Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:31 AM

Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

I didn’t mean to peek. Really. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just happened to hear it because I heard a familiar voice.’

Looking at the waiting room, Min Kyungsoo insisted on his innocence inside.

“I practiced to act for Jinseok because I want him because he doesn’t have his own way.”Is that why you’re doing this? What is this all about?’

It was Min Kyungsoo who looked troubled as if he had heard something great, but in fact, he was very interested.

The atmosphere in the waiting room seen through the door was unusual. This scene, staring at each other, was like a live-action version of a drama.

Min Kyungsoo took a breathless look inside the waiting room.

“And I can never lose this role to someone who treats others carelessly like you.”


“At the very least, I’m sorry.”

When Seo Yeonsoo was about to continue talking.

“Hmm? What are you both doing here?”


Open it up!

Surprised by the sudden sound of words from behind, Min Kyungsoo opened the door he was leaning on.


Min Kyungsoo smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head as if he had heard something he shouldn’t have heard.

However, the two’s attention was on Jinseok, not Min Kyungsoo.

“···· Oppa?”

Seo Yeonsoo asked in a slightly trembling voice.

“Oh, brother? “Since when have you been here?”


Since when.

“I just got here”

When Seo Yeonsoo heard me, she thought hard about something and said.

“Did you hear what I said earlier?”

“Words?” What are you talking about?”

“Oh, it’s not.”

Seo Yeonsoo breathed a sigh of relief. Then this time, Park Hayeon looked at me and said.

“····Are you sure what you just said?”


“What we said before. I mean, he didn’t hear it.”

It was a much colder voice than the one I heard on the phone.

“Yes, it is.”

“Whoa, that’s enough, then.”

Park Hayeon also sat down with a sigh of relief.

“What the hell were you talking about?...”

At that time, Min Kyungsoo said next to me.

“You, you punk. without a trace of popularity

“Oh, I didn’t mean to surprise you, I’m sorry. Sergeant and the producer said they had something to discuss before the audition, but they didn’t come for a long time, so I came to find them.”

“Oh, I see. Then we’ll have to go quickly.”

Min Kyungsoo spoke to Seo Yeonsoo and Park Hayeon in a bit of a hurry.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you both just before the audition. Goodbye, then.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Min Kyungsoo almost dragged me out.


“Now, wait a minute!”

Seo Yeonsoo called the two of us up.

“Min Kyungsoo...” Right, aren’t you?”

“What? Oh, yes. [Voiceover] That’s right. I’m Min Kyungsoo.”

“Hello. My name is Seo Yeonsoo. By the way, Jinseok just said, “For a while...”


“Did you hear us talking?”

Min Kyungsoo, who heard that, looked at her once and said with a smile.

“Don’t worry. I have a heavy mouth.”


Min Kyungsoo came out of the waiting room and closed the door.

“Jinseok. I haven’t gone to the bathroom, so please wait a moment.”

“Haven’t you gone yet?”

“Uh, because of personal issues.”

After about three minutes, Min Kyungsoo came out of the bathroom.

“Brother, what happened inside and you didn’t go to the bathroom and were watching?”

Perhaps Park Hayeon gave Seo Yeonsoo a hakohoji. Contrary to my concerns, Min Kyungsoo smoothed his chin and gave him a meaningful smile.

“Whoa. It’s a secret. I’m heavy-mouthed.”

“Yes, Maam.”

Part 2 is a scene right after “The Boss’s Daughter” was rejected for seducing “Arrogance.”

Park Hayeon bit her lips and started acting.

“Look at this, Mr. Omanho. Do you know who’s in front of you right now?”

Park Hayeon, speaks in a way that sounds ridiculous while spouting a false smile.

With her unexpected acting skills, the judges focused more on her performance.

“I admit you’re attractive. That’s why I’m going to hang on like this. By the way, why are you acting like a woodstone? Just because of his loyalty to his dead wife? Ha!”

Park Hayeon approached Jinseok two steps. Then, with slightly loose eyes, she looked down at Jinseok and said.

“But it’s fun to bounce like this.” One day when you become my ‘thing’, the satisfaction will double.”

Park Hayeon finished her lines.

I gave strength to my eyes that she loosened a little before she said the last line.

“You’ll end up being my ‘thing’. You can count on it. I’ll play with you very thoroughly.”

“But don’t worry too much. I’m generous with my ‘s’.”

Park Hayeon finished acting with a gesture that seemed to smooth someone’s face.

Like Seo Yeonsoo’s moves, this was not a scripted direction.

In other words, it is a movement that has been studied and planned separately.

Park Hayeon showed a confident “daughter of the boss” who was hurt greatly by her self-esteem.

“That’s it.”


“You really prepared a lot.”

Watching her acting, I felt like she came out with venom in this audition.

“You were really good at acting...”

To be honest, it was hard to decide whose hand to raise.

knock, knock.

“We will enter the applicants for the training.”

While she was thinking about that, Seo Yeonsoo also came into the audition room for the final evaluation.

Seo Yeonsoo sits in a chair side by side with Park Hayeon.

There was a chance of a casual eye greeting, but the two didn’t even look at each other.

Something must have happened in the waiting room.

Ha Sarang asked Min Kyungsoo at the audition hall full of tension.

“Do you want to go first?”

“Oh, yes.”

Min Kyungsoo tapped the desk and said.

“You both acted really well. To the point that there is no problem at all with picking anyone.”

Min Kyungsoo pointed to Seo Yeonsoo first.

“Applicant Seo Yeonsoo played the boss’s daughter according to her character. In other words, it’s also called “western acting,” right? acting in complete self-control of the role.”

Min Kyungsoo, who spoke for a long time, pointed to Park Hayeon this time and said.

“On the other hand, I think Park Hayeon tried to erase herself as much as possible when she was acting. I think she was going to try the “Method”, but I think it was mixed with her emotions. But it wasn’t awkward at all. I felt that she prepared a lot.”

Min Kyungsoo breathed deeply and said.

“This audition alone makes it a waste for both of you to use the minor roles like ‘The Boss’s Daughter’. But if I had to choose one person, . . . . .”


“I want to raise Park Hayeon’s hand.”

After Min Kyungsoo’s agonizing evaluation, this time, the staff and the producer said.

“I’m going to evaluate Seo Yeonsoo’s acting first...”

The evaluation of the staff and the producer was as long as Min Kyungsoo.

After a long evaluation, Ha Sarang said.

“I would like to vote for Seo Yeonsoo. Park Hayeon did a great job, but I think Seo Yeonsoo’s acting was better.”

“Is it one-on-one?”

As Ha Sarang spoke, Seo Yeonsoo breathed a sigh of relief.

Ha Sarang asked writer Kang Hyunjin.

“How was it, writer?”

“What? Oh, that’s. Actually, both of you are so good. To be honest, I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because I don’t know how to act, but....”

It was a rather disappointing evaluation, but it was also an honest evaluation.

It takes a lot of courage to say that you don’t know something you don’t know.

“What about actor Kang Jinseok?”

Min Kyungsoo asked in a serious voice.

He is usually playful, but he is also very serious when it comes to acting.

‘Honestly, I don’t know.’

You both did a great job. If I put my self-interest in it, I would like to side with Seo Yeonsoo, but I couldn’t.

Auditions should be a place where you evaluate only based on their skills.

While I was contemplating alone, Seo Yeonsoo and Park Hayeon looked at me with intense eyes. That gaze put me in deeper agony.

“As expected, I...”

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