Published at 4th of July 2024 09:16:47 AM

Chapter 4791: Chapter 4791: Strange Poison

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Chapter 4791: Strange Poison

Cntinue reading on XN0VEL.M

Translator:Misty Cloud TranslationsEditor:Misty Cloud Translations

Just a quarter of an hour ago, Li Moying was still talking to her, asking her if she had taken the berserk pill.

Huang Yueli knew that something was wrong as her brows creased as she stretched out her hand without any hesitation, pulling apart Li Moyings long black robe.

A sturdy and strong back was revealed in front of him.

Huang Yueli took a glance and couldnt help but draw in a breath of cold air.

On her usually jade-like cold and fair skin, there was now a ferocious scar.

The wound was not particularly deep, but because it was a wound made by the Devil Beasts sharp claws, the edge was torn quite badly.

Of course, this kind of wound to an ordinary person was already rather serious but to a practitioner like Li Moying, it could only be considered as a superficial wound. Although it was very painful at that time, but as long as he applied some healing ointment, he would be able to recover in two days.

What really made Huang Yuelis face turn pale was that the blood flowing out of this wound wasnt bright red, but was suffused with an obvious black colour.

Moreover, perhaps it had been delayed for too long, even the edge of the wound had gradually turned black.

The skin near the wound on his back even combined with the black blood and condensed into a crystal shape.

This crystal looked a little familiar

Huang Yuelis brows furrowed as she pondered for a moment before suddenly recalling something as her heart jolted.

This seems to be similar to the black spherical crystal in the Energy Void

However, at this moment, there was no time for her to think about it.

Huang Yueli very quickly retrieved a few porcelain bottles from the Sky Phoenix Rings space and poured out a few pills from each bottle, stuffing them into Li Moyings mouth.

As Li Moyings entire body was already stiff, it was hard for him to swallow so Huang Yueli forcefully blocked his lips and forced him to swallow the pill.

Then, she took out a bottle of white powder.

When she opened the bottle cap, she obviously hesitated for a moment but in the end she gritted her teeth and tilted the bottle over, sprinkling the medicinal powder evenly on Li Moyings wound.

Li Moying laid on the ground, still motionless.

This made Huang Yuelis brows furrow even tighter.

This kind of medicinal powder had excellent healing effects and a strong detoxification effect. The only drawback was that it was too irritating. In order to achieve the effect of fighting poison with poison, the medicinal powder could not only reduce the pain of the injured, but it would also increase the pain of the wound by several times.

Huang Yueli hesitated because of this.

However, reality proved that she was thinking too much.

Even under the stimulation of such pain, Li Moying didnt show any signs of waking up. He didnt even twitch instinctively when he was unconscious

Damn it, whats going on? Huang Yueli stared at Li Moyings pale face as her expression turned gloomy.

Now at least they could confirm that Li Moying had fainted in such a short period of time, it should be because of some unknown poison on the devils body.

So even if it was just a flesh wound, it was sufficient to take down a Dao Profound Realm powerhouse like Li Moying.

Moreover, this poison was a strange poison that had never been heard of before.

She had taken this bottle of medicinal powder from the treasure vault of the Phoenix clan. It was said that even if it was a lethal poison that could kill the throat at the sight of blood, as long as it was sprinkled within ten breaths after being injured, it could be saved.

But now, this entire bottle of medicinal powder was sprinkled on Li Moyings wound but it could only slow down the speed of the black crystal forming on his skin.

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