Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 351

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:22:17 AM

Chapter 351

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The soldiers brandished their weapons and rushed to Jesus. Peter pulled out his sword and put it in front of him. He slashed one of the soldiers' ears with his sword. Jesus stopped Peter and went over and brushed the soldier's cheek. The sword wound was miraculously healed. By this time, the soldiers had come up with chains, locked Jesus and led him down the mountain like a prisoner.

Jesus was taken to the house of Caiaphas, the chief elder and high priest of Aloha temple. Although it was late at night, the high priests of the temple came, and they decided to interrogate Jesus overnight. Before the carnival crowd in the city has completely dispersed, if the result of the trial is favorable to them, announce the crime of Jesus before dawn, so that all people can see the end of Jesus; if the result of the trial is not favorable to them, he will be held in secret and executed after all the pilgrims have gone.

Disciples John and Peter followed the soldiers to Caiaphas in the dark. John knew the maid of the high priest's house, but the maid did not know that he was a disciple of Jesus. John came into the courtyard through the side door. He said to the maid, "may I have my friend in?"

"Yes." The maid nodded, looked at Peter in the light and said, "aren't you a disciple of the man who was just arrested?"

Peter replied, "no, I'm not. I don't know him."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt cold and could not help walking to the fire in the middle of the courtyard. At night, a lot of people came suddenly, most of them were servants of the priests. The yard was a bit chaotic. A man by the fire looked at Peter, frowned and said, "you look like the follower of the criminal who was just caught."

Peter yelled, "no, you know the wrong person. I don't know him at all!" As he answered, he listened attentively to the interrogation in the room.

After a while, another priest's servant looked at Peter and said, "I saw you in the temple square. You are the follower of that criminal."

Peter denied: "I have told you that I don't know the man and I don't understand what you're talking about."

As soon as the words fell, there was a crow, and the sky in the East was white. Peter suddenly remembered what Jesus had said at dinner last night: "before the cock crows tomorrow, you will say three times that you don't know me."

Peter was still defending himself in his heart just now - he pretended not to know Jesus in order to come in and spy on the situation, when he suddenly woke up and tears began to flow down.

Then the door of the interrogation room opened, and Jesus was taken out. He saw Peter in the light of the fire, and his eyes were peaceful, as if with a soothing power. Peter couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that he had failed his most respected guide. He ran out of the courtyard and burst into tears at a quiet corner.


Jesus was interrogated the night before. In the beginning, the process was not smooth. The priests charged Jesus with many crimes, including those that Socrates or Aesop had been accused of blaspheming, corrupting and poisoning people's beliefs.

They called many people who had heard Jesus preach in the temple square to testify, but none of them could prove that Jesus was guilty. Jesus could recall every word he had said, even one syllable, and his answers in public were impeccable.

Finally, Caiaphas, the high priest, decided to question himself. He asked, "carpenter of Nazareth, repeat the blasphemy in public. Tell me - you are the Messiah of Elijah's prophecy, the son and Savior of the legend of the Salem. "

Jesus looked directly into the eyes of the high priest, and for the first time said in a clear and clear voice, "yes, I am."

The high priest cried, "this is your crime! God did not send the oracle in the temple. The criminal who is bewitched by Satan always declares that he will become a God. "

Jesus asked, "has God ever given an Oracle since you knew the temple?"

This is a key question. Since David Solomon demolished the temple of Amon in Salem and built the temple of Aloha, aroha has never given any Oracle in the temple. The last Oracle of Amun came to the priests through the great temples of eju.

"How can you prove that you are the Messiah? Can you save your own destiny?" the high priest asked in a low voice

Jesus asked, "why should I prove it to you? In fact, I have proved that you just turn a blind eye to it! Who here is qualified to issue a document identifying the Messiah? "

It's a very sharp statement, and no court on earth can provide such proof, even the high priests in the temple, who are not qualified to do so. Jesus said slowly, "it's not who I claim to be, but what kind of faith guidance I spread. The light is right in front of you, but those who are blindfolded don't see it. "

The high priest looked at Jesus again and said, "well, I'll give you a chance to defend. Are you the king that people expect? Will you give every Salem food, lead them to build a strong kingdom, break away from the rule of Marlowe and conquer Tianshu

If Jesus had answered "yes", he had violated the law of Marlowe, but the priests would not have dared to hand him over to the Maronites, for that would have angered all the salemites. But if Jesus answers no, he is caught in the trap of the high priest, who denies the identity that people expect.Jesus said, "no, I'm not a king like that."

The high priest's eyes brightened and he asked in a loud voice, "what have you brought?"

Jesus answered, "the gospel, only the gospel of God."

At this time, "he was a liar, and there was some confusion in the interrogation room!" "The magic wand of demagogues!" "Such a man should be put to death!"

Another person reminded: "except for the king, only governor Marlow has the right to sentence the death penalty. It is the greatest irony to let him be sentenced to death by the maro people!"

Another said, "if the people think Jesus should be executed, governor Marlowe will not resist the will of the people. Give him to the soldiers, take him to the streets, and let those who are bewitched ask him in person - is he the deliverer appointed by God? People will wake up when he takes off his halo and puts on shackles, and he can't even save himself! "

The high priest turned and waved his hand. He said nothing more, and Jesus was taken out by the soldiers. It was just dawn, and the crowing of chickens came from the distance.


Pilate, governor of the maraean Empire stationed in Salem, was awakened early in the morning by the priests who came to see him. The priests said to the governor, "there is a man named Jesus. He talks to the people, prevents people from paying taxes, and says he is the king of Salem."

If these charges are true, Jesus will undoubtedly be sentenced to death. But the governor knew very well that these were fabricated charges, for he had heard of Jesus' name for a long time, and even sent his servants to the square to hear Jesus' preaching.

Pilate once prayed to the Olympians - how to deal with it? Zeus, the father of the gods, gave an Oracle telling him to stop meddling in the way he did with John the Baptist. Therefore, governor Marlow did not want to meddle in his business, and intended to pretend to be deaf and dumb and try to get rid of it.

But just then, hundreds of people came from all over the governor's house, waving their fists and shouting, "kill Jesus, crucify him! Nail him! Nail him to death And more and more people gathered.


The priests ordered the soldiers to take Jesus to the temple square, let a group of servants pretend to be the people around, and there they cried out, "Jesus, please tell us - are you the Messiah?"

Jesus answered calmly and clearly, "yes, I am."

They asked, "will you give food to every Salem, lead them to build a strong kingdom, break away from the rule of Marlowe and conquer the whole land of Tianshu?"

Jesus replied truthfully, "no, I am not such a king."

Then they cried out, "what have you brought us?"

Jesus looked at the people, looked at them with compassion, and still answered calmly, "the gospel is only the gospel of God."

These are his questions and answers at his trial, as the priests have instructed, to be heard by all in Salem. Not only did some people question Jesus in public in the temple square, but others went to all corners of the city, pretending to be high priests and Jesus, and they would ask and answer each other, revealing the "true face" of Jesus

The news soon spread throughout the city, and the Pilgrims who were about to leave gathered again. Those appointed by the priests mingled in the crowd and cried out, "everyone has seen and heard. Jesus is a liar. He can only deceive people." "He can't give us anything. Elijah is not the Savior in prophecy. He can't even save himself!"

People were so angry that they escorted Jesus to march in Salem. At first, only a few hundred people were appointed by the priests. Later, more and more people were agitated by them. People came from all directions like a raging tide.

On the eighth day after Jesus entered Salem, he did not preach the gospel of God to the people as the son of God. He became a shameful criminal, engulfed by the tide of resentment, and there were calls for his death everywhere.

People's hearts are so wonderful that their son's fall from the altar may be just a moment of reflection. When Jesus stood in the square of the temple preaching and worshipped by the people, it seemed that there was a holy light in his body. But when he was escorted by soldiers and marched in chains, he was a mean and shameful liar.

The man who thought he had been cheated was shouting, "my God, he cheated me. I should have knelt down to such a man!" People's hearts can't help but get angry and chase after the team shouting slogans.

**(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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