Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 350

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:22:19 AM

Chapter 350

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Jesus' voice did not tell whether he was pleased or angry. Then he asked, "what will happen to Fayol Judas?"

Judas continued: "he hated amon more because of his selfish desire, and was afraid of Amon's revenge, so he continued to frame amon. When Amun was appointed by the temple of Isis, he secretly went to Syria, the kingdom of hathia, to investigate military and political information. Fayol Judas wrote to the financial officer of the city of Syria, which not only revealed the military secrets, but also betrayed Amun's identity.

He wanted Amun to die at the hands of the enemy and never come back. But Amun returned from his mission, and when he returned to the promontory city-state, Fayol YUDHI hanged himself in his room at night, leaving a note and thirty silver coins at his feet. No matter what sin he has in that life, death is the end. Four hundred years later, I met you and accepted the guidance of true faith

Jesus sighed, "get up! I am not calling you today to ask what has nothing to do with you 400 years ago. Please tell me, did the elders of the temple of Aloha send someone to try to buy you off a few days ago? "

Judas: Yes, it is. I refused, but I didn't say anything to anyone, and nothing was hidden from your eyes. "

And all of a sudden, all of a sudden, the disciples got to know Jesus. Your achievements in this life have passed the test of life, and the faith in your soul is clear and firm. But your blood is too weak. It's very difficult to cultivate to the end of the human road in this life. Even when it comes to the end, you can't pass the final test. The best result is to retain the soul imprint of this life in the reincarnation. "

Judas was astonished, and raised his head, and said, is that what you call me alone to tell me? Is this your last command

There was a light in Jesus' eyes: "the last command? It seems that you already know what path I have chosen and what fate I will accept. Do you think I called you here to account for the last thing? Yes, that's it! But I want to ask you a question first. Please stand up and answer

Judas stood up and said, "ask, my dear guide."

Jesus looked up at the starry sky and said, "in the history of the land of Tianshu, there were many people with lofty ideals. They did not fear any authority or enemy for the sake of faith in their hearts. Even if they were hurt or even sacrificed their lives, they would never give up and compromise. Do you respect such people

Judas nodded sincerely, "yes, I admire you! For example, John the Baptist, who died in Salem

Jesus said, "do you understand? Although it is admirable to sacrifice ourselves to uphold our faith and leave a good name that has been praised for ages, sometimes it is not the real way to prove the truth. "

Judas frowned and said, "I don't understand. Please teach me."

Jesus: "I'll tell you a story. Think about it after listening to it."

once upon a time, there was a fishing village by the sea. Most of the men in the village were fishermen, and they often went out to sea to fish. Since the fish farm is not near the sea, it often takes several days to go back and forth, leaving only the women at home alone. In such an environment, women have to abide by women's morality in order to maintain harmony in the village. Chastity has become a virtue handed down in the past dynasties, and even a reputation more important than life.

Once upon a time, there was a widow who used to light a lamp in front of her bedroom window from nightfall to dawn to show her innocence. When the widow died, the village elders summoned people to preside over the ceremony of burying, and she enjoyed the highest honor in her life. Since then, there has been a tradition in the village. When a man can't come back from fishing at night, his wife lights a lamp in front of the bedroom window and keeps it on all night. The light has become a symbol of the chastity of all women in the village.

One day, a man went out to sea to fish, but could not return that night. The woman lit the oil lamp in her bedroom according to the tradition and put the lamp on the windowsill so that everyone in the village could see it. On that night, a disciple came into her bedroom and begged the woman for pleasure, but she refused. But the disciple stood at the window and said, "if you refuse me, I will blow out this lamp and take it away."

If the light is off all night, it will be a symbol of disobedience to women. It will be discriminated and reviled by everyone in the village. She will never be able to raise her head. This is more terrible than death for her. The woman was so frightened that she gave in.

When the story was over, Jesus looked down at Judas and said, "Dear disciple, do you understand?"

Judas nodded: "Dear guide, I understand."

Jesus looked up at the starry sky again and said, "there is a kind of man in the world whose faith is so firm that he regards reputation as life and is not afraid of coercion and inducement. But if they regard the reputation of historical records as everything, even beyond the faith they are defending, they will often succumb. How many virtuous and virtuous people in history can hardly cross this road, let alone a woman? The guidance of faith is like the light that lights up the soul. But if this light is only regarded as an external form, which is divorced from its original intention, it will not only not protect the woman, but also hurt her

Judas lowered his head and said, "Dear guide, I really understand."

Jesus sighed: "in this life, I have made clear the direction of the road, and have the results of my perception, but after all, I have not completed the final verification. Things in the world can't happen completely naturally and without trace. When I return to the kingdom of heaven, I still need to complete the experience and practice of this life cycle, and wait for you in the kingdom of heaven, then I can take the unknown step……

The rest of the disciples did not know what Jesus had to talk to Judas alone. They found will Fromm according to Jesus' instructions. As expected, Wilhelm had prepared a quiet courtyard and a big dinner table for Jesus and his disciples to enjoy undisturbed. There was no one else here, and even will Fromm himself had wisely avoided it.

At dinner time, Jesus came back with Judas. After seven days' hard work, all the disciples were very satisfied with their trip to Salem. They all felt that they had unprecedented harvest. They would go back tomorrow. They were all sitting at the table happily, talking and laughing. Jesus looked at the disciples with mixed feelings. He understood the strengths and weaknesses of everyone here.

Because Jesus was barefoot, so were the disciples; because Jesus wanted to be undisturbed tonight, there were no servants in this courtyard. Jesus saw that everyone's feet were covered with dust, so he went to the courtyard, took the pitcher and towel that had been prepared, and went into the house to wash the feet of the disciples one by one.

The disciples, ashamed or flattered, tried to stop Jesus from doing so. Jesus insisted on doing it, and then said, "do you think you can't accept washing your feet in my capacity? In fact, the guidance I give you is more precious than brushing the dust off your feet. You have accepted it. Don't feel uneasy, just understand how to accept this blessing. "

When supper began, Jesus distributed food for the disciples, and he gave Judas the most delicious food. But Judas looked a little flustered, and when he reached for it, he accidentally knocked over the salt pot in front of him. When the disciples began to eat, Jesus broke the bread and said, "it's like my flesh and bones." Then he picked up a glass of wine and said, "it's like my blood."

All the disciples did not understand, and felt that their guide was a little strange today. Judas was always out of his mind and ate his food quickly. Jesus looked at him and said, "do what you want to do." So Judas left the courtyard and disappeared into the darkness.

Jesus also said to the disciples, "when I am away, you may turn away from me, and you may get lost."

Peter blushed, stood up and said, "no! Noble guide, I don't know what others will do, but I will never do that! " The other disciples also scrambled to say the same thing.

Jesus shook his head, pointed to Peter and said, "before the cock crows tomorrow, you will say three times that you don't know me." Then he said to the disciples, "it's not terrible to lose your soul. You may turn away from Jesus. But don't forget the faith that I have guided, it will light your soul and help you find your way. "


After dinner, Jesus left the courtyard and walked out of the city. There is a hill, the mountain is full of olive trees, olive leaves with a light silver gray. The forest was very quiet, and Jesus came to meditate and pray away from the crowd. Jesus didn't pray for himself, because he was God, but he told his disciples what true prayer was, which was also a rite on earth.

The three disciples, Peter, James and John, followed Jesus. They knew that there were people in Salem who were hostile to Jesus. Jesus could be very dangerous when he was alone. These three disciples had witnessed the scene of Jesus meeting with Moses and Elijah. Jesus in prayer did not seem to need the protection of his disciples. They were very tired and fell asleep unconsciously.

After a while, the three disciples were awakened by Jesus, and the son said, "stay awake with me and wait for what is going to happen. Someone is coming to us. "

The three disciples polished their sleepy eyes and saw a faint light in the shadow of the olive tree. A group of armed soldiers with torches came towards them, and Judas was the leader.

In such a large place inside and outside Salem, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have been sleeping out at night. It is not easy to find Jesus, who is ordinary and unobtrusive. Even if you see his figure in the dark, it is impossible to recognize him. But Judas went straight to Jesus, knelt down in front of him, bowed down on the ground, and kissed Jesus on the instep of his foot, which undoubtedly indicated the identity of Jesus.

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