Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 94

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:35 AM

Chapter 94

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These two naked beauties with scorpion tails actually hold Dharma sticks in their hands. They don't know what animal's long bones are made of. The top of the bone stick on the left is inlaid with flame spirits, and the top of the bone stick on the right is inlaid with a dark blue water heart. Are there any magicians in monsters? Among them, the giant man whose upper body is a man and his lower body is a scorpion, should be the legendary Scorpion King Sishui, a monster made by the fallen ancient gods. It has the same origin as the nine headed snake hongbaba.

Unfortunately, Amun and others are not Gilgamesh and enqi, so it is almost impossible to kill Surabaya. Raphael quietly said to Wright with the magic of information: "Scorpion King can't be defeated, throw the scroll, take the opportunity to take out the shuttle and escape quickly!"

Wallett quietly replied, "my shuttle can only take two people. They just ventured to save each other. They can't just leave it."

Gale gave Walter a magic weapon to escape quickly with Raphael in a time of crisis. At the same time, he also gave him three flight scrolls to help motivate the shuttle. But the ability of evalet was to take himself and Raphael away with a shuttle. The two high priests were just enough to escape at the first time.

Raphael quietly said: "at least Scorpion King can talk, not can not negotiate, it is best not to start."

The two of them murmured in secret here. Amun and medanzo couldn't hear it. Unexpectedly, the Scorpion King Sishui heard it and suddenly said, "is there such a fool in despicable human beings? What are you two talking about? If you think you can escape, but you don't, try it. "

His voice was low and hoarse, like something hard in friction, with echoes of metal collisions. Only medanzo didn't know his power. With Amun around him, he was always very brave. With a wave of his sword, he was going to fight at the front as he had just done, but he was pulled behind by Amun.

Amun took a few steps and stood at the front of the crowd. His voice was calm and he asked, "are you the legendary king of scorpion?"

Scorpion King ordered a big head: "yes, I am the Scorpion King Sishui, they are fire scorpion and ice scorpion. Despicable human beings, in the face of me, do not ask for forgiveness, but want to do a dying struggle When he spoke, his eyes without white eyes were shining, and the fire scorpions and ice scorpions around him even showed a trace of fear.

Mendanzo and others in the back did not see it. Amun had taken out a gray scroll and held it in his chest. He held the destructive storm in his hand and replied, "please! Does it work? Those giant scorpions just now should be your people. If we only beg for mercy and do not fight, we will not survive now. May I ask the great Scorpion King, it is said that you have the power of gods. Why did you appear in front of humble mortals

The Scorpion King snorted coldly: "despicable person, you dare to ask me, you know that it is my people, but you killed so many! Do you think your life is more noble than scorpion

Amun shook his head. "I don't think my life is more noble than scorpion, but I don't think scorpion's life is more noble than me. But your majesty scorpion, you call me a despicable human being. You must think that you are more noble than all of us?" As he spoke, he gently twisted his fingers to destroy the storm, making it ready to open at any time, as if in a silent warning that you are such a noble man, the king of scorpion, there is no need to die with humble human beings.

Scorpion King suddenly laughed. The laughter was like sand rubbing together and humming. It almost made people feel dizzy. He sneered and said, "what a bold man, I didn't kneel down to pray. I admire your courage, so I decided to give you a chance. Two of you should pay for my people. I can let the other two go. You can choose who is dead! "

This scorpion king is very smart. He has found that Wallett, Raphael and Amun are not together. It is the two magicians who have clashed with the mutant scorpions that led to the war. He didn't want to fight against Amun, who was holding the storm of destruction, but he made such a request.

Scorpion King's request is an order, and the cold tone is not allowed to be discussed. Wallett and Raphael looked at each other and exchanged their eyes for a decision. If Amun chose the two of them, they would immediately use flying weapons to escape. And medanzo whispered in the back, "Amun, don't be fooled! The Scorpion King is very cunning. He wants to break up the four of us and win without a fight. "

Amun shook his head and said, "I don't have the right to choose who to die. People and scorpions make their own choices. We didn't take the initiative to hurt any scorpion, but we were constantly attacked by scorpions on our way in the desert. Everything was out of self-defense. It doesn't matter whose life is more noble. King Scorpion, if you are me, please answer, should you kill those scorpions

The fire scorpion on the left side of the Scorpion King finally couldn't help interrupting. Her voice was a little hoarse, but with a kind of magnetism: "you killed so many people of your majesty, and only paid back two lives. What's unfair?"

Amun shook his head again and said, "we killed a lot of scorpions. It's not that we want to do that, but we have to do it. The scorpions I met in the desert along the way are different from ordinary scorpions. Only one person should be blamed for such heavy casualties, but I don't know whether it can be described by people

"Who should blame?" asked the fire scorpionRaphael, who was behind Amun, interposed: "the scorpions have intelligence, and they are obviously trained, but the people who train them use that intelligence to bury them. They will launch attacks and know how to coordinate, but the purpose of the operation is not clear. That kind of attack is meaningless, it is just wasting life in vain. Whoever drives and trains them is responsible for their death. "

The Scorpion King's face became very ugly, and the ice scorpion on the right also opened his mouth, his voice was very clear, as if with some kind of power of Enchantment: "isn't this just related to your Anthropology? Those scorpions turn on intelligence, but they contaminate human nature, so they become terrible. As a mean human being, you should be ashamed

Amun shook his head and said, "this scorpion who can take the staff, you are wrong! Human nature is not only mean and terrible as you understand it, but also the thinking and pursuit of all good things. People with humble minds can always see others' inferiority. The intelligence opened by scorpions is not the real human nature. If you think that is unique to human beings, it just destroys the glory of human nature. "

Walter also stepped forward and stopped Raphael and said, "Lord scorpion, please allow me to call you your Lord. Do you want to train a scorpion army by training them like a battle line and ordering them to launch meaningless attacks in the desert My name is hualaite, and my companion Raphael are both high priests of the temple of enril in the city of Syria. Our teacher is the chief god of the temple of Syria, and is also a great magician of grade 9. He commands the army and people of the whole city, which is much stronger than your scorpion army. But we will not launch a meaningless war and let the people and the army die needlessly. "

Medanzo also said: "since we are not injured today, we can ignore this matter. Your scorpion is dead, you should go back and think about it yourself What's more, these two sexy beauties, I'd like to ask you, why do you even turn into adults when you are so contemptuous of human beings

After the initial nervous panic, they found that the Scorpion King did not start but only moved his mouth, and Amun showed calm and calm. These people also calmed down, and each of them had their own reasons. Their eloquence was not bad.

The Scorpion King's face was not good-looking. The flaming patterns on his cheeks changed colors. Before waiting for the two people around him to speak, he replied in a deep voice: "this is not the appearance of human beings, but the appearance of gods. It is said that the gods created human beings according to their own appearance. Having a body like a God, stupid human beings don't know how to cherish it

Amun said in a deep voice, "we cherish our bodies, so we don't want to be hurt by your scorpions. Scorpion King, I want to ask you another question. Is it possible that humans created gods in their own way? Do you know how to be a God, or do you want to be a real God? If so, your majesty Scorpion King, shall we make an agreement today

Only Amun knew that scorpion king didn't want to die together, and of course he didn't want to use the destruction storm. However, it was not the way to end up in a stalemate with the arrogant and powerful Scorpion King. He had to find a step for the other side to finish.

Amun's words stunned hualaite and others, but the Scorpion King's face changed several times. It seemed that he had something on his mind. After a long silence, he finally nodded his head and said, "interesting man, what's your name, and what agreement do you want to make with me?"

Amun replied, "my name is Aloha. The agreement is very simple. As long as your scorpion army does not take the initiative to attack, my people and I will not hurt your men. Desert is not a suitable place for human beings to live in. You want to have your own divine realm, even if you can try it. In fact, you should be glad that we met, not enqidu and Gilgamesh. Think about the fate of humbaba. And we should be glad that we just met the king of scorpion, who was not surrounded by the mutant giant scorpion endlessly

Amun's words made hualaite feel shocked. He also said in a loud voice: "on behalf of the city-state of Syria, I have made the same agreement with scorpion king. Do you know that this desert is within the territory of Syria city-state?"

The Scorpion King narrowed his eyes and asked, "this high priest, why don't you represent the temple of enril?"

Wallett shook his head and said, "in my capacity, I do not have that qualification. I can only make a contract with you on behalf of the city of Syria."

The Scorpion King asked Amun, "how can I know who your people are?"

Amun raised the iron branch in his hand and said, "this is my staff. It is very special. You can recognize that if my people pass through your territory, they will take this staff."

The scorpion king thought about it and asked, "what if someone broke the agreement?"

Amun laughed: "well, your majesty, the powerful and noble Scorpion King, although you can appear and punish like a God, you will not be subject to revenge, hatred or curse In order to make a formal treaty, we must all take vows. "

Scorpion King issued a scornful sneer: "human oath effective, what kind of oath do you want to make?"

Amun replied unhurriedly: "your oath is that if you violate it, you will never be a God, and my oath is that if you violate it, you will always be humble human beings."

Behind the hualaite and other people's faces are a little strange, what kind of oath is this? It's absolutely bullshit! But the Scorpion King's brain is really different from that of ordinary human beings. He even nodded his head and said, "all four of you should make the same oath, so that we can do it!"Medanzo forbeared and did not laugh. After Amun, he pointed to the fire scorpion and the ice scorpion and said, "then you three also have to swear, so it is fair."

Unexpectedly, the Scorpion King said simply, "OK, it's settled."

Wallett and Raphael looked at each other and didn't dare to smile, so the four men and the three scorpions swore to finish. The scorpion king once waved his huge pincers and turned into human hands, and his lower body also turned into human form. He turned to Amun and other four human beings: "please remember today's agreement and abide by your oath!"

The sand gushed up and covered the three human scorpion demons. The sand dunes then fell down and became calm. The Scorpion King and his two subordinates had disappeared. Medanzo patted his chest and said, "ah, Aloha, you are so amazing that you have sent the Scorpion King away? I thought I had to explain it here today! "

Amun had already put up the destructive storm. He turned to medanzo with one hand on his iron branch and said, "come and help me."

Medanzo quickly stepped forward to hold Amun's arm, and then said in surprise, "what's the matter with you, sweating?"

Amun waved his hand and didn't speak. Hualaite and Raphael went forward and said, "Lord Aloha, thanks to your resourcefulness and bravery, we are lucky to avoid a disaster today. Thank you very much for not handing us over to scorpion king in the face of threats

Amun said with a bitter smile: "I am not qualified to do that. If I do, it will be me who is really damned. Let's go. Aren't you going to deliver? It's better to get out of here as soon as possible. "

"We are leaving now. We can't stay for a long time. We are looking forward to meeting in the city of Syria." He threw out a shuttle shaped magic weapon and turned it into a ship shaped space, wrapped himself and Raphael's body and flew into the air. In the middle of the air, another flying scroll was unfolded, and the flying shuttle suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the sky.

Amun looked at the direction of the shuttle's disappearance and said, "these two men are really good. They can escape by themselves at the first time, but they stay here to fight with us."

"What are they throwing out?" medanzo asked with envy? You can fly with people

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