Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 84

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:50 AM

Chapter 84

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Gabriel explained: "to be precise, I didn't realize it at all. Five years ago, I was sent out on a mission to kill mutant monsters in the mountains that often harass villages. It was a very dangerous situation. I was told privately that a certain priest wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of me, so he suggested that I should be sent to carry out the task. The kind-hearted people advised me not to go into danger and be more careful. I only killed a few common monsters on the edge of the mountain and came back to report my life.

When I got there, I realized that this was the case. I shouldn't be sent as a level 6 warrior. But in the countryside, I saw the villagers attacked by monsters, those lonely widows and children crying in front of me, their father and husband all died under the monster's claws, regarded me as the angel of the gods, all their hopes.

I prayed in the humble temple, and the statue did not speak but looked at me. At that time, I closed my eyes and listened to the voice from my heart. What was the significance of accepting this mission? What is my pledge to be a warrior? I didn't come here because I was framed. I didn't do anything to avoid being framed. My heart was peaceful at last.

The next day, I walked into the mountain with my sword. It took me seven days and seven nights to come out and kill the 13 mutant monsters that attacked the villagers. I made a vow for my mission and for my own sake. I know why I was sent, but since I'm here, I have to be clear about what I really want. I don't kill those mutant monsters for the sake of a priest in the temple.

I was born in a noble family. Before that, I had been able to practice low-level divine arts through the second awakening of my strength. Although I was not as profound as a special magician, I always focused on basic meditation. On the night when I returned to the village, I felt a sense of relief in silence. Since then, I have achieved level 7 and become a warrior. It was unexpected, so I forgot because I didn't think about it at all

Amun leaned forward involuntarily and asked, "can you explain the sense of relief more clearly?"

Gabriel said with a wry smile: "my eloquence is not very good, it can not be described very accurately, or it is a sense of integration. What I ask for and what I do, my soul and my will, my yearning and my road, my strength and my spirit are all fused together. There is no difference. It's a totally different experience from the level Six Samurai. If you have this kind of achievement one day, you can understand it clearly. "


After returning from Gabriel, Amun thought for days. The warrior didn't know how she became a warrior, but she told Amun how to break through, which is also a very important inspiration. Amun has a feeling that this breakthrough is very similar to the test of "fusion of faith" in the cultivation of divinity. Before Maria became a great magician, the scripture she read was a hymn written by a saint 200 years ago, not a divinity script.

It seems that in order to achieve level 7 achievement, in addition to hard training, the more important thing is to break through the mind. In Gabriel's words, Amun asked himself repeatedly whether his demands and his deeds, his soul and his will, his yearning and his road, his strength and his spirit are integrated?

After thinking about it, Amun felt that he didn't do it. It was not that he didn't want to, but that his experience and Kung Fu didn't reach that level. It's like drawing a picture. Not only can you outline all the outlines in your heart, but you should also be able to draw them in writing, so as to achieve perfect consistency with the outline in your heart.

Since Gabriel said that he had forgotten, Amun did not deliberately think about it. He just practiced the six level physique and Shenshu honestly. With the achievement of level 6 physical skill, the awakened power in the blood vessel is not only stronger, but also can stimulate the resonance wave of energy from the inside out. Although Amun can do this before, but now he can use it more freely.

What does that mean? A warrior can also fight against divinity! The effect of Shenshu is nothing more than the communication and transformation of energy. Absolute power can still compete with it, especially in close combat.

A level 6 magician can practice high-level magic, which means that he can master the rules he didn't understand before. Amon was the first to practice the very difficult space magic. If you change a diviner, you may choose to start with a powerful one, such as fire elemental divinity. At this time, Amun was not inexperienced. He had read enough classics and knew how to start it would be easier, but he still chose what he wanted to do most.

If the four special god stones and the tears of the gods were embedded in the iron staff, they might be comparable to the staff of the saint daughter, but Amun did not. In the city of Memphis, he did not want to use the tears of the gods in case of unexpected situations. That bone is his best staff at present, but it is inconvenient. It is too heavy. Only by mastering high-level space divinity can we solve this problem.

For a magician, it's very convenient to have a space magic tool that can be used freely. Without that bone, Amun would have died several times. I'm afraid the old madman didn't expect Amun to get Osiris' ribs, but he prepared a space magic weapon for Amun in advance, which was the refined wind charm dance.

The magic dance of wind itself is worth 300 sacred stones. It is already a treasure in the world. After being made into a space magic weapon by the top implements masters on the mainland, it is hard to measure how much it is worth, because it is almost impossible for a magician to sell it.It took Amun three months to master the high-level space divinity, and finally opened the magic space in the magic dance of wind. He is only a level 6 magician, unable to play a lot of mysterious functions of space magic tools. He can only load or take things.

The space that can be used by space magic weapons is also related to the user's divine cultivation. The higher the realm is, the greater the space can be used. However, there are limits to the magic weapon itself. Amun can't open the magic space in the wind dance to the limit, but it's enough for him to carry all his belongings.

At this time, he fully understood that there were different grades of space magic weapons. The magic dance of wind left by the old madman was higher than that of the space ring left by Nero. If it was that ring, it must be a great magician to open it. Of course, the higher level is the bone, which was opened when Amun had three levels of achievement.

There is also a rule that a piece of open space cannot be put into another space artifact. For example, Amun can't put the stone into Nero's space ring when he opens the space of wind spirit dance, and vice versa, because the divine space can't be extended and stacked infinitely.

However, Amun immediately found another magical thing, that bone is not subject to the restrictions of this rule, he can still put the magic dance of wind loaded things into the bone!

After consulting precious ancient books in the highest standard archives, Amun really realized that this kind of thing can not be called ordinary artifact, it is called sacred or artifact. Artifact can change with the mana transformation of a great magician. That is to say, if it is a space artifact, the space can be infinite in theory, but in fact, the space it can expand is limited by the user's mana.

Amun used to expand the bone into an invisible ship, which is the smallest form that this space artifact can expand. However, today's space for amon to expand the bone is still so large. It seems that if he wants to stimulate more changes in this artifact, his ability is not enough.

When Amun has mastered the high-level space divinity, he will no longer feel heavy when he picks up the bones filled with things or the charm of the wind. This can be described as a kind of "putting down". In the past, he was equivalent to carrying a heavy object. When performing the high-level space magic, it was equivalent to putting the weight on the ground. The weight still exists, but it is borne by the earth.

This description may not be accurate, because it is another space opened by divinity.

Amun somehow had a kind of association. What would happen if such a divine space did not rely on space artifacts, but created a vast and stable space with space divinity? Bell closed a space on his deathbed, which was not opened by Amun until 30 years later, but it was not another independent space.

Maybe only the gods can do it. Amun once entered the underworld of anuna's apocalypse. Is that such a space? Amun can only guess that it is too early to confirm this problem.

At noon the day after Amun mastered the first high-level divinity, his subordinates reported that someone was looking for him outside the temple. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter and leave Isis temple at will. Fortunately, Amun is now the head of the guard, and has a certain status. Someone will inform him. Amun walked out of a small door in the west of the temple complex and was surprised to see medanzo.

The warrior of Baron capital has now regained his aristocratic status. Although he was dressed as an ordinary civilian, he could not conceal his vigorous spirit. He looked handsome and straightforward. He was elated when he saw Amun.

Before medanzo could speak, Amun quickly stepped up and pulled him away from the temple. He turned into a remote alley and asked in a low voice, "didn't you make an appointment to meet in the tribe of link? How did you come to mengfeisi and how did you find me?"

Medanzo grabbed his arm and said, "my God, your story has reached Barron. I came to see you after hearing that. Now that you are captain of the guard of Isis temple, do you still have time to go to the tribe of link

Amun was stunned: "what I have done, how can it be spread to Baron, and how did you hear about it? Tell me carefully Don't talk here. Where do you live? "

Madanzo: "I live in the home of Theo, a merchant of Memphis. I'm very warm to me."

Amun was stunned again: "Theo! How do you know him and live in a family again

It's a long story. Mendanzo explained as he walked, and Amun got a general idea. Theo was a merchant. He also had a firm in the promontory City, mainly engaged in the trade with the kingdom of Baron. Some time ago, he had a caravan to go to the city-state of Uruk. Because the goods were very valuable, Theo went there in person again and hired enough bodyguards with heavy money.

He did a lot of business with Lescott Lee, a businessman in the city of Uruk. He lived in the house of Lescott Lee. Lescott Lee asked why he hadn't come here in person for such a long time. While drinking, Theo sighed: "brother, last time I walked from you, I nearly died!"

Theo talked about his experience in the desert with the strength of wine. The motorcade met a fierce bandit. Only he and Aesop survived and were saved by a warrior. The samurai's name is Amun, and he knows Lescott Lee. He didn't mention that the bandit was the wolf, but it was a thrilling experience.

Theo then began to boast, because he met a great hero and became a friend of life and death in need.Amun is a level six warrior, just about to become a seven level warrior! In the deep mountains, he got the staff of the promontory God and a large number of precious treasures, and sent them back from a long distance. The city Lord and the great magician of the promontory city all appreciated and praised him. He even got the praise of the saint and became the glorious warrior of Isis temple.

Then he asked, "did you hear that something happened in the city of Memphis before I came here. In the blessing ceremony of Goddess Isis, there was an assassin daring to assassinate the virgin..."

As soon as he said this, Lescott Lee quickly reached out his hand to interrupt him. He ordered all the servants around him to step down and said in a low voice: "brother Theo, the assassination of your saints there is a taboo topic in the city-state of Uruk. If you drink too much outside, don't talk nonsense, or you will be beaten by others without knowing what's going on!"

Theo was startled and asked, "what's the relationship between this and the city-state of Uruk?"

Lescott Lee sighed: "it's been spread. Haven't you heard the talk? Many people speculate that the people who have this skill and courage on the mainland are probably our city Lord Gilgamesh and his brother, Lord enqidu. These two adults are heroes who stand up to heaven and earth. They are respected by all the people here. How can they stand such groundless suspicion? Even the people of Uruk feel it is an insult. "

Theo sighed: "I see. Thank you for reminding me. I dare not talk nonsense here."

Lescott Lee continued, "it doesn't matter if you talk to me alone here. Why does this matter involve Amun?"

Theo's look was proud again: "it was my friend Amun who first found the assassin, and rushed to fight the assassin to stop the assassination Later, he was rewarded by the Lord of Memphis and the chief high priest of the temple, and was promoted to captain of the guard

Lescott Lee asked incredulously, "is it the captain of the whole Isis temple? There are more than ten warriors in Isis temple It was Amun who stopped the assassin. Didn't it say that several great magicians and warriors failed to catch the assassin? How could amon have such a great ability? "

Theo explained unwillingly, "of course, it's not the captain of the whole Isis temple. That's Lord Longteng's position. Amun is the guard captain of the archives, which is very noble and amazing Of course, Amun didn't stop the assassin alone, but he was the first to stop the assassin. He is my Savior and good friend. His glory is also my glory. I don't know how many people envy me

Amon was not only Theo's savior, but also Lescott Lee. According to Lescott Lee, Amun is a magician. How could he become a glorious warrior in the temple when he arrived at Memphis? What happened to this young man is really legendary!

However, Lescott Lee's character is much more stable than that of theo. He did not tell Theo about his experience on the Baron river at the beginning, let alone tell Theo that amon was a magician. He was just watching him drinking and boasting.

They were talking. There was a servant outside the door. The benefactor of the master sent someone to return the carriage. Lescott Lee was surprised. He was talking about amon. Amon sent someone. Although Amun had already said that he would return the carriage, the merchant did not expect that Amun would be so faithful and rushed out of the house. As a result, it was medanzo.

Of course, Mr. Lester, the knight, has come to receive him.

At the beginning, madanzo followed Princess Xiaoxi back to Baron city and restored the status of aristocracy. Princess Xiaoxi told him that it was not easy to restore his title and fiefdom. Since he was familiar with the cave dwelling savage tribe in the mountains, he might as well finish a task, and the great God of Marduk would protect him.

Thanks to Amun's early warning before he left, medanzo knew what he knew. He accepted the task, but he didn't promise anything. He only said he would try and leave Wangdu for westbound again. He planned to cross the Baron River in Kish city state, and once again passed the town of Akkad. The mayor of Diqi Zhou has been promoted to the deputy director of the Finance Department of the city-state, but there are many old friends who have rescued princess Xiaoxi here. Medanzo is warmly welcomed.

He lived in the original Inn and found that the carriage he had left was still there, which indicated that Amun had not come back. When Amun left, he asked medanzo to leave the carriage in the Inn and leave a sum of money to the innkeeper. He specifically stated that the horses and chariots were borrowed by Lescott Lee, a businessman in the city-state of Urumqi, and needed to be returned.

Medanzo understands Amun's temper and will do what he promises. It seems that something has been delayed. Anyway, it was still early to meet Amun, so he did it for him. He said hello to the innkeeper, drove his carriage from the official road to the city-state of Uruk, and found Lescott Lee's home.

It has surprised Lescott Lee enough that the man sent by Amun to return the carriage was not a servant, but a noble warrior in the capital. The story of Princess Xiaoxi's being kidnapped and rescued has long been spread in the kingdom of Baron. Lescott Lee was shocked to hear that medanzo and Amun were the warriors to rescue the princess at that time!

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