Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:55 AM

Chapter 103: 103A Sister’s Resolution

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Chapter 103 103:A Sister's Resolution

The atmosphere of the room became increasingly tense as the two figures continued to exchange intense gazes, probing each other's expressions for any hint of vulnerability or deception.

Leon, still grappling with shock, found himself unable to break eye contact with Gwen. He sensed an odd familiarity but couldn't quite place it. Gwen, on the other hand, maintained a scrutinizing look, her eyes fixed on Leon as if searching for something beyond his physical appearance.

'Something feels off. I always feel disgusted near men but I am not feeling that near him and his voice....his voice is quite similar to Leon along with his body's natural smell that isn't making me sick or uncomfortable.'

Gwen shook her head to get rid of disturbing thoughts. Her nose has always been more sensitive with her heightened sense of smell so she always stays a distance away from those who were especially unbearable but this wasn't the case here.

Meanwhile, Leon was glimpsing the woman who looked quite similar to him. He felt quite weird as he didn't know how he should treat her.

The relationship between the previous Leon and her sister had been quite harmonious but as per how harmonious that was, Leon could neither say nor guess that as people change over time.

Leon intertwined his fingers and rested them on his lap.

"So Miss Gwen, what do I owe you for this sincere greeting?"Leon flashed an amicable smile.

However, Gwen's next question almost cracked his smile again.

"Have we met before Sir Noel?"

Leon's lips twitched as he answered, "Not that I remember?"

"Are you sure? We both know this name and your appearance is nothing but a disguise but what if we met in your real life somewhere?"Gwen asked with an inexplicable expression.

From the moment she stepped in she felt that the man before her was familiar, quite familiar as if she knew at the back of her hand.

'Perhaps, I should have shaken hands and seen if I felt it was odd.'

As Gwen lamented, Leon shook his head.

"We haven't met before anywhere so now can we please proceed to the main topic."

"Hmm!" Gwen nodded with a grumble feeling that this man was lying and hurriedly steering away from the conversation.

"First of all, thank you for taking care of Wolfgang's mercenaries."

"I am unworthy of your praise, Miss. And I just eliminated a part of Wolfgang. They have more forces and manpower. Also, I have got suitable reimbursement as the payment, "Leon grinned.

"And their captain Ye Chen is still alive."

Gwen nodded applauding Leon for the effort, "Don't worry about him. I will personally take care of him."

Her eyes flashed with coldness as she muttered.

Gwen laughed thinking about their so-called father.

"He took Ella as her stepdaughter by marrying her mother and engaged her to Seph. What an irony isn't it?"

Leon frowned after hearing all this. He felt as if a certain puzzle that had been missing had been finally linked.

He always thought that it was og Leon who ran after that woman but it seems that girl also had some fault in it.

'I might have found out if I investigated a bit but it's a waste of time cause in the end it didn't matter as he was going to kill her regardless because of her anti-social activities.'

"So I wanted to have revenge against all those who harmed my brother. I can't see their happy faces while being afraid of where is my brother and what he might be doing now.''

"Miss Gwen, I am intrigued by your story and am willing to take your mission but it seems, I might need some time to finish the task."

"How much?"Gwen asked coldly.

"Might be a year or less but it would be done before December 3180. Meanwhile, you can also look around somewhere else but I highly recommend not to because you do not know this guy. His hands and roots crawled quite deep into society and learning about the person behind is like a snap of his finger."


Leon muttered, snapping his finger.

"I won't be careless but that doesn't mean I will be staying put," Gwen spoke with a smile and stood up from her seat a smile and extended her long slender.

"I remember you disliked it."

"Yes, I have a rule to handshake only when there is cooperation. I don't like to exchange fake pleasantries and support to just anyone."Gwen lied with a sweet smile.

Nonchalant by all this, Leon extended his hand which was grasped firmly by Gwen.


Leon's body shook as a warning bell rang from his pocket. It was the phone given to him by the Division 9.

Knowing that this was an emergency signal, Leon immediately pulled back his hand.

"Miss, I need to take my leave."Leon took out the phone and walked out hurriedly, leaving the shocked Gwen who stood rooted to the place like a statue.

She raised her palm, giving it a hard stare, and after a moment of deep contemplation, her whole body shook as a certain realization hit her.

"L...Leon..."Her words stuttered as she asked her hands then at figure in dismay and shock.

A drop of tears trickled down as a sudden realization dawned upon her.

"I can't be wrong. Its hand felt so much like Leon's. Perhaps he is really..?"

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