Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:55 AM

Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

“An easy competitor?”

“Yes. Kang Jinseok is the first actor to be recruited by our company, so he shouldn’t be taken away.”

“Oh, yes.”

“That’s why I’m meeting people around me in person like this. I want to know the sauce that will capture his heart.”

Yoon Gayeon said with a light sigh.

“A sauce that can capture Jinseok’s heart?”

Seo Yeonsoo couldn’t have known that.

If there was such a thing, she would have tried it first.

“Huh? Sir, what’s wrong?”

At that time, the manager who had been to the bathroom asked in a worried voice. It was because he didn’t know what Seo Yeonsoo and Yoon Gayeon were talking about.


As everyone’s eyes turned to him, the manager, who scratched the back of his head as if awkwardly, uttered consternation as to whether any of them had familiar faces.

“Oh, are you CEO Oh Haneul?”

“Do you know me?”

“I don’t know! I started a business after reading the book you wrote

Oh Haneul said with a smile at the excited voice of the store manager like a fan who met his favorite celebrity.

“Haha. This is very embarrassing.”

The manager approached Oh Haneul in a hurry and asked, alternately looking at Yoon Gayeon and Kang Kyungsik by his side.

“How did you come to such a shabby place?”

“Oh, I want to ask you something about Kang Jinseok. I’m sorry if it interferes with your business.”

“Not at all! Take it easy and go!”

He said so, but the manager carefully asked Seo Yeonsoo if she was worried about Jinseok.

“But you want to know about Jinseok?”

“Yes. Actually, I’m going to do OS Entertainment...”

Oh Haneul told the manager what Yoon Gayeon said to Seo Yeonsoo and about OS entertainment.

“Well, I see. If you want to hear about Jinseok to recruit him, you’ve come to the right place.”

Only then did the misunderstanding clear, the manager said with a bright face, nodding his head constantly.

“Then you’ve come to the right place. Here, Yeonsoo is an expert on Kang Jinseok. But it doesn’t seem like a story to be shared in a crowded place.··”

Yoon Gayeon and Oh Haneul looked at Seo Yeonsoo with sparkling eyes, saying, “Oh.”

Surprised, Seo Yeonsoo flapped her arms with a red face.

The manager, who had been contemplating for a while, made a decision.

“Yeonsoo put down the shutter.”

“What? Put down the shutter?”

“Yeah. You might take a day off for Jinseok.”

Oh Haneul bowed slightly to the manager’s words.

“Thank you very much.”

But the manager was aiming for something.



“I’d like to ask the CEO for some advice, too.”


“Yes. About business, about business, about business, about business?”

The excited store manager opened his nose and exhaled in his nose.

Oh Haneul smiled and pointed to Yoon Gayeon, whether it was funny.

“Then my vice president will talk to Yeonsoo, and I’ll talk to the manager.”

“Thank you!”

Thanks to Jinseok, the store manager met the best mentor in the industry.


Oh Haneul and the manager, Yoon Gayeon and Seo Yeonsoo.

Kang Kyungsik was watching their conversation blankly while drinking iced tea.

‘I know it’s an important issue, but I can’t believe you took so much time.’

Oh heaven’s time was not usually valuable. His judgment alone determines the lives of countless employees around the world.

I remembered the meeting I had with Oh Haneul before Kang Kyungsik came to the cafe.


OS International Representative Office.

There, Kang Kyungsik spoke calmly to Oh Haneul.

“This is a document that summarizes the targets of the large agencies that you requested in the first half of the year. As you said, most of them are putting Kang Jinseok on the net.”

Oh Haneul went out of the cafe with his eyes winking.

Seo Yeonsoo stared blankly at the back and checked the paper on the table.


There were a lot of zeros in the check to the point where I could breathe in vain without realizing it.


“We’ll be there soon, actor. Please let me know if you are uncomfortable driving.”

“Oh, yes, sir.”

The phone call from ‘KL Entertainment Actor 1 Director’ came while eating with Min Kyungsoo.

I thought the story would be long, so I said, “I’m eating now, so I’ll contact you later,” and hung up the phone.

It was not polite to call your senior for a long time.

To me, the first manager really sent me the car, saying, “Then I’ll send you a car, so please take your time to eat and come back.”

I couldn’t finish my meal properly because I was worried about the luxury sedan waiting for me outside. But now was not the time to care about hunger.


Because I was going to KL Entertainment right now.

It’s the first luxury sedan I’ve ever ridden in my life. It’s not a van that celebrities often ride, but a car that “high people” can ride.

“I said I would send you a car myself, but I didn’t expect you to do this.”

After a while, I arrived in the basement of KL Entertainment headquarters, which I saw only in pictures.

I was about to open the door, but someone opened it for me outside. It was a man in a neat suit.

“I’m Kim Wook, team leader of the actor’s room 1. It’s an honor to meet you.”

“Oh, yes. Hello, I’m Kang Jinseok.”

After a light handshake, Kim Wook took me to the elevator.

The elevator said ‘VIP’.

I looked around while waiting for the elevator.

The exterior was very neat. There were several real flowers, and there was a small pond. It’s like an indoor garden.

But on the contrary, the atmosphere flowing through the building felt cold.

After a while, the elevator arrived and Kim Wook arrived on the 35th floor.


When the door opened, there was a red carpet that could be seen at the awards ceremony, and numerous pictures of actors were captured in luxurious frames in the long hallway.

“Go straight inside and you’ll find a room. The manager is waiting in the room.”

Kim Wook told me where to go while looking around the hallway, and immediately took the elevator down.

As he said, I walked along the corridor and came up with a visit. The fairly large door is a luxurious material that goes well with the hallway.

The moment I’m about to knock.


The door opened and a man’s face was seen.

“Nice to meet you. Actor Kang Jinseok. I’m Ryu Sungho, the director of the first actor I talked to on the phone before.”

a subdued voice. And neat eyes that I’ve seen somewhere.

The suit and shoes that were moderately tight made the man’s atmosphere more antique.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what, but there was a strange sense of incompatibility with this perfect-looking man.

If I had to express it.

‘Something. . . . It doesn’t fit in here.’

As I said earlier, KL Entertainment was so cold that it felt like the castle of the devil.

However, Ryu Sungho didn’t feel cold.

a sense of familiarity that doesn’t know why. I felt that.

It was different from the KL entertainment actors I’ve met so far.

What, what, what, what. They learn, and this is an employee, so maybe it is.

“Come this way.”

Ryu Sungho led me into the room.

It was simple.

One big desk, four sofas, and one computer. And a bookcase full of scripts.

The office, which really brought only what was needed, seemed to show his character.

As he sat on the sofa looking around, Ryu Sungho gave him a teacup and said.

“Was it convenient on your way here?” I paid attention to it.”

“Oh, yes. It’s my first time riding a luxury car, and it was comfortable.”

I answered honestly without much meaning. I came here really comfortably.

However, the answer was unusual.

“If you like it, I’ll give it to you.”

“····? Yes?”

“If you become our actor.”

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