Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:08 AM

Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

He couldn't answer Jang Sunho's question in a cool way.

After thinking about it for a long time, I eventually asked Jang Sunho.

"What kind of work do you think I should do?"

"Personally, I recommend . All the roles you've played so far are serious and serious characters, so I think it would be good to take this opportunity to show that you can also act lightly. And....”

Jang Sunho slurred his back while talking. It was as if he was wondering if he could say this to me.

"As I said earlier, has a very low appearance fee. No matter how good the work is, I don't think you have to take it while being treated like this."

"Well.... "I see."

When Jang Sunho heard, the balance of the weight, which had been tight, tilted.

I still have lingering feelings about the saddest match in the world, but I still have to decide for sure.

"I see. Then I'll go with ."

"You made a good choice. Oh, and the actor. "How should you appear on ‘Yeonyan Diary'?"


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