Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:21 AM

Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

"Park Hayeon is fighting?" Then maybe the opponent....’

As soon as she heard the staff, she expected who Park Hayeon was fighting with.

‘..."Is it Yeonsoo?"

During the audition and the reading, they didn't seem to get along very well, but she didn't expect it to explode like this.

While she was nervous inside, the Sergeant and PD urgently asked the staff.

"Who is Park Hayeon fighting with?"

In response to Ha Sarang's question, she thought the staff would say, "It's an actor Seo Yeonsoo," but her expectation was far off.

"Sigh.... It's Park Hayeon's own fans. She came with a snack car and some fans, and she got into a fight with them."

...What does this mean?

"Park Hayeon got into a fight with her fans?"


About an hour ago.

Park Hayeon's manager smiled and told Park Hayeon, who was resting in the van.

"Hayeon, your acting was good today." Much more than when we practiced! All the staff members complimented her a lot, too!"

Manager who praises Park Hayeon for quite a long time.

"Yes, thank you."

The answer returned to such a manager was a rather short answer compared to the compliment.

Even that seemed quite insincere, as she kept her eyes off the script.

However, the manager was surprised by Park Hayeon's reaction.

She can't believe Hayeon said thank you...!’

So far, Park Hayeon has only answered, "Uh," no matter how fancy the compliment is.

There were times when there was no answer when she felt uncomfortable, or when she said, "So what, do you want me to do better?!"

Compared to that, it was a huge change, so it was not unreasonable for the manager to be surprised.

"Now that he thinks about it, she thinks Hayeon's personality has changed a bit since she was cast in this movie.".’

There was still a sharp side, but it was cute compared to the past.

Like a tomboy sister in a fantasy...

‘...What am I thinking?'

The manager shook his head and exhaled his mind. Park Hayeon asked when she saw it.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, no. I'm sorry to disturb you. Keep reading the script."

The manager apologized because he seemed to break Park Hayeon's concentration. However, contrary to her appearance, Park Hayeon was not able to concentrate on the script at all.

This is because the more she read the script, the more she kept thinking of Jinseok's acting.

"Kang Jinseok...". What an amazing person.'

After being cast in The Way They Chose, Park Hayeon met Jinseok at an action school every day.

She didn't make a separate appointment, but Jinseok and Park Hayeon naturally encountered each other because they had lived in an action school for the past few weeks.

"Even though the martial arts director praised him for being perfect, he constantly practiced." He was very polite to the minor roles.... he was very polite to my manager, too.'L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Park Hayeon felt something she missed and lived in from Jinseok, who treated everyone humanely without understanding.

And Jinseok's appearance was very different from the entertainment industry people Park Hayeon has seen so far.

The entertainment industry that Park Hayeon has seen so far has been a "Jungle" full of poachers. A jungle that can survive only by taking away what others have.

Park Hayeon, who was in the entertainment industry before she grew up, has lived that way until now.

But Jinseok was different.

‘Kang Jinseok was not someone who tried to take away what others had. Rather, he was such a special person who made people want to give something to him.'

Park Hayeon, was jealous because Jinseok didn't get her way.

But before she knew it, Park Hayeon was feeling a human crush on Jinseok.

"I really wanted it."

When Park Hayeon sighed, the manager asked carefully.

"Why are you sighing, Hayeon? It's not working well? Do you want me to read the script together?"

"No, it's okay."

Then, The phone of the manager in the passenger seat rang.

"Yes, this is the manager of Park Hayeon. Are you the on-site control staff? Oh yes. What? A snack cart? a fan of Hayeon? Uh... That's weird. I didn't say that. Anyway, I see."

When the manager tilted his head after a fairly long call, Park Hayeon asked the manager.

"What's wrong? I think I heard my name."

"Oh, nothing's going on. I heard your fan club sent you a snack car. But I haven't heard anything."

The manager continued to tilt his head as if it were strange and added.


Room 6 of KL Entertainment actors.

The head of the 6th department was sitting at his desk drinking coffee. Anxiety that things might go wrong and expectations of just in case came to his face alternately.

On the other hand, the team leader in front of him was smiling like a clown, without any tension.

"Wow, chief. That's amazing. How did you come up with the idea of hiding the practice in your snack car? Isn't this "Troy's Horse"

As team leader 6 said, it was the 6th manager who sent a snack car to Park Hayeon on the set of "The Way They Chose".

The plan is to send Fracci pretending to be a "fan" with a snack car and to make the filming atmosphere bad by alienating the actors.

"If ordinary people are on the set, the staff will drive them out." In the first place, ordinary people won't be able to go near the studio. But if you're a fan, you won't be able to kick him out.'

In addition, it will be even harder for the staff to control them, as they are fans who went with the "snack car."

It can be said that kicking snacks on set is the pride of celebrities.

"It's all about how you came up with the relationship between actor Seo Yeonsoo and Park Hayeon. But how did you find that out?"

"There's a way. I have strings here and there in my own way."

"It's a string... Hoot. All right."

This time, the team leader asked a slightly smiling head of the 6th division.

"But Mr. Manager. Who are they? the one you sent with a snack car."

"There is. I also have ‘strings' in my own way."

"String?" Oh....Ha ha! Wow! You have a great sense of applying it right away. It's amazing."

Other people might have felt burdened and hated the way the team leader spoke, but the team leader did not look so bad as he fawned against him.

"But Mr. Manager. What if things go wrong? Chief 5 got caught messing around, and if we knew that we were playing with his work, Sergeant and PD wouldn't stay still."

When the team leader spoke with concern, the head of the 6th division said condescendingly.

"It doesn't matter. They're not my own acquaintances anyway, they're my two-legged acquaintances, so even if things go wrong, we won't get caught."


"It cost me some money, but it's better to be safe. "Isn't it?"

"That's true. But... Wow, you're really sneaky."

"It's a compliment, right?"

"Of course."

The head of the 6th division asked as he watched the team leader nodding his head repeatedly.

"So, what's going on now?"

Team Leader 6 took out his cell phone and turned on the KakaoTalk.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... We arrived 40 minutes ago, and the snack car started 20 minutes ago. And he's talking like the manager told him to."

"Okay. Then let's not worry about that, and bring some profiles of rookies who will go to work part-time. I have to take five people to Paju this weekend."

"Will only rookies go this time?"

"Yes. The superiors are saying they want to see the new face.“

Team leader 6 said with a sharp smile to the manager who sighed deeply.

"Hehe. It's a six-room room dedicated to that, and we have to do well. To make a living."

"Okay. I see, bring me your profile."


The team leader jokingly said hello and went to get his profile.

Then, Team Six's cell phone rang.

"Yes, it's Team Six."

Team leader 6 answered the phone in a bright voice.

However, within a few seconds, his expression changed dramatically.

He didn't stop and his expression gradually darkened, and soon opened the door of the sixth room and ran in.

“..." Mr. Manager, why don't you pick up the phone?"

"Why, what's going on?"

The team leader's unusual expression and voice made the manager a little nervous and handed over the phone.

"Yes, I changed the number of the 6th manager."

As soon as I spoke, I immediately heard an urgent voice from beyond my cell phone.

[Oh, yes! Sir! I'm in the snack car]

"Snack car?" Oh yes. Please do say. What's the matter?"

[That's...].... [Whoa]

The one in the snack car sighed lightly while talking. In that sigh, the sixth chief sensed that something was wrong.

"What's going on, why aren't you talking....”

[The situation here is a bit...]... [It's a bit awkward]

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