Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 79

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:58 AM

Chapter 79

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Gabriel only asked half of what he had said, but he still had a lot of doubts in mind, but he felt that the letter was very important, so he rushed back to the temple in the town to report to Maria. She didn't worry that Amun would run away. He couldn't go anywhere in his present condition. What's more, the yard has been closely monitored.

In Maria's bedroom, the saint opened the envelope in front of Gabriel and looked at it. Her face became more and more dignified. Her white face seemed to be covered with frost, and she didn't speak for a long time. Gabriel asked uneasily, "my Lord, your face is not right. What did the letter say?"

Maria handed the letter over and said, "look at it for yourself. Please keep calm and don't be impulsive."

Gabriel looked at the letter and couldn't help but get angry. One of his subordinates grasped the hilt of the sword and swore bitterly: "what a despicable person, he will be rejected by the gods! Trying to get me out of the temple of Isis is just a little bit of ridiculous power. Holy lady, your original decision was entirely wise. The temple of Isis does not need a high priest like Julian. It is he who will never come back! "

"You and I knew what Julian was and what he was thinking. Amun's appearance was like a divine guide. With him and this letter, Julian would not be able to return to Isis. Vitruo is dead. Thank God. Amun is still alive! As long as you copy down the contents of this letter and send it back to Julian, he will no longer be able to disobey the next order of the temple of Isis. "

Gabriel nodded and said, "copy this letter with the divinity of information and send it to the high priest Burke. Tell him that it is a letter from Julian to him. I don't think the high priest Burke can say anything for Julian, let alone prevent you from appointing a more faithful and devout high priest. "

Maria: Well, it's up to you to do it yourself. Amun is very important. He can't be hurt again

Gabriel looked at the virgin and asked tentatively, "do you mean to forgive amon? A foreign civilian who killed the high priest of Isis temple will not be prosecuted or even mentioned again? "

Maria looked up at Gabriel and calmly asked, "shouldn't it be like this? Amun is innocent. He does not harm anyone. On the contrary, his noble and selfless conduct symbolizes the call of the gods. It was he who offered the tears of the gods in the eyes of Isis. He took Nero's staff, but did not take it for himself, and gave it back to the promontory city. You should know what this letter means, but he still trusted me and handed it in directly. Is there any reason to hurt such a person? "

Gabriel could not help but lower his head: "saint, you are right, of course I understand these. But I've seen too many high-ranking people who do shameful things, such as Lord Julian. It is because of witnessing too many evils in the world and the black tail under the gorgeous clothes, that makes me more firmly believe in and guard the glory of the gods If it falls into the hands of other adults, Amun's hand over this letter will endanger his life. I'm just worried about him

Maria: "I thought so too, so I decided to protect Amun."

Gabriel: I want to ask you one more question, my Lord. Why do you think so? You are in a different position from me, and you should understand that what Amun knows about involves the scandal of Isis temple, which may bring shame to the God or the temple. "

Maria gave a faint smile: "shameful people can only shame themselves. As the guardian saint of Isis, I protect the dignity and glory of gods. Whether in the sun or in the dark, I will not do anything to shame the gods. This is the true faith

Gabriel bowed and said, "you are indeed a saint. Your eyes symbolize the mercy of the goddess. I want to confess to you that I suspected something in my heart just now. Does Amun know the content of this letter and still wonder what to do if he knows it? "

Maria looked at the envelope on the table and said, "the envelope doesn't look passive, and it's written in Aegean. He doesn't know what's written in it. In fact, even if he has seen it, what can he do? It was not his fault that the letter fell into his hands. The content of the letter is very important to us, we should thank him Gabriel, you are not finished. I want to ask him myself

Gabriel thought for a moment: "you saved him. He should thank you. I will arrange for him to have an interview with the virgin in the morning. It's a small town. It's not Isis temple. Everything is more convenient. "


While touring the Ronnie River, the saint saved a faint passer-by on the bank and ordered him to be taken to the town. Early the next morning, the rescued expressed their respect and gratitude to the virgin. It was a great honor for the man that the merciful virgin had summoned him.

Amun waited outside the temple under the guidance of his servants. When the virgin finished breakfast, he summoned him. The place was in the ceremonial hall of the temple, which was also the temporary place for the saint to handle official business. The ground had been covered with blankets. Amun could not walk too close. According to the prescribed etiquette, he bowed down to kiss the ground and knelt on his knees and elbows.The virgin sat there, beckoned him to stand up, and said calmly, "I really didn't expect it would be you. The man who originally mined the tears of the gods in Duke town met again by the river Ronnie. This is the guidance of the gods Somebody, give Mr. Amun a chair and ask him to sit down and talk

The servants were surprised that civilians were not entitled to sit in front of the saints unless there was a reason for special gifts. It was the young man who had mined out the tears of the gods. The virgin didn't hide it. She confessed that he had known Amun for a long time, and the eyes of all the people looking at him were astonished.

When Amun sat down, he bowed over and replied in a proper way: "I was a miner at that time. It was my duty to mine God's stone. It was the gods who gave the tears of the gods to the lady by my hand. Today, it's the saint who saved my life. I don't know how to express my gratitude! "

Maria: I didn't expect it would be you

Amun: Yes, I didn't expect it was you

If there is anything special about this scene, it is that Amun always looks into the eyes of the virgin when he speaks, just as he did in Duke. He looked at her with speechless exclamation in his heart. He knew that there was a great difference between the two people. His eyes staring at her might be the only thing he could do. The juvenile feelings that had sprouted could only be buried deep in his heart.

Since echo can recognize him, he must still remember the "accidental" embrace and touch. He almost kisses her. This is the past that can't be told. Echo didn't get angry with him, and buried the common secret in his heart. Otherwise, Amun would not be sitting here. A simple question and answer, two people said almost the same thing, only they can understand.

The virgin waved her hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Amun, you have not only extracted and offered the tears of the gods, but also heard another thing. Not long ago, you returned the staff of the head of the promontory City, and there are a lot of precious relics. What a noble and selfless conduct. I have saved you. It should be the call and guidance of the gods. You should thank Isis for her gaze. "

Next, the virgin inquired about Amun's acquisition of Nero's remains. As it may involve the secret past of a great magician, she ordered all her servants to step down and only Gabriel was left.

Amun had said that experience twice in the promontory temple, and he just repeated it again. Then he talked about what happened in the promontory city. Maria asked, "you are a level 5 intermediate warrior, but as far as I know, vitrulu is a level 6 magician, and Julian's personal guards are all middle class warriors. How can you kill them all?"

Amun's mind was so worried that he could not avoid this fatal problem. He could not repeat the whole battle process, which would expose all the secrets.

However, Maria did not wait for him to answer, and then asked, "the patriarch of the lington family did not thank you for your kindness, but also took the magicians and warriors to pursue you. Two gangs of murderers appear for the same purpose, but they can't expose themselves. I think it's because of their fierce struggle that they lose both sides and you have a chance to stay alive. Is that so? "

God, is there a better answer than that? Maria asked him if he was like this, but actually answered for him. Amun originally thought about this explanation, but now there is no need to waste more words. He quickly nodded his head and said, "the saint is wise and wise, that's it!"

Gabriel interposed: "can you recall and describe in detail the features of everyone around vitro?"

Amun described the features, weapons and so on of several warriors. Gabriel turned around in surprise and said, "saint, among them are Julian's nephew Shute and his bodyguard captain Haiwen. This Haiwen is very good. He is very hopeful to be promoted to a great warrior. Unexpectedly, he is dead

With a look of regret, Maria said, "Mr. Amun, I would like to apologize to you on behalf of Isis temple. It is likely that the high priest Julian was behind the scenes. But all of them were dead, and there was no solid evidence that he did it. According to the eju law, civilians can not directly sue a great magician. All charges must be made by another nobleman who knows the truth on behalf of him, and the supreme magistrates' court shall adjudicate all the charges.

Since all the people present are dead, I'm afraid there won't be any aristocrats who are familiar with the situation to make charges on your behalf. Even if you go to the supreme magistrates' court in Egypt, Julian will not be dealt with in any way. After being made public, it will be very disadvantageous to you. But don't worry, I won't let it happen in vain. I will drive Julian out of Isis because he has hurt the dignity of the gods. "

Amun stood up, bowed deeply and said, "holy lady, how can you apologize to me? I understand what you said. You saved me and protected me. "

Maria waved her hand again: "Amun, you'd better sit and talk." Then he pointed to Gabriel and said, "you gave us a secret letter, and admitted that it was from viteru's body. Why do you trust Lord Gabriel and me so much when a stranger does this, which may endanger his life

Amun seemed to smile bitterly: "people live in the world, facing many unknown dangers, you don't know when and where it will appear. But you have to believe in some people. What's the point of living in this world if no one can believe it? "Maria has always been calm, and finally a little moved, cherry lips micro Qi want to say what but did not say. Then Gabriel asked again, "Amun, do you know the word?"

Isn't this nonsense? If amon can't read, how can he understand Nero's last words? But Maria should know more clearly that Amun knows not only Dao Shu but also eju cursive script. Otherwise, how could he name "acorn"?

"My Lord, I can read," Amun replied honestly But it didn't explain what kind of writing they knew.

Gabriel asked again, "do you know Shenwen?"

Amun respectfully replied: "in my capacity, I should not know the divine text, no one will teach me."

Gabriel stopped asking, and Maria turned aside and said, "Gabriel, can you go outside for a while? I want to ask amon a few words alone."

Gabriel was stunned, but without saying a word, he immediately obeyed his orders to go out of the door, and kept his sword at the door himself. It seems a bit inappropriate to leave an adult man and a saint alone in a hall, but Gabriel knows there will be no problem and she trusts Maria more than herself.

What if Amun was an assassin? There is no need to worry about this, not to mention that Amun is so weak that he can barely walk. Even if a great magician is suddenly in trouble, Maria can withstand it with her scepter and other magical objects.

When only Maria and amon were left in the hall, they were silent. For a moment, they did not know what to say. The question just now didn't mention the content of the secret letter. Amun didn't ask what was written on it. Maria didn't ask if he had seen it. They all deliberately avoided this topic.

After a long time, Maria first asked, "Amon, how do you know my name is echo? Is it just a coincidence that I hear you call me like this on the Ronnie river

How to answer this question? Do you want to tell Maria that it was a great magician who recorded her handwriting with information divinity? Amun finally lowered his head, no longer looking directly into her eyes, and slowly replied, "saint, you wrote this name on a wall in Duke town. There will always be traces of everything that happens in the world. No matter whether people know it or not, it has happened. Please forgive me for calling you so

Maria was not angry. She looked down at her finger and said, "Amun, I can't call me that again. I don't use this name anymore."

Amun raised his head again and said, "yes, your holiness! Naturally, I won't call you that again, but is it also a kind of blasphemy for me to call you this name in my heart? Forgive me for being rude, but it's true

What a bold and presumptuous thing to say in front of the saint! Maria was stunned. She didn't dare to look up at his eyes. She replied in a low voice, "when we look up at the gods, we can see the sky above us and our honest heart. Amun, the gods will not blame you. How can I blame you?"

Amun sighed quietly: "thank you for your answer, saint. Someone has said something like that to me."

Maria raised her eyes. "Who is it?"

Amon: his name is Aesop, a slave of a merchant of Memphis, who told me in the promontory city

Maria twisted the fingers of her hands together, and sighed softly, "the nobility of the soul is not different because of her status Amon, if you want to call me echo, you can call me that today, but when you get out of this door, please remember what I said

Amon, it seems that the silence of two people is good, and then after a while, what's good

Mary asked, "Amun, you know that I am already the guardian saint of Isis temple. Why do you ask that?"

Amun lowered his eyes and looked at his toes. He replied weakly, "yes, I know you are a saint. But I also know that the high priest, who should have been loyal and upright around you, is not what people think. I think you also have your difficulties, so I want to ask if you are happy? "

Maria laughed, as if it were the innocent smile of that young girl: "I have just said that when I look up to the gods, what I see is the starry sky and honest heart in the sky. I am the guardian saint of Isis. What I guard is the holy faith. There is evil and darkness in the world, which is my more firm reason. Under the protection of the inner light, I have a good life. It should not be described as happy or not. This is my honor and honor! "

Amon didn't hide anything from amon. His special ability could feel the real emotion in her heart. At this moment, amon fully understood her words. Looking at her, he already thought that the saint would become a great magician sooner or later. The "fusion of faith" was a difficult test for others, but her mood was just an inevitable process.

Amun has already known that echo has achieved six levels of divine arts. It has been only two years since she began to practice magic arts. Amun's speed of advancement has been quite amazing, but so far he has only achieved five levels of strength with two sides of one body. Although it is more difficult to cultivate this strength, he started much earlier than Maria. As early as several years ago, the old madman laid a variety of foundations for him.If Maria had no superhuman talent, she would not have passed the selection of saints in Isis temple. When she became a saint, she would have more convenient conditions than amon. She would like to read any classics, and she would like to use any utensils. Besides, she also had a saint's staff, and she tried any magic arts successfully.

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