Published at 27th of May 2024 07:01:24 AM

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kang Jinseok, 22 years old,

Freeter, military service.

The place where I grew up is ‘Cheonman Orphanage.’ It is a small orphanage in the countryside.

According to the director of the orphanage, one day I was left in front of the door.

When I first heard that, I cried so much. I was jealous when I saw other children at school holding hands with their parents.

Was it when I was in my first year of high school? I wanted to find my parents.

But no one wanted to find my ordinary parents who had nothing.

I made a promise back then. I want to become famous.

As someone who appeared every day on TV and social media, I tried to find my parents somewhere.

While thinking about how to become famous, I don’t remember why, but I came to the conclusion that there was no other way to become famous than as an actor.

At that time, I probably couldn’t become an idol trainee anymore, and I honestly didn’t have enough confidence in my singing ability to go on a singing audition program.

Because I decided to take a slightly different path than others, I dropped out of high school.

Still, I felt like I needed to have a high school diploma, so I took the qualification exam, fortunately, my brain wasn’t that bad, so I passed the test on the first attempt.

From then on, I focused on studying acting in earnest.

Since I couldn’t afford to go to a private academy, I just picked up scripts available on the Internet, memorized whatever I could, and looked for free lectures.

It was fun every time I memorized the script, and I thought I could quickly become an actor.

But the wall of reality was too high.

I was just an ordinary aspiring actor full of hard work and passion.

Was it the day when I failed about 30 auditions?

I decided to enlist.

I was exempt because my parents weren’t there, but I needed some time to gather my thoughts.

Of course, nothing much changed just because I served in the military.

Because my passion and earnestness only increased and my skills stayed the same.

But now, an opportunity appeared in front of me.


Minsu smiled brightly and said.

“The role my brother will play tomorrow is something I experienced.”


“My brother and I had very bad kidneys since we were born. Even if he runs around just a little bit, he gets sick all day long. So he decided to get a kidney transplant from his mom.”

“A kidney from your mother?”

“Yes. Originally, I was supposed to receive the transplant, but my brother’s condition suddenly worsened, so he received it first. “I died because I couldn’t find a donor.”

Minsu speaks brightly. It was such a pity that someone could easily say something like that in the form of a child.

But I didn’t bother to show it. Because it must be the most painful memory for Minsu.

Minsu continued his speech.

“I will help you when you postpone tomorrow. Instead, please tell my brother later.”

“To your brother?”

“Yes! They had a hard time because of me their whole life. The living has to live, so now I ask you to live happily and happily. Oh, and don’t feel sorry for me.”

As I said before, I am a busy person.

But I wasn’t cold-blooded enough to ignore this story.

“So, do you know where your brother lives?”

“Don’t worry about that. If I possessed you, you would know everything I know. Ugh, it’s already time...”

“Okay. Wait a minute, Minsu! “I don’t know your brother...”


I woke up before I could ask anything.


“Hey, Kang Jinseok. “Why do I feel so weak today?”

While working part-time in a warehouse, a co-worker asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing special. It’s just that my mind is a bit complicated... sorry.”

“What are you sorry about? Is it because of the audition I saw yesterday? Failed again... Huh! done. Let’s concentrate and work. “If you get hurt, it’s a big problem.”


I am quite a celebrity at the ‘Seongsu Warehouse’ where I work.

That’s because I’m the only one in my 20s here in Seongsu Warehouse, and even excluding age, ‘aspiring actors’ are not common.

‘Also···. ‘Here we are.’

I must have fallen asleep already, but when I opened my eyes I was in the white space where I met the grandmother and Minsu yesterday.

As I looked around, someone appeared with a bright ray of light.

“Brother! I’m glad you came first. “If you hadn’t come, I should have called you.”

Just like yesterday, Minsu spoke with a bright smile and a bright voice. In fact, it feels brighter than yesterday.

Although I had only known Minsu for a short time, I felt a sense of familiarity with him, as if I had known him for a long time.

I smiled slightly at Minsu and answered.

“Huh. “After some time, I fell asleep and found myself here.”

“Yes! Oh. “I wasn’t able to say everything yesterday, but I must tell you now how can I help you with your acting.”

After finishing speaking, Minsu thought for a moment and continued speaking again.

“When you act, I will possess my brother. But that doesn’t mean I’m completely taking over my brother’s body, I’m just sharing experiences.”

“Sharing your experience? “What does that mean?”

“Hmm···. “How should I say this?”

Minsu crossed his arms and pondered for a moment.

It was so cute to see the little child worrying with his arms crossed, and I almost smiled happily without even realizing it.

But I came to my senses and focused on Minsu.

“Ah! If I share my experience, you will be able to know what I went through, how I felt at the time, and everything I thought until now. “You can use that to act.”

After listening to this point, I understand a little.


When I first heard the word ‘possession,’ I was a little confused. No matter how good of a child Minsu is, I am reluctant to let anyone else enter my body.

But I thought it would be okay to accept Minsu’s experiences, emotions, and thoughts.

‘Will I be able to act properly with those memories and emotions?’

As I was thinking to myself, Minsu smiled and said.

“Actually, there are a few ghosts other than me that I would like to ask for a favor! Among them, there was an older sister who acted... This is the method that the older sister taught me. “Good idea, right?”

“Hmm... Are you a ghost who wants to ask me a favor?”

“You will find out little by little. “There isn’t much yet... but there will be more in the future!”

After finishing speaking, Minsu looked somewhere for a moment.

“And grandmother went to a good place. “She said she had no regrets anymore and told me to tell brother that she was really grateful.”

‘It’s a good place...’

Still, it would have been nice to say my final goodbye.

While I was thinking that, Minsu’s body was slowly disappearing.

“Now it’s time to wake up! Please take care of me, brother. “I’ll try really hard!”

“Oh, yes! Minsu, we can meet again...”


“You have arrived, sir.”

“Ah yes. thank you.”

It’s been a long time since I took a taxi.

I originally didn’t plan on taking a taxi, but the problem was that I fell asleep in the sauna.

‘It would have been better than saving money and being late for the audition.’

I entered the audition room.

When I arrived at the waiting room, I saw several people meditating with their eyes closed. The remaining few were muttering and practicing their PR.

It was a familiar sight.


About 15 minutes later, an audition agent came into the waiting room and called me.

“Applicant number 1, Jinseok Kang.”


I answered and approached the staff. Since I had auditioned nearly 100 times so far, I didn’t think I would be this nervous am I nervous?

My heart was pounding just like when I first auditioned.

It wasn’t because of tension or nervousness. However, it wasn’t excitement.

My heart is pounding right now...

‘For some reason... I think I’ll pass this audition.’

It was because of the confidence I felt for the first time.

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