Published at 27th of May 2024 06:58:28 AM

Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

"What kind of content is it that they're having so much fun?"

My curiosity grew even more with the smile of director Yeo Jaeyoon, who seemed interesting but was a little mischievous.

Director Yeo Jaeyoon asked PD Lee Kyuhyung.

"Kang Jinseok, do you know these questionnaires?"

"No, But I want to know what is it."

"I see."

Director Yeo Jaeyoon handed me a piece of paper.

"Thank you."

I scanned the paper I received quickly. On the paper, how do you feel about being cast in "Absolute Unlicensed Counseling", your aspirations for your first movie, and whether I'm not tired of working nonstop?

I can see the questions and the contents of the talk.

Everything else is the same Is this the added question

Host Question: There was an article about an O' actor being cast in , what happened?

Answer Note: You should never say that the actor O' is Oh Sihoon.

Answer Note: I think you can reveal that he belongs to KL Entertainment. Everyone knows it anyway.

"Why is it that KL Entertainment is at a loss when this question goes out?"

While I was wondering inside, director Yeo Jaeyoon asked.

"What do you think? Are you okay with that Kang Jinseok? "Even if it's about that?"

"What? Oh, yes. It's all right."

I answered briefly and immediately asked again.

"But why does KL Entertainment get in trouble when this content goes out? I don't think it's a big deal."

Are you asking because you really don't know? Yeo Jaeyoon and Lee Kyuhyung looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

The two looked at each other, and soon smiled and said director Yeo Jaeyoon.Dive into Stories, Embrace Enchantment: N♡vεlB¡n.

"You may not know Kang Jinseok because you just debuted, but it is very hurtful and embarrassing as an actor to be canceled."


"The implicit rule is not to publish speculative articles until the casting is confirmed in the first place. Anyway, from the agency's point of view, it's very funny that they didn't even take care of their actors properly."

When I heard Yeo Jaeyoon's explanation, I understood a little. There's nothing more ignominious than saying, It turned out not to be!' when you made a rumor in your neighborhood.

"However Come to think of it, there's a little bit of a problem."

Yeo Jaeyoon crossed his arms and continued his words in a cautious voice.

"I think actors in may be on the KL Entertainment blacklist. It's not a big problem, but KL Entertainment may interrupt when they do other work."


"The same goes for actor Kang Jinseok. No matter how good actor Kang Jinseok is at acting, directors like KL Entertainment do not want to write actors in big agencies. Not only when you work, but also when you appear on the show.

At the time when Yeo Jaeyoon was talking about uncomfortable things.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Behind me, Jang Sunho said confidently. Yeo Jaeyoon asked with a slight tilt of his head at Jang Sunho's confident attitude.

"I don't have to worry?"

"Right now, KL Entertainment is the most influential in our entertainment industry, but the ranking will change soon. With our OS Entertainment. To be honest, you can press as much as you want to press now It's just not the time yet."


"You don't have to worry about that because we're stronger now and we'll continue to overwhelm them." So let's go with it."

Jang Sunho's reliable voice came from above his head. Yeo Jaeyoon looked at Jang Sunho and said it was interesting.

"Hmm. I've heard that OS Entertainment and KL Entertainment have bumped into each other over trivial matters since a long time ago, but it must have been true. Seeing you speak so firmly."

"Yes, unlike KL, we can protect him enough."


Lee Youngkyung cut off Kim Hyungbin's words as if it was absurd.

"How are you going to take responsibility when the broadcast is going out like that, and articles are coming up in real-time?"


"Are you going to turn back time?" Or are you going to make a case that's hot enough to cover this issue?"

The voice was still calm, but the message was getting more and more.

Strictly speaking, the contents or articles in "The Talk Show" were not very serious.

Of course, it was a story that hurt pride from the perspective of representatives and executives, but it is not something to react sensitively.

But this was unacceptable for Lee Youngkyung, who can say that it is a piece of pride or the crystallization of that piece.


Lee Youngkyung takes a deep breath and tries to suppress his anger somehow. But in the end, his anger exploded.

"What kind of disgrace is this! What would people think of me Lee Youngkyung?

Lee Youngkyung burst the lion hoo into Kim Hyungbin's face. Kim Hyungbin, who could not see Lee Youngkyung's face, bowed his head.

"Whoa Whoo

Lee Youngkyung breathed a rough breath with a red face. That alone didn't calm the excitement, so he took the cold water out of the refrigerator next to his desk and gulped it in.

"Whoa X shot."

Lee Youngkyung, who barely eased his anger, pressed the button on his desk.

When I pressed the button, I heard the voice of the young secretary from the phone on the desk.

[Yes, CEO]

"Tell the 3rd manager to come in."


Lee Youngkyung disconnected before the secretary answered. Sitting on the desk, he took out a cigarette from his arms, held it in his mouth, and began to smoke one after another.

a representative room with an uncomfortable silence. It was so quiet that I felt like I could hear the smoke spreading.

knock, knock.

[It's the 3rd manager]

Outside the door, the chief of staff 3 knocked. Lee Youngkyung said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Come on in."


With an answer, the third chief immediately came in.

What I saw as soon as I came in was Kim Hyungbin standing with thick cigarette smoke. He's not just handcuffed, he's like a sinner.

The chief of staff 3 glanced at Kim Hyungbin as if pathetic and greeted the CEO.

"Did you call?"

"Did you watch "The Talk Show"

"Yes, I was watching."

"Four, five, and six." You fools disappoint me so much."

Lee Youngkyung spat his cigarette on the floor. After rubbing it roughly with the sole of the foot, I told the head of the 3rd office.

"Kang Jinseok, pull this punk down quickly. by all means. You can do it, right? Room 3 is the ace of our company."

Lee Youngkyung said to the head of the 3rd office with his eyes shining. Eyes that can feel a little pressure.

However, the chief of staff 3 remained calm.

"Of course. If you leave it to our room 3, you will definitely see satisfactory results. And.

The head of the third division raised his eyes, blurring his backbiting. Lee opened his eyes to the attitude of the three chiefs, who seemed unconvinced.

"I was preparing because I thought the CEO would find me. Such a plan to make it no longer visible to the CEO."

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