Published at 27th of May 2024 06:56:24 AM

Chapter 172

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Chapter 172:

While in Korea, Lee Minyoung, Jung Woncheol, and Jang Sunho were having an important meeting.

Meanwhile in Japan, the filming of "The Most Painful Predestined Relationship in the World" was in full swing. Since the staff had already worked together several times, everyone knew their tasks without explicit instructions. The director, Katahiro, delegated minor tasks to the staff and only exchanged crucial matters based on their roles.

Jinseok was a bit away from the shooting location, going through the script.

‘This project is almost over.’

The thick script now had only a few pages left. There was anticipation for how the project would turn out, and the joy of reaching the final stages of shooting. Yet, there was also a sense of regret.

As he prepared for the acting, reviewing the notes he had written in the script for about twenty minutes, a staff member shouted.

"It's 5 minutes before shooting!"


With the announcement that there were 5 minutes left until shooting, he put down the script and headed toward the center of the camera.

Though he had become accustomed to the filming process, standing in front of the camera and lights still made his heart pound.

As time passed, the surroundings gradually became quieter. The unique tension of the filming location, felt just before the shooting started, enveloped him.

"We will begin shooting!"

When the staff member, who had shouted a while ago, shouted again, the surroundings fell completely silent. Then, the director Katahiro's characteristic calm cue signaled.

"Ready... Action!"


‘Is this... Sapporo Station?'

In the late afternoon, Sapporo Station bustled with numerous people coming and going. Among them was Tadano, who had come from Tokyo to Sapporo to meet Yomi.

However, Tadano's behavior was a bit peculiar.Visjt novelbin(.)com for new updates




Like a person in a trance, Tadano stood still, staring into the void. Although he had come to Sapporo, longing to meet Yomi right away, he remained motionless.

After a while, Tadano, still gazing into the space, asked himself.


"···Why did I come to Sapporo Station?"


Once again, he couldn't remember. There was undoubtedly an important reason for coming from Tokyo when he departed, but upon arrival, the memory eluded him.




Tadano furrowed his brow, covering his face with both hands. Despite his efforts, he couldn't recall why he had come to this place.

Passersby cast fleeting glances at Tadano, but no one approached him.

After contemplating for a while...


With a small sigh, Tadano formed a bitter smile.


"···Right. The headmaster told me to go on a trip."


Although he had come to Sapporo to see Yomi, Tadano couldn't remember that. Instead, his memory had reverted to the time when he traveled to Sapporo at the headmaster's suggestion.


"I should go back to Tokyo."


Just like before meeting Yomi, as soon as Tadano arrived in Sapporo, he wanted to return to Tokyo.

Approaching the ticket counter, Tadano asked the staff.


"Please give me the fastest train to Tokyo."


As soon as he said that, Tadano felt an odd sensation.


"···What's this? It feels like I've been in a similar situation before."


He was puzzled by vaguely felt memories from the past. However, no matter how hard he tried to recall, the memories wouldn't surface, leaving Tadano in confusion.

Concerned, the ticket counter staff spoke to Tadano with a worried tone.


"Sir? Are you okay?"


"Ah, yes. I'm fine."


"If you have a headache or anything, our station clinic-"


"It's fine. Just book me the fastest train ticket to Tokyo."

Despite the ticket counter staff's kind concern, Tadano responded coldly. He had returned to the version of himself before meeting Yomi, avoiding mixing with people as much as possible.


"Ah··· Yes. Please check for the train to Tokyo."


With a somewhat hesitant voice, the ticket counter staff began to check the train tickets to Tokyo. Then, apologetically, as if scratching his cheek, he spoke to Tadano.


"I'm sorry. All the trains to Tokyo are fully booked today, including the standing seats. The last train has just left."

‘···I feel like I've heard this before.’


Faced with consecutive strange sensations, Tadano put on a composed expression.

‘It's probably just fatigue.’


After deciding not to think much about it, Tadano asked the ticket counter staff.


"So, when is the next train?"


"It should be in the afternoon tomorrow."

"Ha! Are you doing this? Spending money to meet me at the store, waiting until dawn? I thought you liked me?"


"Seriously ridiculous. Well, fine. If you keep this up, I'll make sure you can't pretend not to remember."

The woman strutted and sat across from Tadano. Tadano didn't permit her to join him at the same table, but she wasn't the type to listen to such conventional manners.

When Tadano, not bothering to hide his displeasure, looked at her, the woman spoke with a voice full of resentment.

"···Will you keep doing this? After not seeing each other for so long?"

Her voice carried not only a sense of being hurt but also frustration. Tadano, being observant, could sense it, but he saw no reason to console a woman he had just met.

So, Tadano continued with a dry tone.

"If you're pretending to know me for some reason, I'm not in the mood to play along. I came in here, already annoyed by the noisy place... It would be better if you just left quietly."

"Well, why would I pretend to know you? Is that what you think?"

"Yes. If you continue, I'll ask the waiter to kick you out. If that doesn't work, I'll call the police."

Upon Tadano's words, Yomi fell silent. She looked at Tadano with resentful eyes.

After a while, she spoke with difficulty.

"···Fine. I don't know why you suddenly appeared and did this, but I get the vague intention. Let's pretend we don't know each other from now on."

"No, I mean we didn't know each other-"

"Yes. Let's say we didn't know each other now."

"Wait, I mean-"

"Today, since you seem to have ordered first, I'll leave. But starting tomorrow, don't come here. This place is precious to me, and I have to eat ramen here at this time every day. Got it?"

After sharply declaring this, Yomi stood up from her seat. She grabbed her bag, which was on the table, and said to Tadano.

"I... ugh, I thought we could be friends, though."


"You're a bad person. I really... How long I've waited."

Leaving such words behind, Yomi went straight out of the store. Watching her leave, Tadano sighed as if he couldn't understand.


‘Who is that woman? Why is she acting like this?'

Even if Tadano hated people and usually didn't care about others, in this situation, he couldn't help but be concerned about the woman.

But he only cared; he didn't actively pursue the woman.

"Your meal is ready! Huh? But where did Miss Yomi go?"

The waiter said as he placed Tadano's dish on the table.

"That woman just left."

"Huh? Why? Did she not eat anything? Did you two fight?"

"No fighting. I was the only one who got attacked. She suddenly started accusing me and burst into tears."

Tadano spoke with an irritated voice, quickly ate the ramen, placed the money on the table, and left the noisy and unpleasant place.

‘I want to return to Tokyo.'

Tadano walked towards Sapporo Station with his head down. He considered getting accommodation, but there were no familiar places nearby, so he decided to spend the night outdoors in front of the station.

‘Even if it's a bit cold, as long as I avoid the wind, I should be able to stay for just a day.'

Arriving at Sapporo Station, Tadano found a corner and sat down haphazardly. Leaning against the wall, he looked up at the sky. Unlike Tokyo, the night sky in Sapporo had quite a few stars.

While gazing at the stars, Tadano suddenly thought of Yomi.

‘But why did that woman act like that?'

Although he usually tried not to care about others, the situation seemed to have forced him to be concerned.

‘Anyway, why did she do that.'

Despite trying not to think about it, Tadano found himself continuing to be bothered by the situation.

‘As if she had been waiting for me for a long time...'

But Tadano didn't know anyone in Sapporo. It was true. So, her words bothered him even more.

Tadano sighed deeply. The more he tried not to think about it, the more the woman's words lingered in his ears, making it hard for him to sleep.

‘...This won't do. I should go meet her again tomorrow. If I return to Tokyo like this, I'll keep worrying, and it'll be irritating.'

Tadano crumpled the Tokyo-bound train ticket in his pocket and tossed it away. Then he wrapped himself tighter in his clothes and forced himself to sleep.

The next day.

– Beep beep! Hey, watch where you're going up ahead!!

– Hey! It's almost departure time! Let's go quickly!

Tadano woke up to the noisy sounds of people and cars passing by the station. But for some reason, he felt groggy, and his eyes wouldn't open easily. Moreover, there was a severe headache inside his head, perhaps from catching a cold while sleeping outside.


Gradually coming to his senses, Tadano struggled to open his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. When he realized he was sitting on the ground, he was incredibly surprised.

‘...What am I doing here?'

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