Published at 27th of May 2024 06:58:22 AM

Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

C Hotel, in front of the smoking booth, where the reading is taking place.

Someone had been smoking a while ago, and the faint smell of cigarettes was scattered nearby. Jinmo Park opened the booth door and entered, and Jinseok followed behind him.

Park Jinmo thought as he looked at Jinseok standing in front of him.

Kang Jinseok What kind of guy is he?

Of course, Park Jinmo also heard rumors about Jinseok. When he was asked about him, he was always evaluated as an actor who has good acting skills and is good to the staff.

However, Park Jinmo did not believe such rumors and other people's evaluations. Especially the rumors about him in the entertainment industry and his evaluation.

He said, His face is definitely the main yearbook.

He has been acting for over 30 years and has seen many actors, but he has never seen a face like this.

He saw Park Jinmo take out his cigarette from his pocket and he held it out to Jinseok.


It wasn't a word with much meaning. I just brought him to the smoking booth, so if he smoked, we would smoke together.

However, Jinseok seemed to have taken it a little differently and answered in a serious voice.

If I smoke, I will smoke.

Park Jinmo chuckled at Jinseoks words.

This is a funny friend. If you smoke, do you want to smoke? This isnt some kind of military camp.


I asked because you smoked in . If you don't smoke, don't smoke this. Once you start, you cant stop.

Park Jinmo took out his lighter. But he felt bad about smoking in front of non-smokers, so he put the cigarette in his cigarette pack.

There was nothing special about calling actor Kang Jinseok, I just wanted to talk to him. And he wanted to give me some advice that wasnt advice.


Have you ever said hello to other actors? I saw you sitting in the corner earlier.

The words, I saw you sitting in the corner earlier, sounded to Jinseok like Did you just sit there without saying hello?

Jinseok said, bowing his head politely.

"Sorry. I went around to say hello to the other actors before you came, but they didnt seem to be very happy with me, so I stayed away.

You even apologize. But what do you mean they werent happy about it?

"Hmm Actually, when I was greeting people.

Jinseok calmly told what he had experienced before Park Jinmo came. He took Yeo Hyemin with him to say hello to the other actors, but he said everyone's reaction was cold.

Park Jinmo thought about it as he listened closely to Jinseok's story.

He said, I see.

In fact, Park Jinmo vaguely expected that Jinseok would be ignored by other actors.

And in a way, it was a natural step.

Other actors have gone through all sorts of hardships, including childbirth, misfortune, and dogfighting, before being cast in a good work like .

There are actors who have gone through dozens of auditions to win a minor role, and there are also actors who have gone into debt to produce, direct, and even act on their own.

To those who had survived with only the stubborn belief that they liked movies, Jinseok was just a lucky guy.

Of course, they couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Thank you."

Park Jinmo put his cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He may have been a quick smoker, but before he knew it, the cigarette had turned into a butt.


Spitting out the last sip, Park Jinmo mixed the butt into the ashtray. His eyes were sharp, perhaps because he was charged with nicotine, or because he was trying to say something important.

When I came here earlier, I said I was going to give you advice, that wasn't advice earlier, right?


Ill do that now.

Park Jinmo said, taking a step closer to Jinseok.

No matter how friendly you are to the other actors, you will continue to be ignored by them. Because the lucky guy is already stuck in the minds of other actors.


So we need to change that image.

Change my image?

"Yes. Now other actors don't know how much effort Kang Jinseok has put in, and they don't care. There is no one on this floor who doesn't try hard. It doesn't matter what kind of acting you did in previous dramas. People only believe in the results they see, right?

Park Jinmo took a moment to catch his breath. After taking a deep breath through his nose, he added, his voice more serious than before.

So, you have to prove it yourself. he said that it was not luck that got him there, but skill.


Is that possible?

Jinmo Park spoke in a somewhat provocative tone and voice. He originally didn't intend to speak so aggressively. Because he didn't need to corner a young new actor.

However, Jinmo Park felt that Jinseok was not just a rookie. He was a proud and confident leading actor.

Park Jinmo quietly waited for Jinseoks answer. The cigarette smoke in the smoking booth has already gone out, but the air feels even heavier because of the tension.

At that time, Jinseok asked Jinmo Park.

Among the actors participating in todays reading, who do you think is the best actor in your opinion?

Who is the best actor?


Park Jinmo pondered for a moment and then asked again.

Why are you asking that?

You said I had to prove my acting skills. If I am recognized by the most outstanding actor, wont other actors also recognize me?

Its not a very sophisticated method, but its the most reliable method. however."

Park Jinmo, who had been talking for a while, let out a light snort and continued his words.

Is that possible? In this work, the other actors think I am the best acting actor, right?

Whether intentional or not, it was a challenge to Park Jinmo. And Park Jinmo was not a great person to avoid such challenges.

Park Jinmos voice exudes the nuance of How dare you challenge me?


Despite the pressure, Jinseok spoke in a calm voice.

I will prove my skills. And I will be recognized.

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