Published at 29th of April 2024 12:42:10 PM

Chapter 4658: Chapter 4658: This old guy is very bad (2)

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Chapter 4658: This old guy is very bad (2)

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

If she had known that Heavenly Devil Auspicious River would become so strong and could even advance to the Demon King Realm, how could she have rushed up and fought head-on?

He would definitely run far away at the first possible moment, not even wanting the King Xiang Formation Talisman.

From her point of view, other than Li Moying, there was nothing more important than her being able to live well.

Therefore, killing Heavenly Devil Auspicious River was largely due to luck.

Of course, after Rui Jiangs death, she and Li Moying rescued Xuan Chaoyi and the rest, and before they left, they killed the top exponents from the Devil

Races campsite. These were indeed for the sake of the citizens of the Twelve Continents.

But to her and Li Moying, these things were just a piece of cake so she naturally didnt mind doing it along the way.

In short, she was not that noble to risk her life for someone she did not know Huang Yueli admitted that she didnt do anything extraordinary but to receive such a solemn and sincere gratitude, she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

However, in the eyes of the guards of You An City, Huang Yueli was being overly modest.

The cavalry captain stared at Huang Yueli as he spoke with a sincere expression: Patriarch Huang, Young Master Li, please dont say that. You arent in the army and dont understand the situation well enough. Im afraid you dont know how serious the casualties in our army have been during this period of time! Our Black Knights are the personal guards of Divine General Xuan, and we have also suffered heavy casualties. Originally, we had 2,000 people, but now, there are only 700 or so people left. Most of our comrades have already

His voice trembled for a moment before he stopped.

Huang Yueli opened her mouth in astonishment but she didnt make a sound.

The captain took a deep breath to calm himself down. If it werent for the two of you, he continued, I believe that the casualties would have been even greater in the future. Even we would have died here. Of course, since we have joined the alliance, we are not afraid of death. However, not being able to avenge our comrades before we die is our greatest regret. Now that the two of you have killed Rui Jiang and let us wipe out the demon army, we can finally comfort our comrades in heaven

After the captain finished speaking, he bowed deeply to them. Thank you!

Following his action, the hundreds of cavalrymen behind him followed suit and bowed towards Huang Yueli and Li Moying.

Thank you, Clan Leader Huang. Thank you, Young Master Li!

The combined roars of hundreds of people shook the sky.

Huang Yueli herself hated such noise the most. In the past when Little Wang Cai was making a ruckus in the room, she couldnt wait to chase the little fellow outside.

However, at this moment, she did not feel disgusted at all. Instead, she was touched.

The relationship between the soldiers of the alliance army was deeper than she had imagined. It was really rare

After the cavalrymen thanked him again, they did not stay at the entrance of the city lords mansion for too long.

The captain straightened up and said nothing. He turned around and walked back to the team, getting on his horse.

All the cavalrymen followed suit and mounted the Dark Cloud Stallion.

Following the captains order, the cavalry formed a long line and slowly left along the street.

Huang Yueli sent them off with her eyes as she let out a deep breath. Just as she was about to turn around and head to the meeting hall, who knew that there was a commotion outside the door.

However, this time, it was not as loud and orderly as before.

Miss Huang, thank you, thank you for saving us commoners!

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