Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 356

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:22:11 AM

Chapter 356

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Just as Amun merged with the world of Themis, the gospel of Jesus had spread from the plains of Salem to all parts of the land of Tianshu, with various branches. For example, in the original balun area, people once believed in Marduk, and later believed in the great brightness Shinto of the Persian Empire. After the appearance of the Maruo Empire, this belief was only spread among the people, and there was alienation. A branch of the original Daguang Mingjiao evolved into Manichaeism. Manichaeism believed in the great light, but accepted the teachings and belief guidance of Aloha.

The doctrines of different schools are not identical with each other. People think that what they have is right faith and regard those who have different understanding of the doctrine as heresy. When the external missionary work has covered the whole Tianshu continent, the next step is the integration of various schools, accompanied by fierce debates and conflicts. After the appearance of the Holy See, various sects are still in the fierce struggle, and the Holy See punishes and attacks heresies extremely ferocious.

When Amun melted the flood brought by Zeus on the cloud, the believers of various sects held many important gatherings. In order to unify the understanding of the doctrines, such gatherings were not only accompanied by verbal battles, but also full of swords and swords. It is not who has the most firm belief and the most thorough understanding of the divinity guided by Aloha, but who can master the greater authority of the world, clean up and eliminate dissent.

At the time of Amun's successful resolution of the flood launched by Zeus, the believers finally came to an important conclusion after the tragic conflict, that is, the origin of Jesus.

The priests of the temple, in order to show the difference from the pagan faith, call themselves priests. According to the priests, it was the father, Aloha, who endowed Jesus with his essence, character, divinity and glory. Jesus was homogeneous with the father in the world. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit are one.

Many people have objected to the theory that Jesus and God are the same, because Jesus never claimed to be God before he was alive. But after the fusion of various sects, the view of Jesus' people being God came into being. From then on, Jesus, the man in the cycle of amena I, was declared God.

Aloha once made a covenant with his people: "you shall not build a visible God for God. If so, the people of later generations may forget the guidance of faith and just pray for idols on the altar." Therefore, there is no image of God in the world, and the temple just uses a light cross to represent the glory of divinity.

It was amon who saved the people, and it was the descendants of that tribe who crucified Jesus. Hundreds of years later, Jesus was worshipped again. The scene of Jesus' martyrdom was carved and painted by artists. He still hung on the cross, but the cross was inserted into the altar.

It seemed like a silent irony to Amun on the cloud, so Zeus asked Amun to have a good look at the world.

Amun once said that he did not need the so-called sphere of divine power, and he did. The temple of Amun in eju has been abandoned in the long history, and it is the priests in the temple of Aloha who put Jesus on the cross. He finally "won" Zeus, people's faith in Aloha spread all over the land of Tianshu, and became the only legal state religion of the Malo empire.

It's not that Amun himself won, but the people who believe in Aloha think so. Zeus said that he had lost, and it was not himself that he had lost, but that the sphere of the source of the divine power of Olympus had disappeared. But Zeus is the immortal god of the gods, and he can appear in the world at any time.


Looking at the world from the cloud, more and more people have been put on the scaffold because they believe in or do not believe in Aloha, admit or deny that Jesus is a God, or because their belief and recognition are different from those who hold the scaffold. The temple in the heart that amon wanted to build was still in the heart, but people built countless magnificent and cold temples for Jesus on the earth.

Such a world has not become better, but has entered a dark age. It is not the belief that Aloha guides that the light is not there, but that people's eyes do not see that light. It is a difficult road for all living beings. It is inevitable that the soul in the reincarnation will have defects, which is what we see in the world.

Zeus saw Amun silent on the cloud, and said with a sarcastic tone: "you are really successful. If you want to be detached, you will not hesitate to give up, and the believers will double their dedication to you! See this scene, I don't know how you will be detached? I've given up. Do you want to celebrate the victory? "

Amun sighed: "it's not you who lost or I won. Let's go. I'll buy you a drink."


In the territory of the ancient kingdom of balun, there is a market town beside the official road. It was formed spontaneously many, many, many years ago. It can be used for travelers and merchants to rest. It is also a place where nearby villages trade goods and buy various commodities. For thousands of years, it has been ravaged by war. Its houses have been destroyed, rebuilt, and rebuilt. The name of the temple has changed. But the market town is still that market town.

There used to be a tavern by the side of the road. In front of the door was an open courtyard. There were tables on the open space, beside which there were a bunch of horse pegs and a trough for horses to drink and feed. Eight hundred years ago, Amun and Darius, the incarnation of Marduk, were drinking here, and Zeus suddenly appeared, damaging them.Now, of course, that pub has long been forgotten in the dust of history. But how can the market town beside the official road not have the most common pub on the mainland? Almost in the same place, there is another one today, and even the pattern is very similar to that of that time. There is no courtyard wall on the side facing the official road, and several tables are placed in the semi open courtyard outside the house.

Zeus and Amun sat here drinking again, only listening to Zeus holding a cup: "how is this wine compared with that time?"

Amun is the most brilliant master of wine tasting in the world. He said with a wry smile, "of course, it is much more mellow and expensive than the turbid wine in those years, and the town is much larger. But this wine is a bit astringent, brewed over the heat, although it is a better wine from a secular point of view, it may not be better than it was then

Zeus: I hold up this glass of wine, why can't I help laughing What your believers do on earth is like the wine you brew

However, Amun shook his head seriously and said, "no, it's not my wine. In fact, I am the vineyard keeper on the outskirts of the city of medulli. My estate provides people with wine grapes, but people make different kinds of wine. "

Zeus shook his glass and said, "are you still the vineyard owner? What a big vineyard! I remember you paid people a silver dollar a day, and the people who worked in the vineyard not only scolded you, but almost tried to beat you

Amun retorted, "I've paid you a magic stone."

Zeus said with a smile: "I got my God stone, and you, have you got what you want? You may have got it. After 300 years of life cycle, Jesus died and Amun returned to heaven. Some gods may have been confused, why can you return to heaven at that time? But now it should be understood that the gospel you spread is indeed all over the land of Tianshu, and you have succeeded!

But is this the success you want? One of your feet on the threshold, but seems to be unable to step past, this posture is not uncomfortable? If you asked the moon night, I would like to ask you now - what is troubling your soul? If you can get out of the cycle of the world, you can show that you have seen the road to be proved, but why can't you take that step? "

Amun didn't answer, but someone nearby said, "God Amun, has anyone ever told you that being detached from the ghost cultivation is no longer a ghost cultivation. You may become the biggest ghost cultivation in the immortal family! Although you are detached, this is the foundation of the birth of a god like you. "

Zeus and Amun were both startled. Their words would not be heard by others. They seemed to be in another world on earth, which was better than any divine art of isolating sound and sound. But the man not only heard them talking, but also brought in his voice, which showed that he had virtually opened up a world and mingled with them.

In order to achieve this, the realm is not under them, and in silence, they have already blended the world of soul, and others have done it. The gods of the two gods have not yet realized it. The magic power is incredible.

They turned their heads at the same time, and Zeus said, "potion?" Amun said, "are you the immortal family of Kunlun who cuts a wisp of heart and turns it into a sentence?"

At that time, Zeus remembered the scene 800 years ago. Darius was also present at that time. So the person who came to join in the fun and had this skill was probably Bosnian. However, Amun immediately thought of Jumang, because that person's words were said in the rose garden by the immortal family sentence mang from Kunlun.

Sentence mang is the result of a wisp of mind of an immortal family, so the person who talks at this moment is likely to be the immortal family who cut a wisp of heart for sentence mang. I haven't seen you for many years. Does this person have the ultimate state of being like a golden immortal?

On the table next door sat a middle-aged man, who was not a native of Tianshu mainland, but a typical oriental face and special costume. He was dressed in a light yellow robe with a straight black beard and chest. He was trim and beautiful. His facial features were upright, his face was warm, and his expression was peaceful and dignified.

Zeus and Amun didn't even know when he appeared. They didn't see him when they came. But the man seemed to have been sitting there drinking. He heard two people asking questions together. He said, "no, I'm not. You all recognize the wrong person."

With the voice, he did not see any movement, and suddenly sat at the table of Amun, as if he had been sitting here. Zeus was surprised, and immediately raised his glass and asked, "who are you, guest from afar?"

The man said with a smile: "meet with fate, the name doesn't matter, whatever you call it."

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