Published at 27th of May 2024 06:56:33 AM

Chapter 164

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Chapter 164:

"Okay, cut! Let's take a break."

With Katahiro's words, the previously quiet set became lively. Staff members received various instructions from the director and went about their tasks.

The atmosphere on set was bright, much like the first shoot, as the filming went smoothly.

However, except for one person.

Watching Jinseok walking towards the staff after the shoot.

"...Does he not like me much?"

Inoue's thoughts were triggered by today's acting.

The scene she had just filmed with Jinseok was the first encounter between the male and female leads at a ramen shop. The female lead approached the melancholic male lead warmly, while the male lead strongly disliked and avoided her.

Given the nature of the scene, it was natural for Jinseok to portray an aversion towards himself.

"Somehow, it felt more like sincerity than acting."

Having been to various sets and witnessed the performances of many actors, Jinseok's acting was different. His acting genuinely seemed like he disliked himself.

"Now that I think about it, he seemed to keep his distance subtly even during the dinner..."

At that moment when Inoue was looking at Jinseok's back with a slight concern,

"Inoue, I'll fix your makeup a bit."

"Oh, yes!"

A staff member who had been in charge of Inoue's makeup since the shoot approached.

As Inoue stood there, looking at herself with a puzzled expression, the staff member smiled and offered her a makeshift chair.

"Please have a seat. Don't stand uncomfortably."

"Oh... thank you. This is the first time I've been treated like this in a project, so I still haven't gotten used to it. Hehe."

As Inoue sat on the makeshift chair, the staff member spoke with a voice mixed with laughter.

"You did a great job in your performance, so why are you making such a sad face?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes. You have a look on your face like a puppy that knocked over its food bowl."

Inoue glanced at her reflection in the mirror. It truly was the expression the staff member described.

"That... I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but it seems like Actor Kang Jinseok doesn't really like me."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, to explain, it's a bit of a long story..."

Inoue scratched the back of her head and awkwardly explained. She mentioned how Jinseok seemed to keep his distance during the previous dinner, and today during the acting, it felt like he genuinely disliked her.

In response to Inoue's rather serious explanation, the staff member shrugged, as if to say it was nothing.

"That's just how Actor Kang Jinseok is."

"Is he always like that?"

"Actor Kang rarely talks to women during dinners. I first saw him in ‘The Way They Chose,' and even during the dinner, he kept his distance from the female actors. Except for Seo Yeonsoo, if I remember correctly."


"Yes. Even though he usually treats people warmly, he becomes very cautious during dinners. It seems like it's something the agency advised him to do."


"So, don't worry too much. Actor Kang Jinseok is a really kind person. And his acting is so realistic... Well, how should I put it?"

The staff member changed the brush, smiling subtly.

"We've just started shooting, you shouldn't be so surprised already. Actor Kang Jinseok is really good at acting, you know."


After the first shoot of the day ended, there was a brief break.

"We'll resume shooting in 5 minutes!"

The staff announced.

"Should I go check it out now?"

I took a sip of water, letting it linger in my mouth before swallowing. Thanks to that, my slightly dry mouth became moist.

"Ha Jun, I'll be back after the shoot."

"Yes! Fighting, actor!"

Although we had been together for quite some time, there was still a strong sense of formality in Ha Jun's cheers.

With Ha Jun's encouragement, I entered the ramen shop to shoot the next scene. The other extras were already seated, and Inoue, like a diligent student cramming for an exam, had her head buried in the script, quickly scanning through it.

For some reason, her scene preparation reminded me of myself, and a smile formed on my face.

"Inoue, actress, please take good care of this scene too..."

I was about to speak casually, but I held back. She seemed so focused on the script, and I didn't want to interrupt her flow with unnecessary conversation.

Trying to be discreet, I sat across from Inoue.

But then...

The chair hit something on the floor, and at the sound, Inoue looked up.

"Oh... Actor Kang Jinseok is here."

"Ha ha... Yes. I tried to sit quietly to avoid disturbing you while you were reading the script, but I ended up making a sound. I apologize."


Inoue mumbled in response to my words. She seemed to have something to say, but in the end, she just gave an awkward smile without saying anything.

I was going to tell her to speak freely if she had something on her mind, but I decided against it. It might actually make her uncomfortable.

As a somewhat awkward moment passed...

"Actor Kang Jinseok, Actress Inoue. Are you ready?"

Director Katahiro's voice broke the silence.

I turned towards the director with a smile and a nod, and Katahiro, acknowledging my readiness, raised his thumb.

"All right. Ready... Action."

With his characteristic calm demeanor, Katahiro signaled for action. And at that moment, the scene unfolded before my eyes.



"...Since we've met like this, let's exchange names. I'm Yomi. Haruna Yomi."


Unable to comprehend Yomi's feelings, Tadano showed a hint of empathy. Upon realizing this, Yomi spoke with a light smile,

"It's not over yet. Now, the real story begins."

"More than this?"

"Yes. Earlier, I mentioned my dad getting sick."

‘What more could there be?'

Tadano thought, but Yomi continued as if discussing someone else's story, downing the ramen broth in one go,

"Kaha! This ramen broth in this place is the best."

She sounded truly happy.

Unable to comprehend Yomi's feelings, Tadano showed a hint of empathy. Upon realizing this, Yomi spoke with a light smile,

"Anyway, that's how it is. So, I'm barely scraping by, feeding my younger siblings on my own. I work as a station attendant during the day, and at night... well, I do odd jobs. But there's no way I could support my three siblings with just my station attendant salary if I wanted to keep them all together."

"And your siblings... don't they earn any money?"

"Earning money is tough for my siblings. One just started elementary school, and the second one is in the second year of middle school. Oh, the second one is in the baseball club. They say if he goes pro, he'll make a lot of money and take care of me. I don't know if I can hold out until then, though. Hehe."

Tadano, upon hearing Yomi's words, couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

Perhaps because Yomi had experienced something as severe as, if not more so than himself.

So, Tadano wondered. How could someone who had gone through such hardships as Yomi make such a cheerful expression?

Staring at Yomi with eyes mixed with complex emotions, Tadano carefully asked in a measured voice,

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Even after going through such an ordeal... how can you make such a cheerful expression?"

At Tadano's question, Yomi tilted her head with a playful smile. After a moment of contemplation, as if wondering why he would ask such a thing, she answered with a smile,

"The reason for living happily is simple. It's just better to live brightly, laughing like this."

"Living happily is better?"

"Yes. It's better to live joyfully and happily than to be sad about something bad that happened. Haven't you heard that saying? ‘Smile, and the whole world will smile with you. Cry, and you'll cry alone.'"

"...That's Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem, the first line of ‘Solitude.'"

"Oh. It was a poem? I didn't know. You seem quite smart on that side. I thought you wouldn't read books at all, looking the way you do."


"Anyway, people die eventually. So, what's important is what you do while you're alive, right? Oh, I realized that while eating ramen here."

Yomi spoke with a perpetual twinkle in her eye.

Witnessing Yomi in this light, Tadano couldn't say anything. While he understood Yomi's words intellectually, he couldn't grasp them emotionally.

So, the two sat in silence for a while, eating, until Yomi got up from her seat.

"Well, I'll be going now. It's time for me to go to work."

"Oh... okay."

With a blank expression, Tadano listened as Yomi smiled at him again before leaving the restaurant. Watching her leave, Tadano suddenly snapped back to reality.

‘Work, huh? What could she be doing at this hour?'

In truth, whatever Yomi did didn't concern Tadano. She was a woman he wouldn't have any business with once he returned to Tokyo tomorrow.

But still, why?

Tadano was curious about Yomi's life. How a woman who claimed it was better to live joyfully no matter what had gone through and experienced.

Having finished his thoughts, Tadano seemed to make a decision and got up from his seat.

"Owner, I'll leave the money here. Thanks for the meal."

-Yes! See you again!

After paying for the meal, Tadano hastily left the restaurant and followed Yomi. Her figure was visible as she entered an alley.

‘Her steps are quite fast.'

Although Tadano had been following Yomi for quite some time through the alley she entered, the distance between them didn't seem too close. Eventually, Tadano increased his pace, almost running lightly.

As he got closer to Yomi, just as he was about to call out to her.

"Yomi, is that you? You're early today. Ugh, you should have come a bit earlier yesterday. Two customers left because you were late."

"Hehe... I'm sorry. Are there many customers today?"

"Strangely, there aren't any customers looking for Yomi today. But since Yomi is popular, they'll come soon. For now, go in and do your makeup."



Yomi entered a building where the bright pink light fluttered.

That building was a place where women sold liquor and laughter.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!