Published at 27th of May 2024 06:58:02 AM

Chapter 119

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Chapter 119:

Whether Kwon Seokhoon's acting was good?

It was obvious. Not only me but any actor admired Kwon Seokhoon's acting.

Kwon Seokhoon was not only skilled in acting but above all, he exerted all his strength when he acted. Not just actors, but critics also made such comments. Kwon Seokhoon's acting was always not necessarily the best, but it was always his best.

"Senior, is my acting good? Of course. As I mentioned earlier, you are my role model."

At my words, Kwon Seokhoon's eyes trembled. After silently staring at me with those eyes, he spoke in a heavy voice.

"I am not someone worthy of being a role model. And my acting is not the kind you should watch and learn from. Absolutely, from now on, don't watch my works."


"Watching and learning from someone else's acting will make you resemble that acting. Right now, Actor Kang Jinseok is joyfully acting. So Please, don't learn from watching me. There's nothing more for you to learn."

It was a playful but serious tone. He wasn't a person who could talk about such matters playfully.

The unexpected and heavy conversation between me and Kwon Seokhoon created an awkward atmosphere.

"Oh! Who is this? Aren't you Actor Kang Jinseok?"

At that moment, someone called me from outside with apparent delight. I turned my head, and there stood a man with a large build and a sly expression.

"I'm Yang Manchun, the 3rd floor manager at KL Entertainment. We've had some unpleasant encounters, but this might be a good opportunity to clear up misunderstandings. You never know how relationships can turn out in the future, right? Hahaha!"

Yang Manchun. A man I had never seen before. But strangely, I felt uncomfortable.

It wasn't about his appearance or way of speaking; it was the atmosphere he exuded that made me uneasy.

Yang Manchun seemed to remind me of the unscrupulous part-time job bosses I had encountered in the past.

Calling someone an "unscrupulous part-time job boss" might sound cute, but if you feel that way at first sightUpdated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Could it be is that really true?"

Suddenly, I remembered what Jang Sunho had mentioned. The suspicion that Kwon Seokhoon might be tied to an unfavorable contract with KL Entertainment.

After the appearance of Yang Manchun, the atmosphere stiffened between Kwon Seokhoon and the tangled stories we had just shared, making my head feel complicated.

"Well, since we've met like this, let me give you my business card. I'm sure you still have some time left in your contract, but someday, give me a call"

"I'll excuse myself in the middle of your conversation."

Preventing Yang Manchun from handing me his business card, Jang Sunho stepped forward.

"I understand that you may need help."

Blocking the space between me and Yang Manchun, Jang Sunho pulled out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Kwon Seokhoon.

"Please get in touch."

In the midst of Jang Sunho's significantly meaningful words, the surrounding air began to feel even more awkward.

Amid the awkward atmosphere, Yang Manchun, unable to endure any longer, grimaced and spoke in a threatening tone.

"What on earth are you doing now? Your agency manager is right here, and what help are you talking about"

"Don't speak recklessly."

At the moment when Yang Manchun was getting angry, Jang Sunho interrupted him again.


"Someone like you, without any chance of rehabilitation"

Just as Jang Sunho was about to speak to Yang Manchun he looked as if he was seeing a bug.

"Haha, why are you acting like this on such a nice day? Manager, I won't take this business card."

As if advising Kwon Seokhoon to stay calm, Kwon Seokhoon interjected, showing his palm.

The awkward expression I felt before disappeared, replaced only by Kwon Seokhoon's characteristic gentle smile.

Carefully examining the business card that Jang Sunho had offered, Kwon Seokhoon returned it, saying,

"And Manager Jang Sunho? I have a good relationship with KL Entertainment. We plan to renew the contract soon. I appreciate your interest, but I will politely decline."


"Now then, let's not stand around like this. How about having some pizza? I had a piece without the director knowing earlier, and it was delicious."

Having finished speaking, Kwon Seokhoon led me to the table, shoulder to shoulder.

There were many things I wanted to ask him what that meaning he mentioned earlier was, whether he was facing any troubles at KL Entertainment. However, I didn't ask anything. Even if I asked Kwon Seokhoon now, he probably wouldn't answer.

Most importantly, the gaze of Jang Sunho looking at Yang Manchun from behind seemed suspicious.


Kwon Seokhoon picked up a pen. An old pen he had used to make countless notes on scripts.

It was a familiar pen, but today, it felt unusually heavy.


After the Pizza King ad meeting on the way home.

I initiated a conversation, glancing at Manager Jang Sunho, who was driving.

"Manager, may I ask you something?"

Without saying a word, Jang Sunho nodded, anticipating what I was going to ask.

"Well Earlier, you said to Kwon Seokhoon, If you need help, contact me.'"


"Could I know what you meant by that?"

As I finished my question, the traffic light conveniently turned red. Jang Sunho calmly spoke, bringing the car to a stop.

"Yes, do you remember when I mentioned before that it seemed like Kwon Seokhoon might be bound by an unfavorable contract?"


"After that, I looked into KL Entertainment's contract in more detail. He is a role model for Kang Jinseok and a potential target for OS Entertainment."

"If you looked into it Does that mean the rumors you mentioned back then were true?"

Jang Sunho nodded.

"No, there was no problem with the contract."

"Yes? Then everything is fine with the contract?"

"Not exactly. While there was no issue with the contract itself, Kwon Seokhoon was undoubtedly receiving unreasonable treatment."

"Unreasonable treatment?"

"Yes. Kwon Seokhoon is not receiving his appearance fees or advertising payments properly."

Anticipating my questions, Jang Sunho explained further.

"So, my conclusion is that KL Entertainment is exploiting Kwon Seokhoon's weaknesses. There is no problem with the contract per se, so there are no apparent internal or external issues."

"Weakness? Could it be that Kwon Seokhoon did something wrong?"

Jang Sunho, as if expecting my inquiry, provided more detailed explanations.

"So, the point is, Kwon Seokhoon has become a pawn in KL Entertainment's hands due to financial constraints. His sister's debt is in my care, and Kwon Seokhoon has no choice but to follow KL Entertainment's lead."

"That's not the case. Kwon Seokhoon was clean. It's 3rd Room who's the problem."


"He went through some difficulties, but I found out why Kwon Seokhoon, despite receiving such treatment, remains at KL Entertainment. And I also realized that I can help him enough."

I can help him enough.

Among all that Jang Sunho had said, these were the most hopeful words.

"So, I gave Kwon Seokhoon my business card earlier. I told him to reach out if he needed help. If things work out well, we might be able to bring Kwon Seokhoon on board."


It felt like the oppressive feelings were finally lifting.

"But didn't Kwon Seokhoon refuse your business card earlier?"

When I expressed my concern, Jang Sunho smiled subtly.

"He's an actor who has memorized thick scripts for years. Remembering a phone number should be a piece of cake for him. So, if he needs help, he'll definitely contact me."

At that moment, Jang Sunho's phone buzzed briefly. Whether it was a text message or not, Jang Sunho glanced at his mobile phone as if he were subtly contemplating.

Concerned about an important text, Jang Sunho asked me, "Actor, do you have any plans for dinner tonight?"

"Dinner plans? No, I don't have any."

"Then how about having dinner together? Someone really wants to have dinner with you, and they contacted me about it."

Does someone want to have dinner with me?

"Having dinner together is fine No, I'm completely okay with that. Is it someone you know?"

"It's not someone I know."

After Jang Sunho extended his explanation, he showed me his mobile phone and said, "It's a request from Actor Kwon Seokhoon."

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