Published at 27th of May 2024 06:58:25 AM

Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

"Shall we go say hello to Mr. Park Jinmo first? I think it would be nice to say hello first because he's the most senior in this work."

Yeo Hyemin grabs all the crumpled clothes and looks straight at me. It seemed to mean that she was somewhat ready.

"Come on Then where is Park Jinmo?"

I looked around to find Park Jinmo. It was difficult to find him because the entire hotel hall was rented for public reading, but we focused on the places where people gathered.

"Did they not come yet?"

Park Jinmo was not seen even after searching here and there. I looked carefully at each one of the people who might be wearing a hat, but it wasn't Park Jinmo.

I looked for about a minute more and told Yeo Hyemin.

"I don't think Mr. Park Jinmo is here yet, so should we say hello to the other actors first? I'll say hello to Mr. Park Jinmo when we come back later."

Yeo Hyemin nodded and stuck close to me. I don't think it needs to be this close.

But I didn't want to ask them to move a little, so I decided to leave it. Then I found the actor closest to me, and I went straight there.

"Hello, I'm Kang Jinseok, who plays the role of Song Faith'. Nice to meet you, sir."

When I finished speaking, Yeo Hyemin immediately followed me and bowed. Then she looked at me without saying a word.

Are you asking me to introduce you? After looking at Yeo Hyemin's intentions for a while, he said.

"This is Hyemin Yeo. She played the role of Moon Hyemin."

The first actor we said hello to was Park Do. He is what the public often calls "an actor who knows his face but doesn't know his name," and he is a middle-aged actor who has appeared as a scene stealer or a major supporting actor in several works.

Kim Donggil, an ordinary man who was deceived by Song Faith, is the role he played in this work

Although he does not an important role in the film's development, he is still the one who is tasked with attracting the audience's attention at the beginning of the film.

Park Do came out and said, staring at Yeo Hyemin.

" Yes. Park, too."

The tone was cold. That doesn't feel hostile, but it's certainly not a favorable attitude.

I hesitated unknowingly to a different reaction than any other actor I've ever met.

After looking at Park Do's face slightly, he laughed and talked to him again.

"Haha. Yes, sir. This is my first movie. I promise to work hard at it. I ask you to lead me well."


I said it as politely as I could, but Park Do said it colder and more determinedly.

Then he turned his back on me and started reading the script with his eyes.

He just didn't talk openly, and he didn't want to mix his words with me anymore.

"Did I make a mistake?"

I thought I might have made a rude mistake without knowing it, so I remembered every detail of my behavior.

But I couldn't think of anything.

I sneaked a look at Yeo Hyemin next to me.

Originally, the big eyes were getting bigger because they were embarrassed. Park Do's reaction seemed to be as awkward and worried as I was.

Well Let's go meet another actor first.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll see you in a little while!"

I couldn't go without saying anything, so I said my last goodbye. Park Do still looked at the script without saying anything.

When I moved away from Park Do, Yeo Hyemin followed me right behind my back again this time.

"Sir, it's been a while!"

Everyone has a completely different reaction than when I said hello.

Park Jinmo, who entered the whirling reading room, greeted the actors and spoke friendly to Park Do.

"Hey, it's been a while Park Do. But you You've gotten a lot of hair since we haven't seen each other? Did you plant it?"

"Oh, sir. You're acting strange. I used to have a lot of hair."

"What do you mean, you said you were stressed about your hair last time. By the way, you said you go to a hair loss hospital, right? Please introduce me to the situation where we are getting old together."

Sir, you've decided to keep that a secret."


Park Do also became a completely different person from before. Earlier, it was stiff as if it had an iron core in its neck, but there is no other gentle lamb in front of Park Jinmo.

Even the actors of the Heo Sooyeon group who didn't even look at me when I went to say hello earlier were like sparrows welcoming their mother birds in front of Park Jinmo.

"Did you decide to keep it a secret?" Then I'm sorry. Hey, are you ashamed of your hair loss? You can't do that as a hair-loss person. Live confidently even if you don't have anything."

Park Jinmo continued to have casual conversations with other actors. Perhaps because he was on the actor's board for a long time, or because he was attractive, he quickly captivated the actors.

But then. I made eye contact with Park Jinmo, who was standing in limbo.

What should I do?'

If I were a normal person, I would have stood up and said hello right away because I made eye contact with my senior. No, I would have approached him right away and said hello before our eyes met.

But now things haven't worked out for that. I know for sure now because I'm sensible.

I don't know why, but other actors are staying away from me.

But I couldn't sit still. Even now, he is not considered welcome by other actors, but his image would be even worse if he didn't say hello to Park Jinmo.

I had no choice but to get up from my seat and bend my back deeply.

Park Jinmo approached me, perhaps because he saw me say hello. The actors around him dispersed slowly, paving the way.

Actors covertly surrounded Park Jinmo with me.



Soon after, Park Jinmo, standing in front of me, looked closely at me.

He was much shorter than me, but I felt so tall for no reason. The energy felt in the frame, which can be said to be dwarfed, was unusual.

Whether he was waiting for me to say, Park Jinmo looked at me still. The wrinkled face and sharp eyes seemed to contain numerous works that Park Jinmo has done so far.

I felt the eyes of all the actors in the reading room toward me.

"Good evening, sir. It's a great pleasure to meet you.

"You're Kang Jinseok, right?"

He took his mouth off with difficulty, but Park Jinmo said first before the sentence was even completed.

When Park Jinmo pretended to know me, a rookie, first, the reading room became quieter. Staff members who talked among themselves from afar also covered their mouths.

"Yes, sir. This time, I'm Kang Jinseok, who plays the role of "Song Faith."

"Too much.

I spoke carefully with much more courtesy than before. Unlike other actors, I expect a little positive response.

However, nothing positive was said again this time.

Actor Kang. Can I talk to you separately for a moment?

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