Published at 27th of May 2024 07:00:29 AM

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Chief of Staff Kang Kyeongsik has returned.

“Have you made your decision?”

Na Jinho said as he handed the contract to the smiling chief secretary.

“Yes. I understand your intention to invest in our work and we will proceed in this manner.”

“Fortunately, the. “Our CEO will be very happy to hear that the contract has been signed.”

“Yes. Ah, now that we have signed the contract, I would like to explain the work...”

As Na Jinho spoke and took the script out of his pocket, the chief secretary waved his hand.

“You don’t need to explain. “I know what it’s about.”

Na Jinho swallowed dry saliva at these words.

“Did you hear what we explained to the other investors?

Whatever it was, the information power of the OS group was amazing.

Hagiya. So they must have prepared the contract in advance like this. There is no way that such a large amount of money would be invested in such a rigorous job.

Chief of Staff Kang Kyeongsik spoke at that time.

“Instead, I have a request. “I wish we could change the script a little.

If you want to change the script... Are we going to do it live?

Dramas are usually divided into ‘pre-production’ and ‘side script’.

Pre-production literally means filming and broadcasting everything from start to finish after the script has been completed.

Side scripts are also commonly referred to as ‘live’ because the script is not properly prepared before filming, but only as much as is needed to be filmed is done right before filming.

Are we trying to overturn the script that has already been written?

Na Jinho thought as he drank water.

Since this is BDD’s own production and not outsourced, there will be no delays in the shooting schedule due to external factors.

Also, since the script was already written, there was no need to rush into production.

Of course, there is the advantage of being able to make changes in the meantime while watching the reactions of the viewers...

If possible, I didn’t want it to be live. Because it is really no different from war.

However, if the investor who invested such a large amount of money wanted it, no matter how much Na Jinho did, there was nothing he could do.

“Hmm—. “Do you think the manager doesn’t like the script right now?”

When Na Jinho asked cautiously, the chief secretary smiled and said as if to tell him not to worry.

“Haha, no. I really enjoyed it. And OS Group is not an unprecedented company.”

At this, Director Choi Hoon, who was quietly listening to the story next to him, breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huh, then what do you mean you want to change the script?”

“We felt that episode 6 was a turning point in the work. “What do you think, PD and Director?”


Na Jinho thought deeply while holding water in his mouth.

Episode 6... This is the episode where Nakamura gets shot.

Nakamura” harasses the Koreans from episode 1 and confronts the main characters of the story.

Nakamura decides to help Joseon and does so in episode 4 or 5, and dies in episode 7.The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Therefore, Episode 6 is a very important moment in the development of the work.

In a way, this episode can be said to be the biggest turning point in the work. This is because the lives of the main characters change significantly with Nakamura’s death.

There is no need to point out and change ‘Episode 6’...

I never thought I’d get the script.

I had reasonable doubts. Maybe one of the actors had connections with OS Group and showed them the script and asked for investment.

Probably not the production crew. If he had that kind of connection, he would have told the producer himself in advance.

Han Jehoon? Lee Hyeonah?—‘.

The main characters came to mind first. Then Jinseok suddenly came to mind.

Yes, it wouldn’t make sense if it wasn’t him.

If the OS group and Jinseok knew each other, his doubts would be understandable.

Jinseok’s name is on the recruitment list and the chief secretary knows exactly what the drama is about.

And they even wanted to change the content from before and after the episode where Jinseok dies. It all fit together perfectly.

But that won’t be it. If he had connections with the OS group, actor Kang Jinseok wouldn’t have had such a hard time.

If Jinseok had connections with the OS Group executives, it would be something that only happens in novels.

I don’t know.

There was nothing to be sure of.

Rather, what we have to do now is decide whether to film ‘live’ from episode 7 on.

But this is not something I can decide alone.


“Oh, wait a minute.”

My pocket vibrated.

A person calling?

‘Producer Na Jinho’ appeared on the screen. As soon as I confirmed his name, I quickly answered the phone.

“Yes, PD! “This is Kang Jinseok.”

[Ah~ Actor Kang! Sorry. I didn’t call you at the crack of dawn and wake you up while you were sleeping, did I?]

Producer Na Jinho’s voice sounds like it’s soaked in alcohol.

But it didn’t seem like he made the call without thinking while under the influence of alcohol.

“Yes! It’s okay, I’m doing a part-time job right now. “What’s going on?”

[Aruvite? No way—. You’re going to be a star now, but I need to sleep right now!!!]


“Yes? What was that...”

[What do you mean? I said I found investors for our filming. Production costs have also increased significantly, so we can do better! Ah~ Mata! I have a question! Are you going out with the CEO of OS Group?]

“OS Group? “What does that mean...”

At this time, someone was changing the call of PD Na Jinho.

On the other side of the cell phone, “Ah! Writer! I hear voices like, ‘I’m going to tell you!’ and ‘Do you know how disgusting it is to call someone while drunk?

[Oh, hello? Jinseok Kang?]

“Yes! This is Kang Jinseok.

[Long time no see. Oh man, I told him to call you in the morning because it was late, but the producer said I really have to tell you now... sorry. He called late at night].

It didn’t matter at all. I am not in a position to receive calls from the producer or the writer, and that kind of contact is always good, no matter who it is.

“No! In fact... are we really able to film?”

I asked again with a shaking voice. Then writer Jo Seokwon smiled and said.

[Haha... That’s right. I’m so happy. I listened to it this afternoon too, and now the producer invited me out for a drink... It feels so good.]

As soon as I heard the confirmation, I clenched my fists. At the same time, it felt like something that had been in my heart for a while had been swept away.


A small sigh escaped my mouth without me knowing it. It was a sigh of relief and joy.

[And, I think it may change a little from the script I gave you before. There is an investor’s request].

Writer Jo Seokwon continued.

[Oh, I’m just saying this in case, so don’t worry. If Jinseok’s share increases, it will increase, not decrease].

It doesn’t matter if the amount is reduced. Right now, I feel grateful even if they only ask me to play Passerby 1.

“Thank you!”

I bowed several times while talking on the phone. Of course, writer Jo Seokwon probably doesn’t know that I do that.

[Oh, by the way, the production costs have increased significantly, so I think we can use a lot of sets, equipment, and even extras. Anyway, it looks like it’s going to be really good work, so let’s do our best].


[Okay, I’ll see you at the reading then...]

Just as writer Jo Seokwon was about to hang up, producer Na Jinho’s voice was heard on the other end of the phone.

[—That’s right! I need to get a lot of extras... Wow. I have a lot of work to do, but Jo Jakkka keeps drinking me...]

[Let’s quickly rescue Joko and his scary-looking extras...]

[These days it is a big deal to find such extras... In my time I had an assistant director who took care of everything...]

[Jaka! Let’s go find Extratra... I have to work!]

[Oh really. I’m PD! If you’re drunk, go home and sleep quickly!]


The phone was disconnected.

It was a slightly loud call, but that didn’t matter.


I’m so glad I got to film it.

My legs went weak and I almost collapsed. That’s how much tension I felt in my body from the phone call I just had. A smile appeared on his lips without noticing.

I was happy, really.

But I think the PD said we have to get ‘extras’ at the end...

There are a lot of ‘big’ and ‘tough’ looking extras.

Finding extras with such qualifications is not as easy as you might think. Even if you get a profile, you have to meet each person one by one to understand them properly, which is annoying.

“Jinseok, what kind of transition is this?”

But now, there were ‘big’ and ‘tough-looking’ men in front of me.

The men are extras... ‘Isn’t it okay to write it?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!