Published at 27th of May 2024 06:59:05 AM

Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

"You punk! Hey, don't you watch your mouth? Don't you know that words make a seed?"

"I'm sorry, Just in case....”

"Okay, shut up. This child is unlucky... Tsk."

He pretended to be strong on the outside, but the head of the sixth team was just as embarrassed as the head of the sixth team.

"I didn't expect Park Hayeon to open her mouth first...".’

But that wasn't the end.

[...But the reporter who threatened me with the recording I mentioned earlier said she used to be acquainted with a senior from our agency. Eventually, she even wrote an article to make him become famous in the entertainment industry.... That's why I was more worried.]

Park Hayeon's somber and weak voice came out of the TV.

It was a word that passed by as if it were nothing, but the 6th chief could not be easily passed.

Park Hayeon's words just now served as a clue for netizens to find the reporter who threatened Park Hayeon.

"One in a while...". If it turns out that Ko Seoyoung was the one who threatened Park Hayeon...?’

I didn't know how things would go then. Perhaps it was revealed that they were the ones who gave Ko Seoyoung the recording, and then the situation became uncontrollably serious.

The head of the 6th division said to the team leader with his hands shaking.

"Hey, hey! Hurry up and call reporter Ko Seoyoung. And ask her if she's watching this broadcast."

"Yes, yes!"

The team leader immediately called Ko Seoyoung.


[You can't answer the phone right now...]....]

Seoyoung is not answering the phone"


Until this morning, Ko Seoyoung was answering their phone right away. But now she didn't answer the phone.

"Mr. Lee....”

The 6th manager feels stuffy due to unknown tension. He hurriedly called Ko Seoyoung on his cell phone.

[Customer is calling...]....]

"Shibal! What are you doing? why don't you answer the phone when it's important!!"


The head of the 6th department roughly threw his cell phone at the desk.

"Hey, you keep calling until Ko Seoyoung picks up the phone. And if you receive it, tell her to meet me right now!"

"Yes, yes!"

Team Leader 6 left the room as if he was running away. You could have set yourself on fire.


When the team leader left, the 6th chief sighed.

‘Let's think positively. It's going to be all right.'

I memorized these spells myself.

Nevertheless, I couldn't get rid of the anxiety that something was going wrong.


"Come on, journalist. Don't waste time with each other for nothing, and stick to us."

Jang Sunho said in a secluded cafe. He looked sharp and relaxed as usual.

Reporter Ko Seoyoung is sitting in front of Jang Sunho.

She was in the position of being threatened for the first time since becoming a journalist.

"I mean... The manager said that if I write articles that are favorable to OS entertainment in the future... you'll cover this up, is this it?"

"Yes. Not only this one but all the ‘things' you've done so far."


"Of course, if you keep your promise, you will no longer see my face."

Jang Sunho speaks hard without emotion like a robot. It was like a person who had made numerous threats under the guise of negotiations like this.

Ko Seoyoung, who was thirsty under pressure from Jang Sunho, drank lukewarm coffee.


When the bitter coffee passed through my throat, I had time to think about it.

"You got caught in a bad way."

(Singing "Woo-Woo-Woo-Woo-Woo.").

"It's here!!"

When her cell phone rang, Ha Sarang shouted with a twinkle in her half-unstretched eyes again. At the sound, other employees came to their senses like zombies.

Ha Sarang spoke to the phone in a tense voice.

"I'm Ha Sarang..."!”

I heard the voice of the person in charge waiting and waiting from beyond the cell phone.

[Oh, yes, PD]. Thank you for the finished version. I got a call from the headquarters saying they enjoyed watching it.]

"Of course... "Are we going to go like this?"

[Yes, the commercial for YouTube was well chosen]. Thank you for your efforts. Now leave the rest to me, and rest well for a while

Ha Sarang hung up the phone and stared blankly at the ceiling. The other employees could not hear the call, so they all focused on Ha Sarang's mouth.

Ha Sarang enjoyed the reaction of her team members, took a while, and shouted out loudly.

"Let's go home!"

The staff cheered when they heard it.

"Let's go to bed! Let's clean up when we go to work tomorrow, and let's go home first."


Employees gathered in groups and left the editing room, and the last remaining employee asked Ha Sarang.

"That producer. So the launch will be next week, and the trailer will be uploaded tomorrow, right

"Yes. We're going to start advertising tomorrow at 6 o'clock. The headquarters burned a lot of money, so if you watch YouTube videos for a while, only the trailer for our work will come out."

"I'm looking forward to it. All right. Then I'll really go home now."

"Draw it."

Redcat editorial room with lights off. Everyone left, but the enthusiasm they left warmed the empty editing room.


"Oh... I'm tired. Maybe it's because I'm more nervous than usual because I'm filming....”

I filmed two specials of "Yeonyan Diary", and "Kang Jinseok's University Life".

Usually, when I passed by, some students looked at me, but today, there was a camera, so I received a lot of attention from students.

Perhaps because of that, I felt more exhausted than usual.

‘But I guess it was okay because I did it as usual. The producer was satisfied, too.'

Dried squid drooped down on the bed and enjoyed the bed.

Then, suddenly, I remembered Park Hayeon.

"The manager said it was resolved well, but... I wonder if I should have to contact her.'

After the first episode of "Yeonyan Diary", which went out with Park Hayeon, Jang Sunho told me, "I'll take care of Park Hayeon's recording."

Ko Seoyoung did not post any articles, as if to show that it was unfounded that she was really worried.

I don't know what happened, but he was also a competent manager.

"By the way... It's time for the trailer to come up soon.'

I urged her not to worry because the video was good, but I was excited and worried.

Because it's my first "Juyeon."

Sitting upright on the bed, I waited for the time.

"I don't think time goes by as much as I waited for the audition results."’

It's ticking.

I only stared at the innocent clock hanging in the room.

I checked the time several times, and it was definitely 58 minutes earlier, but it's still 58 minutes now.

It's ticking.


It's finally time. I immediately went to the Netflix YouTube channel.

And at the top was the main trailer for "The Way They Chose".


I pressed the play button carefully.

[I wanted to be happy in hell]

[So I...]... I became a devil.]

The trailer for this work began with a narration.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!