Published at 27th of May 2024 06:57:45 AM

Chapter 128

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Chapter 128:

"Take a look at this, Chairman. This is Kim Faith. To think that I, Kim Faith, would fall for the target of my operation, it's an unthinkable thing."

A lack of dignity and a light tone. It was undoubtedly the tone of a con artist,' but there was no leisure in Jinseok's voice now.

A sense of unfamiliarity, as if trying to forcibly conceal something, and an excited, rough breath.

Yeo Jaeyoon smiled, revealing his teeth, at every detail of Jinseok's acting, even the smallest nuances.

This is it.'

No other pretense was needed. Jinseok's performance showed exactly what he intended.

Jinseok filled the cup in front of him with water and downed it in one breath. Chewing on the ice that entered his mouth with the water, he swallowed it roughly down his throat.

Only then did Jinseok seem to calm down a bit; his breath became steadier. His expression returned to the original con artist,' full of composure.

"Shall we continue the conversation?"

As Jinseok nodded, Park Jinmo looked directly at Kim Faith and spoke.

"You said it yourself. You're an expert at moving people's hearts."


"Then let me ask an expert like you something."

Park Jinmo slightly bent his waist, leaning his face towards Jinseok. Then, with a more serious tone than ever, he said,

"Between my daughter and you, whose heart is more open to each other right now?"

Jinseok's expression stiffened again at Park Jinmo's words. He didn't answer, but everyone watching him could sense Jinseok's feelings just by looking at his expression.

Jinseok avoided eye contact without saying a word. Park Jinmo, who had been observing him, spoke again.

"I believe you're a pro.' Even if you're a con artist who trivializes promises, as a professional, you must have your pride."


"Get your feelings in order. And for the remaining three months, don't harbor any unnecessary feelings. Just open your heart to my daughter. Don't do anything else, understand?"

Jinseok couldn't say anything in response to Park Jinmo's warning. Maintaining the gaze that had trembled a moment ago seemed challenging for him.

"Why no answer?"

As Jinseok remained silent, Park Jinmo issued a heavier warning with a more serious tone than before.

"I'm very grateful for what you've done so far. But if you go against my will, I may not know what I'll do to you then."


"So, make an effort to keep our relationship harmonious."

With that, Park Jinmo stood up and said, "By the way, I've prepared the finest dinner for you. Take it with you. I have a promise to my daughter' today. Goodbye."

Park Jinmo left the room, and the staff brought in dishes one by one, placing them on the table in front of Jinseok.

The dishes, like works of art, would make anyone's mouth water. However, Jinseok's eyes were still fixed on the empty space.

"Ah! C'est dlicieux!"


"After You're truly amazing. Where did you learn acting?"

After the shoot, Park Jinmo admired me.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Haha No, I just held a spoon on a plate made by a senior."

"What do you mean making a plate? You made everything. But, seriously, who did you learn acting from?"

It seemed like Park Jinmo was genuinely curious about who taught me acting.

Not sure how to answer, I hesitated for a moment and replied, as I did when I received a similar question a long time ago.

"I'm self-taught."



As I answered confidently, Park Jinmo scrutinized me. It was a much gentler gaze than when I was acting earlier, but a different sense of pressure could be felt.

"Well, if that's the case, nothing can be done. If you had a teacher, I would have asked for a favor for my son."

"If it's your son, um"

Park Jinmo's son was a fairly famous actor. However, his fame wasn't due to outstanding acting or looks but simply because he was Park Jinmo's son.'

Honestly, I had never seen any of the works he appeared in. So, I didn't know if he was good at acting or not.

"Yes. Then, next time when you're available, let's eat together."

"Yes. Definitely."


In the evening, at a university hospital in Seoul.

"Sigh. It took longer than I thought."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, Yeo Jaeyoon pressed the elevator button after finishing shooting and coming to the hospital.

Not long after, with the familiar sound of ding,' the elevator doors opened.

Familiar with being in this hospital, Yeo Jaeyoon naturally pressed the button for the 9th floor.

As he stepped out of the elevator, a large sign saying Department of Psychiatry' and some slightly tired-looking nurses came into view.

Putting the handkerchief in his back pocket, Yeo Jaeyoon approached the nurses.

"Thank you for your hard work. I am the guardian of Patient Yeo Hyemin."

The nurses welcomed Yeo Jaeyoon warmly.

"Hello, Director. Did you come to hear the results for your daughter?"

"Yes. Uh by any chance, where is Hyemin?"

"She should be in the break room. Shall I guide you?"

"It's okay. I'll go myself."

After politely greeting the nurses, Yeo Jaeyoon tried to head towards the break room when one of them called him.

"Director. The Doctor asked to bring you in as soon as you arrived. How about meeting the doctor first?"

It was the first time the doctor had requested a meeting first. Yeo Jaeyoon felt a bit concerned that something might be wrong, but he nodded calmly.

"Alright. I will see the doctor first."

"Yes. Please wait for a moment."

The nurse contacted the doctor through the intercom.

"They can come in now."


Upon hearing the nurse's words, Yeo Jaeyoon headed straight for the counseling room of Doctor Kim Seyeon.

Knock, knock.

With a nervous heart, Yeo Jaeyoon knocked on the door.

"Come in."

With permission granted, Yeo Jaeyoon opened the door and entered.

He sat down in front of Doctor Kim Seyeon with a tense expression. Seeing him like that, Doctor Kim Seyeon smiled and said, "You always seemed relaxed, but today you look in a hurry. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. You mentioned you wanted to see me separately, so I was a bit worried that the results might not be good."

Contrary to the anxious Yeo Jaeyoon, Doctor Kim Seyeon's face was quite bright.

Handing a few sheets of paper to Yeo Jaeyoon, Kim Seyeon said, "I wanted to tell you some good news since I wanted to meet the guardian quickly."

"Good news?!"

"Yes. This is the first time I've had a counseling session like today while watching Ms. Yeo Hyemin."

With a faint smile, Kim Seyeon added, "Today, Ms. Yeo Hyemin asked her first question.' The fact that she asked a question first signals a readiness to accept others, unlike in the past when she avoided conversation. When a patient becomes open not only to acting but also to other things, their condition improves significantly."

Yeo Jaeyoon's face brightened at Kim Seyeon's words.

Honestly, he didn't fully understand what Kim Seyeon was saying, but he accepted it as good news that her condition had improved.


Adding a bit of vagueness, Kim Seyeon wore a slightly ambiguous expression. It was a small change, but Yeo Jaeyoon couldn't help but feel tense again.

"It seems that the guardian may need to observe more closely."

"To observe closely?"

"Today, the patient asked, Doctor, what does it mean if a man suggests eating together?'"

When Yeo Jaeyoon cautiously inquired, Kim Seyeon touched her chin, contemplating for a moment. Then, with a sly smile, she said, placing her thumb against her fingers, "It seems that she has developed feelings for someone she likes."


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