Published at 27th of May 2024 06:58:05 AM

Chapter 118

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Chapter 118:

"So are you saying you want to use both Kang Jinseok and Kwon Seokhoon as models?"

The 3rd-floor manager of KL Entertainment grimaced as he spoke into his mobile phone. Although his displeasure was evident in his expression, his voice did not betray much, leaving it uncertain whether the person on the other end could sense it.

[Haha. Yes, exactly. As I mentioned before, originally, we were planning to go with Kang Jinseok alone, not Kwon Seokhoon.]

Perhaps that's why the laughter-infused voice of CEO Go Seokwoo came through the phone.

[Having both Kwon Seokhoon and Kang Jinseok together seems to create a more beautiful picture. I should have mentioned it earlier, but I've been so busy Sorry about that.]The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Since a significant portion of Kwon Seokhoon's modeling fee went into the 3rd-floor manager's bank account as a performance bonus, he was eager to somehow persuade Kwon Seokhoon to comply.

"Still, shooting with Kang Jinseok no matter how you think about it, it's a bit"

However, what would be Youngkyung Lee's reaction if he heard about the idea of Kwon Seokhoon and Jinseok appearing together in the same advertisement?

Naturally, he would probably explode. After all, it was none other than Kang Jinseok.'

"But it's too regrettable to say no."

If Kwon Seokhoon's modeling fee was around 100 to 200 million won, the 3rd floor manager probably wouldn't have had such concerns.

Of course, it's not a small amount of money, but it's not big enough to be bothered by Youngkyung's gaze.

After deep contemplation, the 3rd floor manager spoke to Go Seokwoo.

I understand, Mr. CEO. Once you send the proposal, we will review it and give our feedback. Until when should I respond?

[Of course, the sooner, the better, but you have about a week. We're entering the first meeting with the advertiser next week.]

Understood. I will respond as quickly as possible.

The third-floor manager rubbed his neck as if he had a headache. Suddenly, he noticed Kwon Seokhoon sitting quietly on a small chair in the corner of the room.



"Hey, you!"


Seokhoon, lost in thought, didn't respond immediately to the third-floor manager's words. The manager, not one to let it slide, wasn't about to pass over Seokhoon without saying anything.



"Hey, you!"


"Damn it, you. Are you just sitting here daydreaming while I'm working like this?"

"I apologize."

"Anyway, this guy is less than human. He doesn't know courtesy and respect. That's what happens when someone grows up without parents."

Although the words carried a sense of contempt, Seokhoon showed no reaction. His clenched fist didn't even tremble, and his eyes remained calm.

It was as if he were acting out, "I'm used to hearing such words."

The third-floor manager glanced at Seokhoon with a sly smile. Then, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he snapped his fingers and asked, "Oh, right. Your younger sibling seems to be going to college this year, huh? Seoul National University."

"How do you know that?"

"How do I know? I know everything about your little family. And isn't he famous? Wasn't it the Department of Practical Music?"

Until now, Seokhoon had remained unchanged, like a puppet with strings pulled. However, when the word brother' came up, emotions flickered in his eyes.

Of course, the emotion wasn't joy. It was a mixture of concern for his brother and an undisguised hostility towards the third-floor manager.

Jang Sunho smiled as if trying to alleviate my concerns. It seemed like he rarely smiled before, but at some point, he started smiling more.

It must be something good.

After a while, when we stopped at a red light, Jang Sunho slowed down. Seizing the opportunity, I asked what I had been curious about.

"Manager. So, is Kwon Seokhoon coming today too?"

"Probably. The advertiser and the agency said they wanted to have a meeting with the models as well. Normally, only the staff goes to these meetings, but this time, with the bold move of using two models, it seems like Pizza King is paying extra attention."

Jang Sunho's voice sounded somewhat displeased. It seemed like the advertiser, who hastily arranged the meeting, didn't sit well with him.

"Haha. That's great. They said they'll let you try the new menu today. I've been craving pizza for a while, so it worked out well. And it's a chance to meet Kwon Seokhoon, so it's killing two birds with one stone."

As we chatted, we arrived at the Pizza King headquarters. As Jang Sunho and I got out of the car, a group of people approached me.

The man at the forefront greeted me. He wasn't tall, but he had a robust waistline.

"Hello! I'm Heo Dowan, the marketing team leader at Pizza King."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kang Jinseok."

As I bowed in greeting, Heo Dowan quickly reciprocated. After exchanging brief pleasantries, Heo Dowan smiled and said, "Let me guide you to the meeting room."

"Yes, please. Thank you."

Perhaps because it was the weekend, there were hardly any employees around. The few we encountered seemed busy with their tasks.

"Here we are."

Heo Dowan opened a large door and gestured for me to enter. Following him inside, I saw a spacious room with a large table filled with pizza boxes.

Feeling hungry as I hadn't eaten breakfast, my gaze naturally went towards the pizza. However, before the pizza captured my attention, something else caught my eye.

Kwon Seokhoon!'

Standing before me was the role model, actor Kwon Seokhoon. My heart raced at the sight of him. I widened my eyes and looked directly at Kwon Seokhoon, and it seemed he noticed my gaze as he turned to look in my direction.

Kwon Seokhoon wore the familiar gentle smile that I had often seen on the screen.

"Hello, senior! I'm Kang Jinseok. It's truly an honor to meet you like this."

Approaching Kwon Seokhoon directly and bowing, he looked at me for a moment, then smiled subtly and said, "Haha, this is tickling my ego a bit. When someone as impressive as Kang greets me like this."

"Oh, no. I've never missed any of your work, senior. I've learned a lot from watching your performances. You're truly my role model."

There was a moment of silence.

"I've gained so much from you. I've wanted to express my gratitude someday."

He spoke calmly, without showing too much excitement, and he spoke the truth.

For a brief moment, Kwon Seokhoon's expression stiffened. It was fleeting, as the bright smile that had disappeared for a moment returned.

However, Kwon Seokhoon's expression remained awkward. It felt like he was acting that kind of feeling.

Did I make some mistake?'

The momentary change in Kwon Seokhoon left me with a sense of discomfort as if I had made some kind of error.

"Senior, did I make some verbal mistake or something?"

I asked, watching Kwon Seokhoon's reaction. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then smiled broadly, showing even his gum, as he spoke.

"No, no, no. It's not that. Just"

Even though he was speaking in a bright tone, there was something awkward about it.

Glancing around to check the surroundings, Kwon Seokhoon took a step closer and whispered.

"Actor Kang Jinseok Is my acting good?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!