Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 88

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:44 AM

Chapter 88

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Some things can be big or small. If you don't expose them, no one will investigate them. But if Amun has to bite this flaw, it will not be good if it involves the dignity of gods. Such an excuse would have been the most severe punishment if the first lady in power needed to make a stand in the temple of Isis.

Blanca couldn't sit still. He got up quickly, took amon's sleeve and begged: "Sir, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. Please don't mind the careless slip of a martial arts man. If you have any request, please put it forward."

Amun finally showed a smile, waved his hand and said, "all sit down and talk. In fact, I don't have any other requirements. All the adults here are loyal to their duties. I don't want to make trouble. I just hope that my people can be treated better."

Blanca quietly wiped his sweat, pulled John up and sat down together, toasted Amun, and said, "please don't worry, this will never happen again. Within the scope of my authority, I will try my best to take care of the miners. They are very important to he Lieshan and deserve preferential treatment."

Amun asked again: "today I suffered a little injury. I need to rest here for a few days. The saint gave me a month, so I didn't have to rush to finish my mission. During this period, I hope to meet my people and ask them about their experiences and experiences. Is it convenient for me to know? "

John nodded: "convenient, of course convenient! As long as you don't take them away, nothing else matters here. "


That night, Amun was in the bedroom upstairs, looking at the books and art of war and looking out of the window thoughtfully. It was a full moon night. The outline of the moon was hanging over the ridge in the distance. Even the bright shadow was so clear. Under the moonlight, he Lieshan has a light and restless atmosphere of fireworks, just like the flavor of Duke town long ago.

Amun seems to be waiting for someone. When the moonlight shines into the window edge, the guard outside the door reports: "Mr. Amun, someone is asking for a meeting!"

Amun laughed and whispered through the door, "is that Captain John's guard? Come in, please. I've been waiting."

It was really John who came in. He saluted first and apologized for interrupting the rest so late. Amun said with a smile: "the captain of the guard is visiting alone at night. There must be some personal request. Please speak up if you have any."

John said, "first of all, thank you for not hurting me in the duel and forgiving my unintentional mistakes. I regret it, but I was in a state of uncontrollable irritability

Amun nodded: "I can see that you at that time and you are just like two people now. If you are always so impulsive, you can't have level 6 achievements. Is that why you came to me today? "

John opened his mouth and said in surprise, "Mr. monk, you are so good! I can see at a glance what I'm coming for. Yes, this is the case. There has always been an uncontrollable restlessness in my soul. Sometimes I even lose my mind and just want to vent my strength. I try to be restrained, but it's always hard to avoid it. You don't know my experience yet, do you? "

John was born in a noble family of Memphis. His uncle is now the head of the agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department of Memphis, and his status is very prominent. When he was 16 years old, he was brought to the temple to receive the awakening ceremony of strength. What he awakened was the power in his blood. So he became a warrior. He had the best coach to teach him to learn body skills and various martial arts skills.

He was very sorry that he did not become a magician. For a long time, he asked himself in his heart, was it the gods who rejected him? Why did the gods not give him a chance? His grandfather was once a great magician, an honorary high priest of the temple of Isis, and John was always proud of it.

In this case, he was determined to become the best warrior. However, after awakening the power in his blood, with the progress of physical skills, his soul became more and more irritable and irritable. Although he regretted later, he was unable to control and was in a state of out of control.

Two years ago, in a brothel in mengfeisi, he lost his noble demeanor and injured a colleague and the owner of the brothel for a girl to accompany him. After returning home, he was still angry and hurt his wife. His wife came from another aristocratic family in mengfeisi city. She left him in anger and went back to her mother's home. He was also punished, and his family sent him to he Lieshan, hoping to temper his temper in this desolate place.

John confessed that he had a very depressing life in Mount Horeb. This desolate place made him feel more desolate, and his prayer to the gods could not be really comforted. A few days ago, when I was drinking, I heard that Amun was not a noble, but he came to inspect he Lieshan from a high position. He was not happy. This afternoon, I saw that someone accidentally damaged a sacred stone while opening the mining core. My anger immediately rose and I couldn't help whipping people.

In he Lieshan, this has happened more than once. Not only slaves and craftsmen, but also many of his subordinates' guards have been flogged by him. It seems that this kind of catharsis can ease the mood, but it means more difficult to suppress restlessness.

John finally said, "today, when your hammer hit me, the strange shock seemed to break my strength, and my mood calmed down in that moment. You were also infuriated by me at that time. If I were you, it would be very difficult to control so perfectly that no one was hurt at all.Is this the skill of the miners in Duke town? How does it control its strength? It can smash such a hard core into powder, but can completely leave the divine stone, which must have a unique mystery. And the blow you gave me today has suppressed my agitation. So I come to ask you for advice. Is there any way to help me? "

Amun listened, and gradually frowned. He had this feeling. It was just when he was awakened the power of two sides of one body, and at the same time awakened the desire and agitation of both sides of one body. I remember that at that time in Duke Town, he always wanted to be beaten, but after passing the test, the agitation disappeared and did not continue.

But John's situation is more special, this restlessness was forced to suppress, but never disappeared, with the increase of strength, growing stronger and stronger. He is a samurai. He has achieved six levels. Naturally, he has to pass all kinds of tests. However, no one has systematically summed up the specific test in the cultivation of physical arts. Therefore, he does not understand the situation he is facing. Fortunately, the person asked today is Amun.

Since he asked, Amun will try to help him. His own people are still in Mt. Horeb. As long as Amun leaves, the situation of Moses and others depends on the faces of John and Blanca. Looking out of the window, he mused, "John, do you have a regular pattern of change in your impulsive mood?"

John thought for a moment and replied, "yes, the more powerful I am, the more agitated I am. On the other hand, it has periodicity. It seems to break out with the full moon. Today is the full moon night, and the agitation is most obvious. I have prayed to the moon goddess, but it seems useless. "

Amun turned and sat down. Looking at John, he said, "you may be awakened not only by the power of faith, but also by the restlessness in your soul. It's like two sides of a thing. The power of mania will awaken, but you don't know how to face it. It comes from the doubt and anxiety in the soul. You have a desire has never been satisfied, but you do not even realize that the devil is gradually hidden in your heart, but you can't see it.

All this is just my judgment, and I don't know whether it is right or not. But I have a feeling that when you are impulsive, your strength will be very strong, but you will become weak afterwards. Now you are weaker than you at noon. Going on like this is a kind of harm to others and yourself. You don't know where you will fall. "

John listened to listen, can't help but stand up, and can't help kneeling down, even nodded: "you said too right, I can't describe so clearly! Sometimes I always feel that everything around me can't get through, but with my strength, I can't break through the shackles. Only when I give up my reason will I feel more relaxed. Today, the effect of your hammer is so obvious that there must be a way to teach me how to solve it. Please

Amun reached out his hand and lifted him up. He pushed him back to his chair and said, "I may not be able to help you either. I can't always stand by your side and give you a hammer every time you are angry. But I can try one, and it's also from the miners' skills in Duke. If you want to learn, you must keep it secret, and I don't have to explain why. "

John nodded. "Of course, it's up to you. I can't describe how grateful I am."

Amun pointed to the sky out of the window and said, "your restlessness is affected by the environment. Then I suggest you face it well and look up at the stars. Maybe you can get inner peace. You have to have a firm belief, whether it comes from faith or not. You have to see your inner pursuit clearly and find a clear state before you know what you are going to overcome

John said blankly, "look at the stars?"

Amun laughed and shook his head: "it is to close your eyes, look up at the stars in your heart, release the feeling of your soul, and then slowly withdraw it, just like praying to the gods. Let the power naturally accompany the mind, rather than be controlled by it, so that you can really calm down. It may be useful or not. I suggest you try it

Amun taught John a way of prayer in detail, which was very close to divinity meditation, but it was hard to say it was a kind of divinity. It took a long time for the warrior to fully understand what to do. Amon himself is not sure. If John succeeds, it will confirm his conjecture. If the agitation of desire goes astray, and the mind is controlled by power, what will happen? Just look at John.

In the future, Amun should also be careful when teaching the strength of two sides of one body, so as to avoid the situation of John in the successor. But he didn't tell John that it was a meditation way to cultivate the two sides of one body, let alone that he was a magician. Even if someone knew what he had taught John, it would be the profound content of the miners' skill in Duke town. There was no specific divinity involved, and there was nothing wrong with it.

When it was light, John left with great gratitude, and amon was relieved. At least he knew that in the future, Moses and others would not be abused too much in Mount Horeb. Although they still had to work for the Egyptians, it was good to know where they were. As for how to get people out, Amun had no choice but to ask about the experiences of Moses and others.

The next day, Amun ordered Moses to be brought into his room to ask questions alone. When Moses was the young master of dasty, he was fat and white, but now he has become black and thin, which makes people sad. As soon as Moses entered the door, he saluted Amun and said, "my Lord, thank you for your help yesterday. Are you really a miner in Duke town?"Amun pulled him up: "Moses, don't you know me? The last time we met was three years ago. I'm amon. Have you forgotten? "

Moses looked at Amun for a long time, and suddenly cried out. He hugged him and said, "yes, you are Amon, the son of the old drunkard! Your appearance has completely changed. I can't recognize you. I heard them say your name yesterday, but I can't believe it in any case. But your skill of opening the core is true! Amun, Duke's gone. Everybody's gone! How can you be here and become an emissary of the temple of Isis

Amon stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears and asked, "don't you know that I was banished by Duke before the flood came?"

"Is this the case?" asked Moses in surprise When Amun was sent to the mountains by the mayor of Dusti to hunt for the evil great mage bell, Moses was not in DUK town. He was sent by his father to the city-state of Syria to study divinity and various classics. He was not clear about what happened in DUK town. Later, a flood engulfed his hometown, so no one told him about it.

Amun sighed, "I have mined a tear of the gods, but I was taken away by Lord rod Dick's entourage on the spot. Therefore, I will be severely punished by the kingdom. Your father has found an excuse to drive me out of Duke. It is exile and protection. My story is too long. Tell me how I got to he Lieshan first? "

Moses's eyes were red again. After sitting down, he told about the sufferings of the survivors in DUK town -

dasty trained Moses as his successor. In the whole town of Duke, only he was qualified to send his son to the city of Syria to study. Although dasty was only a mayor, he was not low in status and rich enough to buy a manor in the city of Syria for Moses to live in. He likes this son very much, but he is not too arrogant, and his daily requirements are very strict.

Moses was two years older than amon and was 19 years old. In the year when he was 16 years old, Dusti took him to Muyun temple to receive blessing and began to learn the skills of miners in DUK town. Although there is no need for Moses to mine the stone himself, as the future manager of Duke, he must master the skill handed down from generation to generation. Dasty, as the LORD God of Duke, was also the host of the blessing ceremony, which will be passed on to Moses in the future.

Dasty's manor in Syria is not only the residence of Moses, but also the foothold of dukes. According to the law of the Kingdom, the registered miners in Duke town are not allowed to leave without permission. But just before the flood, dasty sent people to the city-state to transport the taxes that should be paid and purchase the living materials needed by the town. Dozens of the miners sent were young and strong miners.

After finishing their official duties, these men lived in the manor of dasty, and by the way brought some things to young master Moses. Before they set out to return to Duke, it began to rain heavily in the black fire jungle. The post road was cut off, and they stayed in the city-state and became another group of survivors besides Amun. The servants of Moses' side also came from Duke, and these people add up to more than 60.

After the flood, Duke town no longer existed, and Moses and his family couldn't go back. Soon after, rumors spread out from nowhere. It was the townspeople of Duke town who violated the oracle of the guardian God and were punished by the gods, which brought about the flood.

They are people who are rejected by the gods and bring disaster. The great God enril punished the town of DUK, washed the land with a flood, and blessed all the people. There was a terrible attack on the town and even a terrible attack on dukes.

You guys, you've got a fight in the middle of the town. It's not a fight between the strong and the strong. The miners were out of self-defense. From the perspective of city-state law, governor Xiao Mo had no reason to punish them, but the angry people could not forgive the miners' killing behavior.

Almost every day, people gathered around the manor and cried, "kill them, in the name of the gods!" There were always attempts to rush into the manor to attack Moses and others, and the constant friction made even the guards in the city-state unable to hold back.

Even the shops in the city were reluctant to sell to them. When the food stored in the manor was finished, they could hardly survive. At that time, Ge lie was not in the city of Syria, and the great master of divinity had already returned to the royal capital to thank visitors and devote himself to practice.

But before Goethe left, he seemed to have foreseen this situation and ordered his disciples, acting high priest Walter, to take care of Moses and others. Seeing that he was out of control, Walter took the guard of the temple into the manor and found Moses. At that time, it was impossible for Moses and others to stay in the city of Syria. Wallett asked him where he wanted to go?

The miners had never been far away, of course, nowhere to go, and Moses was only a child of eighteen or nine years old. He had never been to any other place except Duke and the city of Syria. He thought for a long time and only thought of rod Dick. The city Lord of eju promontory had a good relationship with his father, so he had no choice but to seek refuge in the promontory city.

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