Published at 31st of May 2024 05:49:35 AM

Chapter 18: Something strange?

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Chapter 18: Something strange?

Matt hadn't expected that move from her.

It takes courage to kneel in front of someone, so he nodded to her and helped her up again.

"Okay, if that's what you want, then I'll teach you the art of assassination very well. Follow me." He said and started walking again towards where those devourers had been killed.

She was surprised that he would take her to that place then, but she bit her teeth hard to gather courage and started following him.

"Are they still alive?" she asked in shock as she saw that all the devourers' bodies were frozen.

'And where does this ice come from?" she thought in confusion.

Matt shook his head, smiling.

"I froze them so their blood wouldn't go to waste." He replied, and she looked at him in shock.

"You froze them? This is an ability of yours?" she asked in with surprise.

Matt nodded to her as he bent down to grab the blood from the already thawed devourers.

She looked at him with unfamiliarity at that moment.

"This... Are you some heir?" she asked, and Matt looked at her.

"Why do you think I'm an heir? If I were, I'd be in the first academy." He replied, causing her to nod.

"Of course, I understand that, but... How could normal vampires like us have unique abilities? At most, we could have the basic abilities that are unlocked by reaching new heights, right?" She said. However, by the end, she was doubting herself and her abilities.

Matt then stared at her and frowned.

'Was this why Mr. Gray told me I shouldn't show off my frost ability? Yet, he didn't tell me anything else... Come to think of it, maybe it's because he was surprised himself, and it was the first time he saw this.' He thought.

Even so, that could mean that vampires are incompatible with nature, as they do not have elements with which they are compatible. If not, they could employ those kinds of powers since they come from nature. New n0vel chapters are published on

Humans, for example, are the closest creatures to nature when it comes to controlling their powers because they are highly talented in controlling and absorbing mana; thanks to that, they can control the powers of nature in a more versatile way.

Afterward, they both got up and went where they were supposed to meet the other team.

Since no one was there, they rested until the group finally arrived a couple of hours later.

Caspian White's group now consisted of one more member and two women, giving a total of four this time.

One of them belonged to another classroom.

When Caspian saw that Matt had arrived, he approached him with a smile.

"Matt, we got some important information. During our tour, we met the other groups, and thanks to that, we were able to study a little bit of this that we found on the bodies of some devourers that we were able to kill." He said and showed them a map with some writing on it.

It was similar to the one Matt had found, so he wasn't surprised.

"This is a map of the nearby mountains and it also seems to be an indication that, in this section, is where they are hiding and carrying out different plans. We approached a bit at high speed and were able to confirm the presence of numerous devourers there. Although we still don't understand what they are planning, we assume it's just a cleansing of villagers to make the devouring beasts strong." He said and showed a section of the map.

Matt nodded as well but frowned.

'The scriptures say that, exactly in that place where he marks, there is a small base of these guys. But, according to the writing, they are surrounded by very powerful beasts in the vicinity, who are not to be disturbed... Going there by mouth would be suicide.' He thought and looked up.

"What are you guys planning to do?" Matt asked, and Caspian smiled.

"We are going to attack from several sides and exterminate them. Devourer blood always sells for a good price, so I quickly came to tell you, you're coming, right? If we attack together, I'm sure we can get more rewards for our kind." Caspian replied.

Matt frowned slightly, 'That's a pretty stupid proposal for someone who claims to have gone over there.' He thought, smiling, so he shook his head.

"Alright, you go ahead when it's time. We'll go the other way; we found tracks leading to the same place; look, we have a similar map." He said and showed him the map they had.

Caspian felt a little disappointed that Matt didn't want to go with him, 'A man without guts won't get that far either.' He thought to himself in frustration.

"Why don't we go? I think it's more important to attack them immediately so they don't keep exterminating villagers." He replied.

"It's simple. You will go on each of these sides because you found tracks there. It is possible that those tracks are not the routes they use to go to their base but to come. But what if, this time, the devourers choose to walk a different route? They could escape us if that happens. That's why we'll go this way so that won't happen, and we can catch them by all their exits." Matt said as he showed him the routes on the maps. Caspian hadn't expected an answer like that, so he was surprised.

Still, if he put it that way, he could only nod and grit his teeth a little.

"Well, if that's what you want, fine. We'll go ahead then." He said, and without many more words, his group went on their way.

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