Published at 2nd of April 2024 06:35:04 AM

Chapter 4581: Chapter 4581: King Xiangs Trial (5)

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Chapter 4581: King Xiangs Trial (5)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

However, she couldnt be sure that this was what they were looking for.

This stone didnt look like the legendary Empyrean Devil Crystal at all!

Looking at the Devil Qi spreading outside the palace gate, it was so black that it was almost impossible to see anything. One could know that the Devil Qi itself should be pure black energy.

However, this stone was transparent. Upon closer inspection, it was a bit white. If one looked more closely, it seemed to have a faint seven-coloured radiance

Its colourful appearance was quite extraordinary, but no matter what, it was not black at all!

How could Huang Yueli tell whether it was real or fake?

Li Moying had the same doubts, Could this be a deliberate trap set by King Xiang? A deliberately created illusion?

Of course, it is not impossible. All we can do now is try! Huang Yueli thought for a moment and suddenly took a step forward, walking towards the centre of the hall.

Li Moying unconsciously wanted to pull her back, Li er, dont go alone, Ill go with you

Its fine, Husband. You can stay there. Huang Yueli shook her head and stopped him.

Since King Xiangs inscription says that this is a trial, it shouldnt be something that deliberately harms peoples lives, so you dont have to worry too much. On the contrary, if you were too close, the aura between us would attract each other and cause the Profound Energy to fluctuate. It might even prevent me from cracking the mechanism

Huang Yueli could roughly guess that King Xiangs process was mostly achieved through mechanisms.

Moreover, King Xiang had gone to great lengths to completely remove the Devil Qi in this palace. This meant that one had to pass the test in an environment that was free from the influence of energy fluctuations.

Normally, even if several cultivators entered at the same time, it would be difficult for them to influence each other.

But Huang Yueli and Li Moying had cultivated the dual cultivation method together, and the influence between them was extremely strong. Sometimes, when they didnt even notice it, it would affect the other partys blood essence

When Li Moying heard this, his eyebrows furrowed.

However, he could only follow her instructions and retreat, pushing himself to the farthest spot from Huang Yueli by the wall and watching his little fox walk step by step towards the high platform in the middle of the hall.

Huang Yuelis footsteps were very steady as she walked up the stairs step by step. Very quickly, she stood in the middle of the platform.

She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the top of the transparent cover. The next moment

Suddenly, a silver light flashed in front of her eyes and her body seemed to be sucked into something!

However, this change only lasted for a moment before it ended.

Huang Yuelis cry of surprise was still stuck in her throat, but she had already realised that she had regained her footing when she landed on a patch of green grass.

Above her head was a bright starry sky.

The pitch black night sky was like a curtain of the most luxurious black velvet. On the curtain, sparks of fire were like pearls decorating it, forming beautiful patterns.

For a moment, Huang Yueli was a little dazed because she didnt know where she was.

However, as she stared at the sparkling stars in the sky for a while, her heart began to stir. She suddenly understood why the mechanism King Xiang had left behind had sent her here.

How could the stars in the sky form such beautiful patterns?

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