Published at 31st of May 2024 05:48:56 AM

Chapter 44: First time that he use that power

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44 First time that he use that power

Matt followed close behind but stopped beside Isla and smiled at her. UpTodated from nô/v/el/b(i)n.c(o)/m


She was stunned by the charming smile on Matt's face so that she couldn't react.

Matt raised his hand and touched her face lightly, "Fight calmly. Be confident in your abilities; you are powerful." He told her as he stroked her lightly.

His words and actions left her even more stunned. Let alone speak; she couldn't even react. Still, soon, Matt was out of her field of vision as he lunged at the devourer he was fighting.

This time, he wanted to finish the fight, so he appeared above him and gave him a strong punch in the stomach, making him vomit blood and pinning him to the ground to give him another four consecutive blows until the devourer managed to break his streak and send him backward.

All the confidence he had just seconds ago disappeared from his face, so he unleashed all his power as he glared hatefully at Matt.

"I'm going to kill you!" he shouted with difficulty, but he leaped through the air towards Matt, and Matt reciprocated the move.

Both fists collided above those fighting on the surface, and the impact sent the air slamming into the surroundings, knocking many off balance.

Surprisingly, however, this head-on collision was lost by the devourer, who was pushed to the ground again.

'Does he have that much power? Impossible! I don't feel he's as powerful as me!' thought the devourer in shock as he defended himself from Matt's next attack.

Still, he was fooled and was soon pulled forward by Matt's hand and received a brutal knee strike to the face. That impact sent him backward with a dazed mind, and Matt relaunched his dimensional move to appear above him, throwing a hard punch to his face, ready to knock him out once and for all.


An explosion occurred then, as Matt's mighty fist was clamped by the devourer with his hand, and this pinned him to the ground.

This surprised Matt, who jumped back quickly, seeing that this guy's air had changed slightly.

A deep explosion occurred as the two powers collided. Still, the power exerted by Matt was overcome in an instant, and the full power of the devourer hit him hard all over his body, sending him flying hundreds of meters backward.

At the same time, he felt as if something was pulling him. But it wasn't the devourer. It was as if something inside his body was tugging at his power, trying to take it away.

This left him in shock, but the alarms inside his mind went off.

'I have to end this fast!' He thought to himself in shock, and as he flew backward, he looked at the surroundings.

He noticed that he was still in the forest but was totally out of sight of his teammates.

At the same time, he noticed that the devourer was coming running at an absurd speed towards him.

Matt didn't hesitate to stop quickly as he grabbed hold of the trees to cushion himself from the blows he was continually taking.

When he finally could, he embedded his hands in the ground, and his entire arm was filled with a strange, terrifying, and mysterious ice that appeared out of nowhere.

Finally, Matt looked at his target in front of him, about 10 meters away from him, and jumped towards him at an even faster speed than the devourer.

The devourer couldn't even react to his speed. He hadn't even realized that Matt was before him when he heard a voice reach his ears.

"Great devourer, you certainly are strong... But, feel proud. You are the first in this world to die under my most powerful technique." Matt said, smiling, and gave him a powerful punch in the chest with a hand covered with terrifying ice...

The speed of the oncoming devourer mixed with the rate of Matt, which caused the impact to pierce through the devourer's chest, shattering it completely.

At the same time, the ice spread over every part of his body until it almost completely covered him, forming a small icy block, which exploded in the next second when Matt pulled his arm back. The only thing left of the devourer's body was his head, which then rolled to the ground.

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