Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 86

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:48 AM

Chapter 86

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This sentence was once asked by amon to Maria, and Maria asked him the same today. The meaning is very complicated. Maybe only the two of them can understand it. It is just a simple greeting.

Amun replied, "I've had a good time. I've never been so carefree, but I've been waiting."

Maria's eyes were so clear and quiet that she looked at him and said, "what are you waiting for?"

Amun also looked at her, his eyes were so natural: "I am waiting for your summon, and I am waiting for your request. I once said that I will return to Duke Town, and will guide the people back to their hometown."

Maria nodded gently. "I remember, how long did you say you had something to do?"

Amun: it's more than two months away

Maria: "in a month's time, I'll send you on a mission to go deep into the swampy town of Duke, investigate the topography there, and report every detail as much as possible. You are the most familiar person there, and the most suitable person for this task

Amun: Thank you. I will finish this task

"I want to remind you that after the flood, there are many monsters in the mountains, plains, swamps and deserts. This trip is full of dangers," Maria said with concern

Amun was slightly surprised and said, "I just passed there last year, didn't I meet?"

"Where did you get to where?" Maria asked

Amun: I came from the south of the inland lake, through the desert, to the promontory city-state

Maria explained: "the location of the monster is mainly in the northwest of the inland lake. With the receding flood, there have been a large number of scorpions in the desert in the past six months Do you need to send enough magicians to protect you? But there is no access to the large group of people, and this is a cross-border operation, and can not be in an open identity

Amun shook his head and said, "no, I grew up there. It's more convenient for me to go there by myself. As for the danger, I have experienced too much, and I'm not afraid. No matter whether there is any danger or not, I will go there. Now I hear that there are many monsters in that area. I have to find out more about it. "

Maria sighed softly: "there may be more than one way for people to choose. There is a vast fertile land with monsters in the middle of the mainland. It will be a place for countless heroes to make contributions and also a place for various kingdoms to fight and fight. Do you have to guide the people back home? Living in eju, like many ordinary people, may be better off. "

She was clearly trying to persuade Amun. She must have read the document "land of Marduk" and knew that the situation there would be very complicated. Amun replied sincerely: "I have made a promise to the dead and the guardian spirits, and I must find the descendants of Duke town and guide them back to their hometown. Unless they don't want to, I will try my best to fulfill my promise. "

Maria seemed hesitant, but at last she said, "in the blessing ceremony that day, you found the assassin. You not only threw the shuttle gun to block the arrow. I saw it clearly on the high platform. You rushed to the place where the assassin appeared. I was very worried at that time. Fortunately, the assassin escaped faster than you, otherwise your life would be in danger. Gabriel finally caught the arrow, and then she told me in private that she was not the man's opponent

Amun said frankly: "thank you for your worry, but that's what I should do. Soldiers rush to the enemy on the battlefield, and their lives are in danger at any time. Do they turn around and run away?"

"I should thank you, I should help you with your business, but I don't know how much I can help you. I'll send you to visit a place one month before you leave for the mission. When you get there, you will understand what I want to tell you. "

The virgin not only sent Amun to Duke town to carry out an investigation mission, but also sent him to inspect a place before he set out. His words are very meaningful. Amun did not ask, stood up and saluted: "thank you for your arrangement."

Looking at Maria's appearance, she also wanted to stand up. Finally, she sat on the chair and waved her hand: "don't thank me. When you get to the place, you will understand that I'm sorry I can't help you any more."

The conversation between the two was very brief, and the saint did not have more time to summon a small captain of the guard alone. Amun's attitude was respectful from the beginning to the end. The only difference between them was that their eyes were looking at each other all the time. When Amun retreated and turned around in front of the door, Maria suddenly said, "Amun, take this. I think you should read more of these classics."

Amun turned again and saw Maria standing up with a piece of paper in her hand. He walked back quickly and took the paper with both hands. One of their fingertips accidentally touched each other. This is an out of order behavior. He is not allowed to touch the body of the saint. He can not directly deliver the holy girl's paraphernalia. Even if he is a guard captain, the lightest punishment is to cut off this finger.

It's funny. This is the second time that Amun has faced this punishment. But the virgin didn't blame him or summon his servants to punish him. He gently let go of his hand and let him take the paper. Then he said calmly, "I forgot to ask the servant to give you this piece of paper. Just let me put it on the table and you can take it by yourself."It was a reminder that she didn't have to say, but she did. Amun realized that he was out of order and quickly apologized, but there was always a soft feeling on his fingertips, which made him very ashamed. Maria shook her head and said, "it's just unintentional loss. It's not your fault. Why apologize?" I'll see you when you leave in a month

Amun got up and looked up. There was only a table between them. He looked at Maria again. Suddenly he had an impulse and thought of the unfinished kiss. God, this moment, he really wanted to kiss her! This impulse makes Amun lower his head, no longer look at her, bow down and quit the study.


Isis temple is not only a complex of buildings in Memphis, but also a large number of ranches, farms and groups of slaves. The place where Mary sent Amun to visit was south of Memphis, close to the city of herak, about two hundred miles west of the Ronnie river. It is far away from the river valley, the climate is arid, it is a semi desert area, there are many tall stone mountains.

There are sparse grass at the foot of the mountain. There are only some drought resistant shrubs in the cracks between the mountains. From a distance, the earth is yellowish brown, and the mountains are dark brown. There are continuous buildings at the foot of the mountain, which are made of stone, which is very simple. This place is very important to mengfeisi temple. It is one of the most important stone producing places in xiaeju, named he Lieshan.

Amun is an emissary to inspect he Lieshan. He is also responsible for transporting the sacred stones produced this season back to mengfeisi. He received a very warm reception in Mount Heliang, where the LORD was a sixth level magician and high priest named Blanca. The environment here is very hard, and the living conditions are far from comparable to that of mengfeisi city. However, it has one advantage: it is rich in oil and water. Don't forget that he Lieshan produces divine stones.

Although it is in a desolate area, the adults of Blanca know how to enjoy. The courtyard they live in is very luxurious. They even use the environment to make a courtyard cool and moist. He used water from the Ronnie river every day. After special purification, he could eat fresh vegetables from the city of herak, not to mention cattle, sheep and wine.

It's a fat job to make an inspection tour here. What's more, Amun is appointed by the holy daughter this time, which is naturally different from the previous envoys. Blanca was a little nervous. He knew that the Virgin was in power for the first time. He was afraid that he would be found out and would be taken down. Therefore, as soon as Amun arrived, he gave him a generous gift.

Blanca's worries are superfluous. Amon doesn't want to pick fault on purpose or blackmail him. He saw Blanca's disbelief, accepted the gift with a smile, and after checking the accounts, he counted the sacred stones in the hoard, and ordered to load the number that should be transported back to Isis temple this season. Blanca was relieved at last.

Amun didn't care how good Branca's hospitality was, and he didn't try to find his faults. He spent most of his time reading in his room a few days before he arrived in he Lieshan. On the paper Maria gave him were the file numbers of several volumes. Amun borrowed them from the archives and took them to read when they were free on the road.

Not all the documents in the archives of Isis temple are written in divine script. As a warrior, Amun can also apply for borrowing some volumes recorded in secular words. However, Amun has not read any of them during this period. The secret books recorded in divine script can not be turned over until Maria gives him this book list.

Amun didn't expect that what Maria showed him was the art of war book, which covered how to March, how to integrate logistics, how to arrange battle lines, how to manage various branches of arms, how to command Corps operations, and so on. Amun is a samurai. He has achieved level 6 at a young age. He is likely to become a great warrior in the future. Looking at these books, does Maria expect him to be a general?

Reading war books alone will not make a good general, but it is also very useful. The proportion of literate people in Tianshu is very small, and the number of people who can understand the art of war is even less. The classics that Maria asked Amun to learn were very complete and systematic. They basically mentioned what to do with what happened during the war. At least, he had the capital to start.

If he becomes a warrior and has studied the art of war systematically, he is definitely qualified to be the leader of the army in the future. Is this a hint from Maria? Amun studied very seriously and silently deduced all the fighting scenes mentioned in the book, from mengfeisi city to he Lieshan, and recorded all the contents in the book in his heart.

After checking the accounts, all the sacred stones that should be shipped were sealed. However, Amun did not leave immediately because he still had an inspection mission. On the third day of arriving at Mt. Horeb, Amun asked Branca to go to the production of Shenshi and visit all the processes of mining Shenshi. Since Maria had sent him here, there must have been a purpose, and amon would certainly visit every place.

Blanca advised at the table, "your special envoy, you don't have to go there yourself. If you really want to make an inspection tour, just look at the scenes where the magicians are mining the core. I will praise in the report how the adults have completed the task conscientiously and meticulously. "

Amun laughs in his heart. It seems that people here don't know his origin. He is a genuine miner. He grew up in a house with a backyard workshop. He explained with a smile, "you don't have to call me your Lord. Although I'm a special envoy, I'm still a civilian. My holiness ordered me to inspect the mine. Naturally, I should be loyal to my duty and go everywhere. I should go where it is inconvenient for noble adults to go. "He's not a nobleman? Blanca knew this, but John, the Guard commander of he Lieshan, who was on the table, looked surprised and contemptuous. John was born in a noble family in the city of mengfeisi. Now he is a level Six Samurai like Amun. He has a cruel character and once injured people in conflicts. This is a punishment that he was transferred to he Lieshan as the guard captain.

John was arrogant and lived in nature for a long time. He was resentful in his heart. Now a special envoy came. It is said that he was deeply appreciated by the saint. He happened to have made several contributions. He was promoted to captain of the guard as a civilian. At the same time, John did not feel depressed at the table.

Amun knew John's mood, but pretended not to see it. He said kindly, "Lord Blanca doesn't have to worry about me or accompany me to those smoky places in person. I'll send some subordinates to guide me. I'll make an inspection tour to complete the mission assigned by the virgin."

He Lieshan mine has a large range, not only producing God stone, but also building temple and Pharaonic pyramid stone. Amun went to the mine on the first day, just like returning to his familiar hometown. The scale of the mine here is much larger than that outside the town of DUK. There are guards to maintain order and craftsmen are in charge. Most of the mining work is done by slaves, and the labor is very hard.

The next day, he inspected several veins that produced divine stones. Accompanied by specially responsible engineers, he visited the whole process of excavating and mining the core. He also saw that some cores were mined out. He felt very cordial. He walked around several veins and found that the distribution of the veins here is much larger than that in Duke town. The number of miners is more than ten times that of Duke Town, but the output of Shenshi is less than one tenth of that of Duke town.

On the morning of the third day, Amun inspected the last step of mining divine stone. In a large and clean stone house, there were dozens of low-level magic masters who used their staff to open the core and take out the divine stone. These magicians are sent by Isis temple, and they rotate every quarter, which is a kind of training task. They all have separate workshops with servants around them.

Amun saw the number of these artificers and the speed at which they opened the core. Comparing the total amount of sacred stones collected in this season, Amun found that it was not right. He asked the divinities accompanying the inspection: "according to my statistics this morning, if the output of these diviners is only about 60% of the holy stones handed in this time, isn't it the most Is production declining recently? "

The official in charge quickly explained, "no, there are another group of people who are mining for the core, but their status is low and their working place is relatively crowded. After all, Mr. amon doesn't have to go any more. "

Amun was stunned. There was a situation here. The last step of mining the core was completed by the magician. How could there be people with low status? He immediately said, "I even went into the mine, not to mention the workshop that opened the mine core? Now that I'm here, of course I'm going to visit all the places, so take me. "

"It's already noon," said the God reluctantly, "after lunch, we'll patrol again."

There was good wine at lunch, and a few people accompanying the inspection team constantly advised Amun to drink. Amun also drank a lot, but he was not drunk. After dinner, he urged his entourage to inspect the rest of the place. The God in charge had no choice but to take Amun to a group of stone houses guarded by guards.

It is like an independent village, surrounded by some low and simple houses, but in the middle of the stone houses, there is a large hall. The roof of the hall is not high, the door is narrow, and there are guards with weapons in front of the door.

Before Amun entered the door, he heard someone yelling: "you dirty miner, do you want to die? How dare you damage the God stone The special envoy of Isis temple has come here and ordered to mine enough sacred stones for this season, but you can't finish the task. No one can expect a good end. He is an example

With the roar and the wind whipped up by the whip, Amun was walking in. Hearing this sentence, he jumped into it!

The hall has a large area. There are many worktables around it. Dozens of miners in rough clothes are working with sledgehammers in their hands. On the anvil are the mined core, only the last step is to take out the sacred stone. Behind a working table near the door, a frail young man was holding a heavy hammer. The core in front of him had been turned into powder. It was obvious that when the hammer was dropped, the strength was not controlled perfectly, and even the God stone was damaged.

Amon recognized the young man at a glance. His facial features were so familiar, but now he was black and thin. It was Moses, the mayor of dasti!

He Lieshan's guard chief John was full of anger and was brandishing a long whip and whipping at Moses. A flower in front of his eyes, the whip knot solid hit a person's back, clothes split, leaving a bloodstain on the skin. The man turned slowly with a calm face, and his chest was violently fluctuating. It seemed that he was forced to suppress a rising anger. However, it was Amun, the inspection envoy sent by Isis temple.

John was also startled. He quickly put down his whip and said, "Mr. Amun, why did you rush in all of a sudden? I can't stop this whip. I'm sorry to hurt you. It's an accident

The attendants were also shocked and asked, "Mr. Amun, are you seriously hurt? Don't blame Lord John. He didn't mean to. Let's help you go back and apply the medicine. The inspection is over. You should have a good rest when you are injured... "** , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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