Published at 27th of May 2024 06:57:34 AM

Chapter 134

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Chapter 134:

"That guy, without even realizing it, genuinely fell for the rich girl. He was supposed to pretend to have fun when they went somewhere together, but he ended up becoming genuinely happy."

"He was supposed to pretend to like her, but he ended up falling in love."

Kim Faith tightly closed his eyes. He cooled his heated eyes and slowly opened them again.

Then, he looked straight into Lee Hyemin's eyes and spoke.

"And an hour ago, he tried to break up with the rich girl who believed he was real.' He was supposed to say he was a fake.' But the moment he faced her, he couldn't say it. Instead, he confessed as his heart commanded."

"So here I am, standing here, confessing again. I did consider whether to hide it from you, but I can't lie to you anymore."

"Until now, my life has been nothing but lies but at this moment, I wanted it to be real for you."

****The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

In the script, Moon Hyemin' is supposed to hesitate for a while and then embrace the con artist, concluding the scene. In other words, it seemed unnecessary to rely on Kim Faith's memory anymore.

What is it?'

However, the scene doesn't shift. It seems like Kim Faith has something more to show.

The two stood silently for a while after that.

If it weren't for the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves or the eyes being blurry with tears, one could have thought time had stopped.

After a while of silence, Lee Hyemin, who had been silently watching Kim Faith, spoke with trembling lips.

"Uh, there was a child who lost her mother at the age of twelve."

It was the first complete sentence from Lee Hyemin.

It was surprising and slightly touching, but Kim Faith was astonished not only by that but also by Lee Hyemin's ability to skillfully divert the conversation, just as she had done a little while ago.

Whether it was the opening of her words or Lee Hyemin continuing to speak, it still felt somewhat awkward.

"Unlike someone else it was a child with a lot of money. One day, after losing her mother and being sad, her father brought in a young woman. She resembled her mother. She was a beautiful woman."

Despite trying to speak calmly, tears still welled up in Lee Hyemin's eyes.

After a brief pause where she couldn't continue, she finally gathered herself and spoke again.

"But that woman she only resembled on the outside; inside, she was different. That woman subjected the child to terrible things and made sure the child couldn't tell anyone about what happened to her. Just showing any sign of wanting to speak earned punishment throughout that evening."

"3 years, no, 4 years, the child had to endure it alone. Even when the father, who realized the woman's wrongdoing, kicked her out it was already long overdue. The cheerful, lively child from before died, and the child left was filled with fear and distrust towards people."

Kim Faith could also understand that the child' Lee Hyemin was talking about was herself.

Lee Hyemin took a slow, deep breath before continuing.

"The woman who tormented her disappeared, but the child couldn't speak. It was terrifying every time she tried to speak. I don't know the reason. It was just scary to speak."

"Fearing others and not trusting them, the child tried to live her whole life inside her room. But because of her father, who looked at her with sadness while bringing in women, the child couldn't do that. Even though the father who brought in the woman was hated she was still the only family left for the child."

Lee Hyemin glanced towards the back for a moment.

"If you had hidden the fact that you deceived me, I might have been really disappointed in you. But since you believed me and confessed first I'll believe in you too."

After finishing her words, Lee Hyemin smiled gently. Kim Faith, as if in disbelief, raised his head and looked at Lee Hyemin.

Kim Faith took a step towards Lee Hyemin. Then, instead of trying to embrace her as he had dreamed, he hesitated and stopped.

Not yet.'

He didn't have the right to be happy. After all, he was the one who had lived by deceiving others. Even though he couldn't undo everything, to walk with her, he needed to atone for his mistakes.

With traces of tears and a bright smile mixed on his somewhat comical face, Kim Faith said, looking incredibly happy.

"100 days from the day I first confessed to you, two weeks ago."

"Yes. But?"

"By that day, I'll return all the wealth I've earned through scams. I think that's the only way I can properly face you."

As Lee Hyemin looked at herself intently, Kim Faith grabbed Lee Hyemin's shoulders and finished speaking.

"So, on February 16th, at 6 p.m. Let's meet again at the Nonhyeon-dong restaurant where we first met. I'll prepare myself with at least the minimum qualifications to meet you and come to see you."


"Promise me."

In response to those words, Lee Hyemin seemed to want to say something, but eventually, with a faint smile that seemed to convey understanding, she nodded her head.

Having confirmed the answer, Kim Faith hurriedly ran to his car. To return all the money he scammed, it might be tight, so he was in a hurry.

It was such a fortunate day. He had received partial approval from the chairman for his relationship with Lee Hyemin, and he had been acknowledged by her despite revealing everything.

Really, it couldn't get any better than this.

Kim Faith immediately got into his car and started the engine.

I can't return it openly, so I'll have to secretly arrange for it, I guess.'

Kim Faith let out a refreshing sigh. It felt like he was expelling all the depression that had built up over the past few weeks.

The car moved forward rapidly, and the refreshing night air flowed in through the open window.

The past few weeks had been so frustrating, but he thought it was for the sake of this refreshing feeling now. With that in mind, he felt like he could do it two, no, three times over.

But What about all the money I returned?


The headlights went out, and the eerie horn blared loudly. A massive truck was coming towards him. It didn't stop. He couldn't avoid it.

The truck approached closer and closer. Just before the collision of the two, in that fleeting moment. What crossed Kim Faith's mind was

We promised to meet at the restaurant on February 16th'

If he died, he would be lying again.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!