the Sabbath. God made an agreement with Moses that" the people are very hard. After six days' work, they should have a sabbath, and they should not be driven to work. " This is what God is telling us to be good, not to say no to good on the sabbath, otherwise it would be against God's will.

I know it all in my heart that someone refused to treat this poor wounded man on the Sabbath and asked him to come here and ask me. I want to ask you, including those people, if you fall on the sabbath day, would you like someone to help you? God guides us away from sin and close to good deeds. If someone sins on the sabbath, should he stop him?

Sabbath can rest and should rest, but when it comes to something that should be done, it can not stop the goodwill of others. To stop good is evil, and to stop evil is good! What kind of day do you think the Sabbath is? What kind of choice is in line with God's will? "

With these words, Jesus led his disciples away from the meeting place and went to rest under a big tree on the riverside of the town. But what happened in the meeting place spread throughout the town.

In the evening, people kept coming to pay homage to Jesus under the tree and bring him and his disciples all kinds of food. It seems that the whole town people are grateful for what he has done, and even more grateful for the inspiration that he said.

Jesus not only solved the difficulties of Salem's priests, but also was welcomed by the local people. When he preached under the tree the next day, a lot of people gathered around him. People didn't even go to the temple. Obviously, people are more willing to get the guidance of aratha from Jesus if they let them choose for themselves.

The presence of Jesus meant that their position was shaken. Under the tree by the river, because of the presence of Jesus, people think of the temple. They are going to write to the elders in Salem and report what happened here. They must try to get rid of such a new dangerous person.

Then one of the priests said, "yesterday Jesus said in the church," it is good to stop evil, and evil to stop good. ". Today, someone reported that he preached God's forgiveness and mercy under the tree. Then we'll give him another problem. The mayor and the sheriff are going to catch a criminal. Let them take the criminal to the tree by the river and see what Jesus will do with him? "


Jesus was preaching to the townspeople under the tree. Suddenly, there was a noise in the distance. Someone was shouting, "townspeople, stop the criminal and knock him down with stones!"

A man stumbled into the crowd and was quickly held down by the people around him. Jesus' preaching was interrupted and everyone was watching the captured fugitive. Someone recognized him and exclaimed, "my God, isn't this Qiu Qianren? The criminal villain, thank God, has finally caught himThe fugitive named Qiu Qianren seemed to know what occasion he had come to. He raised his head and yelled, "why do you arrest me! Who are you, pure and righteous? please tell me! If any of you is innocent before God, you can stone me to death. If not, what is your right to accuse me of my crime? In front of Aloha, the world is a sinner. Some people are preaching God's forgiveness and mercy. Why should I be bound here

It was not so much a cry to the townspeople as a question of Jesus. Qiu Qianren only yelled at Jesus. He had already stood up and was very fierce. The Sheriff of the town did not stop him. Before he had gone two steps, however, Jesus had already raised his cane and knocked him to the ground.

Qiu Qianren was beaten, struggling to get up again.

Jesus said, "your sin is your sin. Even if you have escaped, it will not prove your innocence. Now you are arrested because of what you have done. The existence of evil in the world is not an excuse for you to do evil. You have to bear the consequences when you make a choice. Everyone's fault should be punished. Because there are so many crimes in the world, guilt can become innocence, and mistakes can become right.

Even if there is no righteous person here, you should also be punished, so that the world can be further away from sin and close to good deeds. The world is not all just people, but can not tolerate sin to cover up their shame. Since you know that you are guilty, you know the consequences when you make a choice. Even if you get rid of the pursuit, you still have to accept hatred and condemnation. If others are guilty, you can never prove that your crime is noble.

A man may not be a righteous man, but he cannot laugh at a righteous man, nor can he accuse others of not being a righteous man because of his own mistakes. That is a deeper sin. Why do we need to look inside, what does God's forgiveness and mercy mean? If people look at their hearts and bear the consequences for what they have done, they can usher in a new life of soul. The rebirth of this soul, not only after your death, but also after you have borne the price, will no longer continue to do such evil deeds today. Otherwise you will never be free, in the world or in hell.

In this world, it is not evil that can punish evil, and good can punish evil. Look at the sheriff behind you. He may have stolen a neighbor's chicken when he was a child, but it doesn't mean that he can't perform his duty to catch you. If he connives you to continue to commit a crime, it is his unforgivable and unforgivable crime Sheriff, what are you doing? Let this man interrupt my sermon with Satan's voice? Do your duty and send him to your office. "

Qiu Qianren got a stick from Jesus, and his body was weak and unable to struggle. In the crowd, the mayor ordered the sheriff to take him away.

People are still talking about what Jesus has just said. There is also a disciple of Jesus named John, who has the same name as the famous Baptist John. He frowned and whispered to his companion, "Jesus' words are very reasonable, but if they are spread out like this, I'm afraid it will affect the reputation of the teacher. Almost everyone in this world has made mistakes. They have thought of sin in their hearts. They hope to be forgiven by God in their prayers. Our guide should be a forgiver, such a thing is not enough to describe his great sentiment

Another disciple whispered, "we can tell people another story about a man who made a mistake kneeling in front of Jesus, and Jesus asked people - who are you righteous?"

John nodded his head and said, "if people like to hear that story more, it will be more infectious."

Just then, with a sigh, Jesus asked the crowd, "who are we righteous?" John, who was talking with another disciple, was startled and quickly shut up to listen to the preaching.

Jesus continued: "let's have a ceremony and pray to Aloha. This prayer is not only for God, but also for ourselves. There is no reason for us to impose evil on others. God's forgiveness and mercy are forgiving and clean souls. Even if our souls are not clean, we should not lose our true guidance and keep away from the direction of light. "

After that, he knelt down under the tree with his staff in his hand, and entered a state of prayer and meditation. Everyone around him knelt down and prayed like Jesus.

I don't know how long, suddenly a cry of surprise broke the silence under the tree. People on one side jumped up and dodged to one side, sending out incredible calls and panic calls. Jesus opened his eyes and looked in the past. He saw a big bear, who had been in the crowd for a long time, knelt down like a man, with his front paws folded in front of his chest and his head bowed to make a prayer.


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