Published at 27th of May 2024 06:57:50 AM

Chapter 125

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Chapter 125:

Next to the name, I wasn't quite sure what the checkmark meant, but it caught my attention because none of the other applicants had it.

"Anyway this one has quite an impressive portfolio."

Theater, short films, web dramas, independent films. There was even a record of appearances in cable TV dramas.

And not just as an extra with roles like Pedestrian 1' or Casual Greeting Friend 3', but with a substantial role named Yang Minwoo.'

I hadn't seen any of the works, but objectively, for a newcomer, it was an impressive profile.

"Did he study acting since high school?"

If so, it should have left an impression, but I couldn't recall anything in particular.

"We've arrived, sir."

Startled by the announcement, I quickly returned the profile to Jang Sunho beside me.

But my movements seemed a bit awkward.

Jang Sunho glanced at Iseo-gu's profile, which was now on top.

"So, Iseo-gu is one of the applicants."

The tone sounded as if Jang Sunho knew Iseo-gu. While tidying up the disarrayed stack of profiles because of me, Jang Sunho continued, "We are alumni from the same high school, so I took a closer look. This actor has done quite a lot."

"Same high school Oh, is that why you marked it?"

"Yes. Besides, there were other things I was curious about. Are you two close?"

"We're not that close. I just know his name and face."

I didn't mention what kind of person I knew Iseo-gu to be. The guy I knew in the past might not be the same person now, so it was better not to say anything unnecessary.

"We're from the same high school, and the profile is quite impressive, so I looked into it. We can't bring someone with issues onto an audition program, you know."

As if reading my thoughts, Jang Sunho sighed heavily.

"If you looked into it did anything come up?"

Jang Sunho nodded.

"Nothing came up. It was remarkably clean."


"In his school records, he's just an ordinary student, and he started working as an actor in earnest after graduating from high school."

Upon Jang Sunho's words, I unintentionally made a small humming sound. "Iseo-gu is clean?"

At least the Iseo-gu I know isn't like that. He's the type to be at the forefront of the recent entertainment industry school violence controversies that explode whenever things get boring.

During that moment of hesitation, I wondered whether I should mention that or not:

"However, it was suspiciously clean. No matter how much of an upright person you are, humans always have some dust when you shake them. But there seemed to be none in Iseo-gu's application."

Jang Sunho made a meaningful statement.

"People tend to make small mistakes in their lives. Even actor Kang Jinseok had a dispute with a freshman during a welcome party, right?"

"You knew about that?"

"Of course. Anyway, it was so strange that I looked into it thoroughly and found something interesting."

Jang Sunho took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"Among Iseo-gu's relatives, there is a high-ranking legal official in the legal field. He used to be a prosecutor, and now he's with a major law firm. It seems that person helped in various ways to ensure no problems arise when he becomes a celebrity later."

I didn't know how impressive being a prosecutor was, but if Jang Sunho called him a high-ranking official,' he must be someone quite important.

But what I was curious about right now wasn't that information. I was more interested in whether they would let Iseo-gu's profile pass.

Rather than beating around the bush, I decided to ask Jang Sunho directly.

"So do you, as the manager, plan to let this guy Iseo-gu's profile pass?"

"Well, it's helped our sales a lot, but"

The only problem was that Yeonsoo, a key employee and the only one, was radiating a dark, almost ominous aura.

"Yeonsoo might not like this situation since she used to be interested in Jinseok."

Still, there was nothing to be done about it for a while. The owner planned to maintain this situation until the popularity of died down.

It might have to be maintained for quite a long time.

"Come on, Yeonsoo! Instead of sulking, let's give it our all today too!"

However, as it couldn't be left that way with Seo Yeonsoo, the owner walked up to her, clenched his fists, and said, "Today, I'll clean the bathroom! Hey! This is real top-notch service, isn't it?"

Seo Yeonsoo glanced at the owner with a skeptical look. The eyes between her long, narrow eyelids seemed a bit cold.

In response to that gaze, the owner made another pledge. "Uh, should I handle the closing by myself then?"


However, Seo Yeonsoo still showed no reaction.

Faced with Seo Yeonsoo's eyes that showed no intention of playing along, the owner awkwardly smiled and said, "Just stay quiet, okay?"

Without responding, Seo Yeonsoo nodded her head and headed towards the Jinseok-hyemin Photo Zone.'

Pulling out a dry towel and cleaning solution from her apron, she wiped the tables. As she worked, she glanced at a framed photo of Jinseok, who was smiling.

"He's gone too far now."

Contrary to the owner's thoughts, Seo Yeonsoo's recent fatigue wasn't because people constantly linked Jinseok and Yeo Hyemin as a couple.

If she were honest, it did bother her a bit, but more than that, it was frustrating how much Jinseok was advancing.

"I need to get into my next project quickly too."

After "The Way They Chose," Seo Yeonsoo auditioned for several roles. Regardless of the size, she took auditions seriously and achieved some success.

But whenever she took a step, it felt like Jinseok was ten steps, no, a hundred steps ahead.

When Seo Yeonsoo barely landed a role with a few lines, Jinseok was handling a significant role in a nationwide buzzworthy production.


Seo Yeonsoo let out a light sigh at the fleeting melancholic thought.

But only for a moment.

"Still, don't be discouraged! Somehow, I have to catch up!"

Making a small resolution in her mind, Seo Yeonsoo put a towel and cleaning solution in her apron. Then, she puffed up her cheeks, relaxed the muscles on her face, and put on her usual bright smile.

"Alright, alright, aja, aja, aja-ja! Seo Yeonsoo, fighting!"

Seo Yeonsoo shouted with her arms raised. Startled by the sudden outburst, the owner, who had been watching her, looked at her in surprise.

Addressing the owner with an energetic voice, Seo Yeonsoo said, "Boss! You said you'd clean the bathroom today, right? Then, can I leave 30 minutes early? I have an audition tomorrow!"

"Oh? Uh, sure, sure! Seo Yeonsoo, fighting!"

Although a bit taken aback by the sudden change in Seo Yeonsoo's mood, the owner responded cheerfully.

"But seriously, I'm just a manager, why am I reading the mood of a part-timer?"

Suddenly puzzled by that thought, the owner had already lost control.

"Well then, shall we open? We can't keep the customers waiting!"

As Seo Yeonsoo was about to open the door, her mobile phone rang.

Anticipating that she might not have a chance to check once customers came in, she decided to check her phone first.

[Assistant Manager Yoon Gayeon Hello, Ms. Yeonsoo. It's been a while since I contacted you]

A contact from an entirely unexpected person.

It was a message from Yoon Gayeon, who had visited the cafe before and handed her a business card, suggesting she auditioned for OS Entertainment when the opportunity arose.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!