Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:14 AM

Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

The guide briefly agonized over Lee Minyoung's question, "Tell me who it is."

Then he shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you."

"I can't believe you can't tell me...". What the hell?!"

When Lee Minyoung asked in an urgent voice, the guide said with a light smile.

"It's our enshrinement regulations. Personal information such as visitor's name or contact information cannot be disclosed to others."

Lee Minyoung paused when he said "regulation." That doesn't mean there's no way.

Under the name of the deputy chief prosecutor, he's just trying to find out the name of the visitor because it's not even a job.

If it were normal, I wouldn't have thought of this at all. This is because Lee Minyoung was a person who thought of convictions and principles as life.

But this time, I was shaken,

"But just in time."


"The guest book is here. I can show you this. The regulations don't say don't show the guest book."

Still, with a nice smile, the guide handed over the guest book.

"You can check the name of the person who came to see Manseok Lee."This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Upon hearing that, Lee Minyoung quickly scanned the guest book handed over by the guide.

‘..."Kang Jinseok?"

It was a name I heard a lot from somewhere.

"Kang Jinseok...". Is that actor Kang Jinseok?'

I don't know why, but Lee Minyoung came up with the name "actor Kang Jinseok." Maybe it's because he's an actor who plays his brother.

Lee Minyoung scanned the letter quickly again.

"This letter... As expected, it's so similar to the letter he wrote."

Although Lee Minyoung tore the letter to pieces and couldn't recognize the content properly, some sentences were recognizable. However, the sentences were written in this letter.

"And the back page....’

It seemed to contain the contents of the letter he tore up when he was young.

Even the childhood memories of himself and his brother that no one knows.

Lee Minyoung's mind, which recalled the contents of the letter, became complicated.

‘Let's be calm. ‘Lee Minyoung. What I need to find out now is who wrote this letter.'

As Lee Minyoung investigated, he began to collect information step by step.

"Do you remember the description of the person who wrote the letter?" "If you don't remember, can you show me CCTV?"

"That's also out of regulation. In addition, our CCTV only records 24 hours, so he won't be recorded."


"But, he was a really handsome young man. He has a good voice. I felt it even though he was wearing a hat and a mask....”

After listening to the guide, Lee Minyoung hurriedly took out his cell phone. I immediately searched for Jinseok and showed it to the guide.

"Was it this guy?"

The guide looked at Lee Minyoung's cell phone.

"····Well, I think they have similar eyes. By the way, my God, was he Nakamura by any chance? No wonder, he looked familiar!”

The relaxed attitude so far disappeared, and he said in a surprised voice.

The guide made a small fuss, but Lee Minyoung didn't have time to care about him now.

"Actor Kang Jinseok wrote this?" Why? No, how...?’

This was an undoubtedly ‘oppa's' letter. What he wanted to see so much.

"Wake up, Lee Minyoung." It's not certain yet.'

There was one last thing left to check. Lee Minyoung brought the letter to the guest book.

"If.... If it was written by actor Kang Jinseok....’

The name written in the guest book and the handwriting of the letter will be the same.

"Oh, my God....’

It was the same.

the handwriting of the name and the letter.


Early Friday morning.

Maybe because I rested at home all day yesterday, I felt fresher than usual.

I drank a lot of ‘green juice' in the refrigerator.


It's a healthy taste that you can't get used to no matter how much you drink. I wiped the juice from my mouth and checked today's schedule.

"Well... Today is the last day of filming.'

Today's shooting is the scene where "Oh Manho" is executed. The highlight scene in the second half of the drama.

Originally, it was supposed to be filmed last week, but since it had to deal with "The Death Penalty," the Sergeant and PD delayed it last.

The scene of being executed is not filmed, but the scene of walking to the death penalty should be filmed.

(Singing "Woo-Woo-Woo-Woo-Woo.").

The cell phone rang.

It was Jang Sunho.

"Yes, manager!"

"This flower is....’

It was the flower that I put on the altar of Lee Manseok.



Before filming, he sighed slightly while receiving makeup. It was because Lee Minyoung, who suddenly appeared, still hadn't calmed down his surprise.

"Oh no, it's the last shoot today, why do you keep sighing? You've done a great job so far."

The artist who looked at my makeup throughout this work said as if pressing. After seeing each other almost every day over the past few months, we became close enough to make small jokes.

"Haha.... I'm sorry. Maybe it's because it's the last one, I'm a little nervous."

It wasn't long before the makeup was done. I changed into a ready faded prison uniform and stood in front of the mirror for the final self-check.


a pale, shabby-looking skin tone. And dark circles that have fallen down.

It really reminded me of Lee Manseok's last moment.

"Then I'll go shoot. Thank you for your makeup."


After a polite greeting, I came out. The staff waiting outside led me to the set.

"Kang Jinseok is here!"

The staff who brought me to the set said loudly. Then, the staff looked at me in unison.

Everyone looked exceptionally bright because it was the last shooting. Among them, there was a person who caught my eye.

"Lee Minyoung hasn't gone yet."

Lee Minyoung stood alone, distancing himself from the staff.

"I thought you died right away because you didn't say anything after giving me the bouquet."

Are you going to watch the shooting?

That was fine. Seeing him standing proudly on the set, it seemed like he got permission from the Sergeant and PD.

Still, it bothered me.

That's right because the scene I'm filming today is where Oh Manho goes to the death penalty.

The scene where "Oh Manho" goes to the death penalty.

In other words, it is a reproduction of the moment Lee Manseok goes to the death penalty.

I felt so frustrated because I knew so well what Lee Manseok was like to Lee Minyoung and what Lee Minyoung was like to Lee Manseok.

"This scene is hard to show...".No. I don't want to show you.'

To Lee Manseok, who is watching his brother somewhere right now, and to Lee Minyoung, who is on set.

If possible, I wanted to show such a happy ending, which was not allowed in reality.

A happy ending is only possible in novels, dramas, and movies.

Eventually, after much thought, I went to the producer with Sergeant.

"I... Producer. Let me tell you something."

"Oh, yes. I just happened to have something to tell you. Go ahead and tell me."

"Thank you. That....”

I slurred my words. Because I was sorry that what I was going to do now was purely my ‘greed'.

‘But I still have to say.’

said Ha Sarang, looking straight into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, but... "Today's scene. Can't we do it differently?"


Ha Sarang looked at me as if surprised and curious at the same time. The other staff who heard me made a similar look.

When he asked her to change it right before the shoot... they all looked flustered

But it couldn't stop here. Since you've already spoken up.

"If you change... "In what direction?"

"I want to turn it into a happy ending. It's not that the Oh Manho is being executed, it's being released from prison... In the direction of meeting my brother."

I bowed deeply and asked for a favor.

Maybe they'll hear, "The rookie is good at acting, and when he asked them, he asked them to change the story?!"

They deserve to hear that.

"Still.... I can't help it.'

At that time, the Sergeant and PD put their hands on my shoulders. He looked up slightly and looked at Ha Sarang.

“..." Producer?"

She was smiling with Sergeant. No, to be precise, it was quite surprising.

After a while, I could see why.

"Huh... Oh, what a coincidence. Actor Kang Jinseok."


Ha Sarang said in an admiring voice as I made a face that I didn't know why.

"I told you earlier that I had something to tell you."


"I was going to tell you that, too."

Staff Sergeant and PD handed over a script and said.

"Why don't you change the ending?"

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