Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 6

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:30:47 AM

Chapter 6

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Is Maria really sick? It looks like it, but only Gabriel knows what's going on. It's not really sick. But now, Maria does need to stay in Duke for a few more days.

On the night she got the tears of the gods, Maria fainted. Over the past few days, devout prayer has consumed a lot of energy and physical strength. The environment in Duke town makes Lord Dick feel very uncomfortable, and Maria is also a little uncomfortable. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, she concentrates all her energy on praying to Isis. She is very tired.

Once the spirit is relaxed and finally faints or sleeps away, it is the most common thing for ordinary people.

Maria had a maid who did rough work and a maid who was close to her. She was ill these two days. Maybe it was a long journey across the desert and then came to this uncomfortable place. It was not very comfortable for the climate and environment. Lord Dick brought several maids and slaves to Mary, but Gabriel did not think they could serve the virgin directly.

Gabriel said to Dick, "if you believe that Mary will become the guardian saint of Isis temple and has already got the tears of the gods, then everything should be treated like a saint."

Isis temple has a large area of land and countless slaves, but the status of the saint is transcendent. What she uses can not be directly delivered to her eyes by slaves, so the female slaves can not directly serve her. She was not allowed to have any physical contact with an adult man, and her clothes and food could not be held in front of the eyes of women who had been men. The young and beautiful maids sent by Lord Dick were obviously not suitable.

Rod Dick took everything into consideration, but he ignored them. It was not that he was not careful enough. According to the rules, only after the formal ceremony of Isis temple is the recognized Saint candidate become the real saint. Gabriel, however, demanded in advance the conditions for the treatment of the virgin, and appeared to be meticulous. He was afraid of any unexpected mistakes in the process from now until his successful return to Isis temple.

At least it means that the messenger of the temple has already recognized Mary's identity as a saint.

Maria is not really sick, Gabriel's duty is to protect her, but also to ensure her health. After Mary woke up from a night's sleep, Gabriel had treated her with simple praying. She had no physical problems and could cross the desert safely under Gabriel's protection.

But Gabriel had something else to do and didn't even tell rod Dick. She is going to teach Mary Isis the most basic divinity - the test of God. The criterion for selecting a saint is not only to get the tears of the gods, but also to awaken the power given by the gods. Gabriel wants to teach Maria to do this.

This process is usually very difficult, but with the help of the tears of the gods, it can be much simpler, which is one of the reasons why the tears of the gods are so precious. Only by awakening the power given by the gods and passing the most basic tests of God, can it be proved that Mary can use the tears of the gods to bless the people in the temple.

Mary has already got the tears of the gods, and if she can do this before she reaches Isis temple, she will naturally become a real saint. If she can't do it later, I'm afraid things may turn upside down. Gabriel escorted Maria all the way to Duke town to witness the tears of the gods and her piety. She believed in her identity as a saint, so she decided to take this step as soon as possible.

This is not against God's will. After Maria arrives at Isis temple, the priests of the temple will teach divinity according to the procedures and conduct examinations within the specified time. Gabriel had advanced the ceremony and given her special care.

Lord Roddick is still worried about one thing, that is, the priests of the temple are playing tricks, they have not taught Maria's true divinity, or they have deliberately delayed teaching Mary's true divinity, so that she can't pass the examination, and that other city-state candidates can steal this position. They are considering how to make public gifts and private bribes. Gabriel, without saying anything, had solved Dick's worries in private, and it was up to Maria.

After all, all the way to protect Maria came here, got the tears of the gods, even Gabriel felt lucky, this is the gift of Isis, she has an indescribable kind feeling to this pure and pious girl, willing to help her.

Professor Gabriel's divinity is still a kind of prayer, but it needs sincere faith and quiet heart. It uses a special ceremony to wake up the strange power given by God and pass the test of God.

Mary asked her, "how will the gods test me?"

Gabriel, who has always been serious, seldom smiles: "pray to the tears of the gods. In the way I teach you, you will get the strange power given by the gods, but at the same time, what is awakened is the desire hidden in people's souls. You have to learn how to face these desires and not let them control your heart and faith. This is the test of God and the threshold to enter the temple of divinity Your soul is so devout and pure that it is not difficult to pass the test. I don't need to say more about how to ask for yourself as a saint. "

Mary hesitated and asked, "is it not after arriving at the temple of Isis that the priests perform the ceremony before they can accept such a test?" Is it against God's will that I do this now? "Gabriel shook his head: "you are not against the will of God, I do this, but to enable you to successfully pass the test of God, if you can not pass, the same can not be recognized by the gods, but I believe you can." Seeing that Maria was still puzzled, Gabriel thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to tell you something about what happened in this town today."

Gabriel told of the dispute in the square at the north end of the town, and finally said, "I don't think that what Mr. Aristotle said is not unreasonable. The will of the gods is the premise. As long as you pass the test, you are recognized by the gods, because you have already got the tears of the gods as a candidate for the holy virgin."

Maria blinked her beautiful big eyes and thought for a long time. At last, she nodded her head and said, "yes, you are right. You know the rules of Isis Temple better than I do. I will not let you down."

Gabriel shook his head again and said, "no, not me. You will not disappoint the great goddess Isis."

At this time, Maria suddenly thought of something and asked, "but you have been here just now. How can you hear what people say on the other side of the town? Every sentence is so clear, and I don't hear anything. Is this the power of the gods?"

Gabriel laughed again: "this is the power of the gods. I hear every one of them, as long as I gather my spirit and want to listen As the goddess of Isis temple, you will have more powerful divine power than me. I am a warrior, and it is impossible for me to learn high-level divinity, and you will master the supreme divinity of Isis temple. "

At this point, I heard the voice of the maid downstairs: "Lord Gabriel, Mr. Aristotle has found the servant you need and brought him."


Amun knew that it was Aristotle and the old madman who saved him today. It is not surprising that the old madman would help him. But this strange young man is obviously a noble. Why should he help a miner whom he never knew? Amun was very grateful. He was very glad to have the opportunity to serve this gentleman. He was a servant for three days, not to mention a gold coin a day.

On the way, Amun expressed his thanks and wanted to kneel down and kiss the soil in front of Aristotle's feet according to the most ceremonious etiquette he knew. Aristotle stopped him and said with a smile, "son, you don't have to be like this. You're not my slave, and I'm not a God or a king." Then he looked at him and asked, "do you want to ask why I helped you?"

Amun nodded. "Yes, sir, I want to ask."

Aristotle looked at the distance as if he said to himself: "I come from the far side of the mainland, a place called Heaton, where there are many city states. I once studied in Plato's Academy. My teacher once said," why do we want to know? Virtue is knowledge. A wise man should be a good man. "

Amun blinked and asked, "Heaton? Have you ever heard of a sage named Theaetetus

Aristotle was slightly surprised: "I met him in Plato's Academy. He is a student of Theodore, my teacher's friend. How could you have heard of his name?"

Amun replied, "what an old man in town told me is the old gentleman who spoke to you just now." The name Amen has been mentioned by an old madman. It is said that the sage claimed that there are only five regular polyhedrons in the world, and the regular dodecahedron is one of the most special. It is the outline of the world drawn by God, contains the fifth element, mysterious information, and is the source and symbol of mysterious power.

I don't think the old man is crazy.

Aristotle seemed to be very interested in the child. As he walked along, he asked, "we discussed the oracle in front of the temple just now. Do you know the true spirit of divinity? Why are the gods who left the Oracle called protectors?"

Why? Gods are gods, and Oracles are oracles. It seems that the residents of the town have never investigated this question. Amun did not answer, but said humbly, "Sir, please give me some advice."

Aristotle laughed: "actually, I'm not sure. I just want to discuss with you why it's called the protection of God's edict, because it does protect the residents here. The God stone produced here is so precious, and the mining technology is handed down from generation to generation. How can we prevent people from driving the underage children to bear such heavy work because of their greedy desire? So as to better protect the craftsmen from generation to generation, so as not to let the young men die? "

Amun's confused mind seemed to be awakened by a ray of light. He suddenly understood something and nodded repeatedly: "the Oracle is the Oracle! Without adult children, they can't learn the skills of miners, and women can't mine sacred stones! "

Aristotle also nodded: "yes, that's why the gods in that temple are called protectors. No matter how the oracle was first handed down, there is a need for such an Oracle here. Child, if you become a priest in the future, you should also guard such an oracle, but you must understand the true spirit of divinity and its origin, not like the priest just now. "

After saying this, he thought for a while, but he couldn't help laughing. He turned to Amun and said, "the spirit of the Oracle is that men under the age of 16 are not allowed to learn the skills of miners. But in the local language, allow and may be a word. Can you understand what I mean? So the priest can't argue with me today, but you have to understand the difference, or you'll be as confused as anyone elseFrom the north to the south of the town, Amun has been thinking. While talking, Maria's building arrived.

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