Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 73

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:29:07 AM

Chapter 73

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Julian waved his hand and said, "it's just a private conversation between you and me. There's no need to let anyone know. You know that Amun is from a foreign country, and Nero's scroll is so precious, and he may know something he shouldn't have said. If you don't see conflicts with neighboring countries one day Besides, Lord Dick would rather care about the nephews of the lington family than remind me. You should know what some of them are thinking

Rod Dick nodded. "Thank you for reminding me that I'm actually saying these things for your own good."

Julian laughed again: "thank you for being so careful. Fortunately, I understand your noble quality. Everything is for my good. If you change it to someone else, you may be puzzled. "

Rod Dick stood up and said, "excuse me for your rest. I'd like to say goodbye and wish us a happy cooperation in the promontory city."

Rod Dick already understood that Julian might be attacking Amon, which he didn't want to see. But rod Dick couldn't stop what Julian had not done. Even if he did, he would not admit it. Julian only promised that whatever happened, it would be carried out in secret and not be disclosed, which would not damage the honor of rod Dick and the city-state.

What would rod Dick have done if Julian had done something to amon? As Julian asked, if there was anything between the great magician and Amun, who would rod Dick defend? There is no need to answer this question at all.

Rod Dick has tried to dissuade Julian. If he fails, he can only choose to compromise and pretend he doesn't know. I wish Amun had gone far away. I wish the child all the best. Since he could survive the flood, I wish him a smooth escape this time.

When rod Dick returned to the house, he saw that the coconut shell box sent by Aristotle was still on the table in his bedroom. He felt a little ashamed. He silently prayed to the God, and then added a generous gift. Together with the box, he ordered someone to send it back to Aristotle.


On the official road to the east of the promontory city-state leading to the border, there was a carriage galloping all the way. The driver was a strong warrior. The curtain of the carriage was put down, and it was hard to see who was sitting inside. There are also three Samurai riding fast horses to follow, looks like a rich merchant with bodyguards to transport something valuable.

But if you look at it carefully, you will find that the car is very light and strong, and the one in a hundred good horse is also pulling it, and it runs very fast. The samurai were obviously well trained and had excellent riding skills. They also took their horses with them to change, and they looked like they were on the road at the same time.

No one knew that it was vitruo, Julian's confidant, in the car, and the warrior who ran in the front of the horse was Julian's personal guard captain Haiwen, who was sent by Julian to pursue Amun secretly.

Having been out of town for most of the day, Haiwen stopped suddenly at a fork in the road. The carriage stopped, and vitro picked up the curtain and asked, "Haiwen, what's the matter? Why don't you go ahead?"

Haiwen jumped off his horse and whispered, "the target's car has come here. Maybe it's going to the beach. I need to make sure."

The warrior driver asked curiously, "Captain, how do you know the target has turned?"

Haiwen: "it hasn't rained recently. The target's car has only passed for less than a day. You can still see the footprints in many places. If you search the front and side carefully, you will find it."

"But there are a lot of ruts here," the warrior asked

The warrior driving the car is Julian's nephew. There are so many problems. Haiwen didn't want to waste his breath to explain. He pulled out his saber and made a mark on the wheel of the carriage, leaving a shallow gap. Then he said, "drive the car forward for a distance, and then get out of the car and come back to see your footprints."

The warrior named Shute really drove the car out of the car for a long time. Then he got out of the car and looked back. The footprints left on the soil would have a trace every distance. Some of them were fuzzy and some were clear. If you carefully identify them, you can always find them. Every car has more or less bumping marks on the wheels, so the rutting marks have unique marks. Haiwen's eyesight is very good. Riding on a fast horse, he can also accurately find the marks left by Amun's car intermittently.

Instead of heading for the border as expected, Amun turned north from a fork in the road leading to the port town. Vitruo and others followed. They set out half a day later than Amun. The calculation time is not long and not short. The rutting marks on the road can still be seen. Moreover, there is no fork in the road. Just speed up to catch up.

After running for half a day, the time is already afternoon. The valiant warrior can still support him, but when he is tired, he changes his horse and goes on. Vitru sat in the car and said, "the sun is going to set. The man should stop and rest. We are very fast. We should be able to catch up with him when he is camping at night."

Haiwen shook his head and said, "his speed is not slow. His chariots and horses are very good. You can see from the traces of the turning that this man is flying all the way. We did not shorten the distance for this day. The man's driving skill is very excellent." This is an interesting misunderstanding. Amun is really fast, but his driving skill is not very good. But he used the whip sent by enril, as long as he gently whipped in the air, he could control the horse freely, which was much easier than the skillful driver driving.Vitro frowned. "Doesn't he need a rest?"

Haiwen replied, "he drives a light car. Both horses are good horses. Tashun lington sent them. He wants to rest, but don't forget that we also need to rest. After dark, there are mountains ahead, so it's impossible to run at night. We are half a day behind. Even if he camped at night, he would not be able to catch up when he started again tomorrow. "

Vitruo: "we must do it as soon as possible. When he gets to the port and goes to sea by boat, we will not be able to chase him!..." There is something wrong with this man, otherwise he will not escape like this. Lord Julian is so wise

They didn't stop to rest until it was dark and they couldn't catch up with them. They started off at daybreak. Julian's bodyguards usually protect the master of divinity, which is nothing but a show of pride, and has not suffered too much. Of course, it is a hard job for Julian's bodyguards to travel at the same time. The magician vitruo was in the car. Fortunately, the rest of them were middle-level warriors, and they could hold their teeth.

What they were worried about did not happen. After another day, they found that Amun's carriage had turned again near the port and was heading west in the direction it had come. This is a road along the coastline, just around Cape city to the neighboring city state of Tanis.

Finding this situation, vitruo was puzzled and said to Haiwen, "what's the matter with Amun? Does he want to go to Tanis instead of leaving the country?"

"It's true that he's going in this direction, but his destination is not necessarily Tanis. He might want to go through Tanis and go somewhere else," he mused

Vitruo: "he ran all the way, clearly is to escape tracking, why not leave the territory of Egypt?"

Haiwen shook his head: "he has a lot of money. He even feels unsafe to hire a bodyguard. Of course, he has to leave quickly, and no one will find out his whereabouts. This man may not know that we are chasing him, but only out of prudence. As Julian has judged, he has a secret. "

Amun did not know that someone was following him, but he also considered the possibility. After leaving Cape City, he went east first, turned around in no one's place and took a big circle. In general, he could get rid of the pursuers. Unexpectedly, he ran into the gang led by Haiwen and chased him from behind.

It's not an easy job to ride a horse for several days in a row. The following Samurai are also tired. On the third day, they all take turns to sit in the car to rest, and the speed gradually slows down. Amun's speed is also slow, because his horse is also tired, just keep in front of about half a day's distance.

Haiwen was not afraid that amon would run away. He had to rest when he entered the city. He could catch up with him if he stayed for a day. There are more market towns along the way, and there are also a lot of cars, horses and pedestrians. The rutting marks in many places are not clear. Haiwen inquired all the way whether there was a splendid carriage passing by. The driver was a young man.

Many people are really impressed that Amun's carriage was originally tashun lington, but it was only removed from the aristocratic ornaments and family marks. It was really conspicuous on the road. According to the information I heard and the intermittent rutting marks, Amun's distance is getting closer and closer.

Julian's nephew, the samurai Shute, asked Haiwen again: "Captain, since you can find the rutting marks and there is no fork in the road, why do you have to ask again and again?"

Haiwen had to patiently explain: "people can change horses and carriages, and coaches can also change drivers. What we want to pursue is people, not cars. So far, Amun hasn't changed cars. His chariots and horses are very good. It seems that we are tracking them

Keep tracking, Haiwen found something. Amun turned the carriage into a dense forest camp on the way. The next day, he couldn't find out about the coach, but the rut was still there!

The reason is very simple. Amun knew that the carriage he was riding was very conspicuous. When he crossed Cape city from the north, he was also worried that he would be recognized by others, so he made a little transformation. He had been taught by the old madman. Although he had not yet processed the artifact, it was very easy to change the appearance of the carriage with the method of processing artifacts.

The surface of the luxurious wood has been blackened and yellowed. It looks a little old. It looks like an ordinary carriage. The shed has also been treated to remove the redundant decoration, and the color is different from the original one. Amun was cautious enough not to let people know his whereabouts, but Haiwen and others were still following, closer and closer.

Haiwen pursues the ruts and inquires along the way, and finally knows that Amun's carriage has changed. Some people still have an impression of the driver whom Haiwen inquired about. It is a young man driving with a whip and a branch on the shaft.

At noon of the day, calculate the distance, you can enter Tanis city at dusk. On a section of the road in the wild, you can find a very clear rutting mark. "How far are we from the target, haven?" vitruo asked, picking up the curtain

Haiwen replied, "it's getting closer. It's only a few dozen miles."

Vitro waved his hand: "Shute, stop the car, I'll track him with magic. This distance should be OK."

Vitruo got out of the car, came to the rutting mark and took out something. It was a god stone inlaid with a base, like a lamp. The base was also carved with the pattern of divine art array. Vitruo held the object in one hand, and gently waved the staff with the other hand, chanting words. The stone gives out a striking light, just like a lamp being ignited, sending out a circular aperture.In the aperture, the image of the rutting mark is reflected, and it is constantly changing: the rutting mark extends intermittently to the front, just like the carriage tracking Amun at a gallop. After a while, a carriage appeared in the aperture. The image turned to show the front of the carriage. Several pursuers finally saw Amun. The stranger was still dressed in his old clothes when he arrived at the promontory city-state, with a long whip in his hand and a branch on the shaft of the cart.

All the samurai praised in unison: "Lord vitero is brilliant, we have finally found him Look, there's a town ahead of him. Maybe we'll stop and have a rest. We'll hurry up and catch up soon! "

Vitruo is an excellent sixth level magician. He has been able to perform high-level divination. However, he is not able to perform such excellent detection and tracking techniques as puppet eye and information tracking. He did it with the help of a magical instrument. The high priests who came out of the temple of Isis naturally had a rich family background.

Hearing the praise of the crowd, vitro put away the magic weapon with a good complexion and said with a smile, "don't start in the town. We'll cover it up quickly. When he gets out of the town, we'll take him down in the wilderness. This man is really hard to handle. Fortunately, I met me and captain Haiwen. I can't fly off with my wings! "


A town appeared in front of him. Amun slowly slowed down the carriage, sat on the shaft, held Schr? Dinger, touched it gently, and drew a bottle of wine from his pocket and handed it to the cat's mouth to feed it. All the way carefully ran so far, should no one be able to detect his whereabouts? Schr? Dinger has been in a lazy drowsiness these days. Occasionally he will wake up, yawn, stretch, eat something, drink some wine and go to sleep. It seems that it is recovering. Amun is relieved.

Schr? Dinger did not habitually stick out his tongue to lick the wine. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body was covered with fluffy hair. He bowed his back in Amun's arms, called out, and stretched out a claw to the back of the slope. It was the first time that Amun heard Schr ﹣ dinger ﹣ dinger  dinger  s cry since his reunion in the desert, and the first time he saw him make such a big move.

At this moment, the cat, which could not even detect the divinity, seemed to be breathing. Amun's unique ability from the underworld had a sense again. He could even detect the emotion in Schrodinger's cry. The sound sounded like a warning to Amun that there was danger behind him.

Amun pulled over quickly, jumped to the road, looked back, but found nothing, then looked up to the sky, not even a bird! Schrodinger was still writhing in his arms, as if struggling to get down. Amun gently put the cat on the ground, and the weak cat hobbled down the road, scratching the ground with its paws every other distance.

Amun followed him closely and found that Schr ﹣ dinger had drawn lines at regular intervals on the rutting marks. In the car he was driving, the edge of the wheel on the right side of the car had been damaged by a triangular notch. The mark left on the ground was very obvious. Amun suddenly realized something, picked up Schrodinger, jumped into the car, hit the horse and left.

As the saying goes, a wise man has no experience in escaping, and he doesn't realize that he is on the run. He just habitually doesn't want to expose his whereabouts, so he doesn't think about it thoroughly. Schr? Dinger realized that he might have been traced.


Vitruo and others rushed to the town and went around the town. They laid ambushes on both sides of the road ahead. Then Haiwen went into the town alone to investigate Amun's news. Haiwen smiles as he enters the town from another direction. Amon's car is not found on some roads where traces should be left, indicating that he is still in the town.

But when Haiwen went into the town for a turn, his face suddenly changed. He saw Amun's carriage at the market place. When I went to inquire about it, I heard that a stranger had sold the car for a very low price. Along with the two tired horses, they only exchanged for the best horse in the market, and they had already left the town at a high speed.

Vitru's ambush is empty. Amun is gone! With such a delay, Amun should have been in Tanis.

After hearing the news, vitruo was angry and said: "this bastard, did you know that we were tracking and deliberately playing tricks on me? When he is caught and interrogated clearly, he must be broken to pieces! "

Haiwen's face was also a little ugly. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "he doesn't necessarily know that we are tracking. He just wipes out all traces before arriving at the city-state. He is really very cautious. But it doesn't matter. If he enters the city, we can find him out

Shute couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Lord vitruo can still be traced by magic?"

Vitruo wanted to stare at him and held back. He explained, "so far away, there is no detection information to search. How can I track it?"

Shute added, "since captain Haiwen can trace tracks, he can also trace horse hooves or footprints?"

Haiwen didn't like to say: "into the city is a stone road, so many people are bustling, how to find his footprints?"

Vitru sneered again: "it's dark. He has been driving for so many days. He can't be tired. He must live in the city tonight. I have a good personal relationship with the Lord of Tanis. If I take out the name of Lord Julian and make an excuse to search the whole city, I don't believe he can hide! ""You can't do it in the city-state. This is a secret operation. Keep an eye on him first."

Vitruo nodded: "after a long circle, I arrived at Tanis. If I came directly from the official road, it would be very close! It's time to send someone to send a letter to him. It's said that the patriarch of the lington family is very interested in Amun. If you have any information about his whereabouts, you won't miss the opportunity. "

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