Published at 27th of May 2024 07:00:45 AM

Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Time passed quickly and before I knew it, it was filming day.

My debut work is Producer Kim Mansoo’s debut work. The title of the work is .

The brief synopsis of the drama is as follows.

Brothers ‘Minjun’ and ‘Minho’ had poor kidney function since birth.

The younger brother, ‘Minho,’ has more severe symptoms than his older brother, ‘Minjun,’ so he decides to receive his mother’s kidney.

Then one day.

The mother of two brothers hears from the doctor that his older brother ‘Minjun’s’ kidneys are rapidly deteriorating. They were even told that he might die if he didn’t get a transplant quickly.

His younger brother ‘Minjun’, who overheard the story, decides to give up his own transplant and give his kidney to his brother. Although it was difficult and painful enough to kill him, he decided to sacrifice himself for his brother.

In the end, ‘Minjun’ receives her mother’s kidney, but ‘Minho’ passes away not long after that.

Due to that influence, ‘Minjun’ decided to become a doctor, started studying late, and entered medical school, to become top of his class.

Afterward, Minjun completes all courses with utmost passion and is accepted into a famous university hospital.

‘The problem is that the university hospital where he got a job is the hospital where he had surgery and where his younger brother died.’

The real drama begins from here.

While working at the hospital, ‘Minjun’ accidentally sees the contents of his younger brother’s and his own checkups from long ago.

However, the record was a little strange. It seemed like his and his brother’s test results before the transplant had changed.

In other words, there was a possibility that it was a medical accident caused by a doctor’s ridiculous mistake.

‘Minjun’ begins to suspect that it may have been his younger brother who needed a kidney transplant, not him.

And as I hear the suspicious testimony of a nurse who remembers that day, my suspicions grow.

‘But the doctor who operated at that time is now very close to the hospital director. So he couldn’t investigate easily and after that...’

That’s when I tried to think about the next scenario.

“···Why are there so many hills at school?”

I saw a tall, long hill.

Today, I was going to the filming location, ‘Hanhyang University Hospital’. It was about two subway stops from my house, so I walked to brace myself.

However, no matter how much I tried to arm myself mentally, this hill was a bit difficult.

‘It’s a bit wet with sweat before filming, but...’

I had already walked a long way and my body was hot. If you walk up a hill like this in this situation, your whole body will definitely be wet with sweat.

‘Hmm···. ‘Should I take a taxi?’

“Hey···. “Look at that oppa.”

“It’s crazy. But why do you call people oppa?”

“If they’re handsome, then they’re my brother. But I think I’ve seen him somewhere...”

“Hey, girl. You say you’ve seen that handsome man somewhere? “I’m going to try to put some words into it so don’t lie.”

“No no. really. “I think I saw it on TV.”

“That’s enough, bitch.”

Someone next to me was whispering, but I was too tired to have to climb this steep hill to pay attention.

I looked around. Everyone was climbing the hill like it was nothing.

Still, just in case, I asked the students who were just talking earlier.

“I···. “I’m sorry, but I need to ask you for directions.”

Then the students watching me were surprised.

“Yes yes!”

“I need to go to Hanhyang University Hospital, is this the only way?”

The students looked at each other and said.

“Uh···. “If it’s a hospital, it’s behind our classroom.”

“We will guide you to the entrance of the hospital. “My name is Ha Seonwoo, class of ‘21...!”

“Me too! I will also guide you. “My name is Nayeon Kim!”

Students who are very enthusiastic about giving directions.

‘They are very kind...’

While they spoke, they smiled brightly.

“Thank you. “Then can I ask you a favor?.”



‘It’s fortunate that there is a shortcut that only students know about.’

Thanks to the friendly students, I arrived at Hanhyang University Hospital comfortably.

I heard on the way here that those students are medical students. So, they know the way to the hospital well.

‘AD Kang Heeyeon said I could come by 4 o’clock... There’s still time.’

Anyway, I arrived two hours early.

I tried to come early to go to the filming set in advance, say hello to the other staff members, and relax, but I felt like I came too early.

“I have to ask you nicely. AD Kang Heeyeon told me that you came early. So I came to say hello.”

The PD came just to say hello.

That can’t be possible. Filming, no matter how big or small, is always so busy that it resembles war.

Moreover, this work is the debut work of ‘Producer Kim Mansoo’. We must pay close attention to every detail, and we will continue to do so in the future.

The reason why he came and said hello even though he was so busy...

‘Maybe he’s trying to relieve my tension.’

While I was thinking about this and that, producer Kim Mansoo sat on a simple chair next to me.

“Let’s talk for a moment. “Is that okay?”


While getting my makeup done, We talked about various things with producer Kim Mansoo. From being nervous about being filmed for the first time to being cast in PD Na Jinho’s work.

“Senior Na Jinho really likes Kang Jinseok. The same goes for writer Jo Seokwon. “I guess my eyes were right after all.”

“Thank you. Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity. “It’s all thanks to the PD.”

“I’m just wishing “I just wanted to wish the talented and hard-working actors well.”

When the makeup was finished, PD Kim Mansoo looked at the clock and asked.

“I’m about to go back to the filming set. Would you like to come with me? Or you can rest here.”

“Oh, I want to go too. This was my first time doing such a large-scale shoot, so I decided to take a tour in advance. But wouldn’t it be a hindrance if I followed?”

He asked cautiously. Although he is an actor who is not well-known at all, the staff may be concerned.

Producer Kim Mansoo responded to my words with a smile.

“It’s gonna be fine. And our staff likes you so much that everyone will want to say hello.”

“Yes? “Me?”

When I asked as if I didn’t understand the meaning, PD Kim Mansoo asked back.

“I heard that Director Eom Hyeryeong was there over the weekend and that she was the benefactor who saved you from there. “She filmed your entrance exam video.”


‘That’s why so many staff members gathered together on the weekend.’

Now that I understood the situation at that time, I smiled sheepishly.

“Okay then, let’s go to the filming location.”

After finishing speaking, PD Kim Mansoo opened the door and left, and I immediately followed him.

‘But today is a weekday, how did you get cooperation for filming?’

When filming in a general building like this, rather than a set or studio, you must receive filming cooperation.

Of course, getting cooperation for filming is more difficult than you might think.

From the perspective of the people working or living in the building, having film crews crowding around doesn’t look good.

This is especially difficult in the case of specialized facilities such as hospitals. Because there is a lot of work and it is a very crowded place, permits are not often granted in the first place.

‘Even if they allow it, it would be normal to just take a quick film on Sunday.’

I quietly asked PD Kim Mansoo, who was walking in front of me.

“But it was a weekday and you received cooperation for filming? “Don’t they usually do this on weekdays?”

When I asked, PD Kim Mansoo said as if he had forgotten.

“Oh right. I was going to ask that too. Originally, we were going to film on Sunday. However, there was a problem with the schedule, so I asked for cooperation in filming on weekdays.”


“I thought it wouldn’t work, but a Doctor helped me a lot.”

Producer Mansoo Kim continued.

“I heard you know him very well. What was his name? Was it Kim Minhan? “I don’t remember exactly.”

“Minhan Kim?”

‘If it’s Kim Minhan... does it have the same name as Minsu’s older brother?’

It was then.

“Ah! It’s him. You said you were coming to see the filming, and you actually came. Hello Doc!”

Producer Kim Mansoo pointed to one side and greeted. Then I heard a familiar voice.

“Yes, hello. PD. “I’m looking forward to an interesting piece of work.”

“... .”

“And···. hello. long time no see. “How have you been?”

‘This person is···.’

It was Kim Minhan, a neat-looking doctor who had lost the gaunt face and dirty beard I had seen before.

I spoke in a trembling voice without realizing it.

“Minsu... Brother?”

“Yes, that’s right. This is my first time greeting you officially. My name is Doctor Minhan Kim. I enjoyed watching . “As expected, you look much better in person than in the photos.”

Minsu’s older brother offered to shake my hand with a bright smile.

“If I hadn’t recognized it, I would have been in big trouble. Because I am the type of person who has to repay favors somehow. “If you need my help in the future, I will come forward at any time.”

Minsu’s image overlapped with his bright smile.

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