Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:51 AM

Chapter 106: 106Unexpected Encounter[II]

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Chapter 106 106:Unexpected Encounter[II]

Concerning important matters, Leon would always be blunt to avoid drama and misunderstanding.

Since they still hadn't taken a full step, he refuted and was about to explain more when the image of Feng Ruoxi before him blurred. His heart jolted in panic, and his senses screamed in danger.


Even before he could activate his Dragon eyes, he was flung up into the air like a ragdoll and crashed onto the tree, snapping it into tatters.

Leon swung his torso and managed to get back on his feet, which he nestled into the ground, leaving drag marks against the ground.

"Hey, list..."

His words got stuck in his throat as Feng Ruoxi's palm appeared before him and grabbed his face.

In the next second, Leon's face was smashed onto the ground.


The ground beneath cracked and burst apart, forming ripples of waves radiating all around.

"Any last words, scumbag?" Feng Ruoxi's lips curled upwards with a sinister grin, but her smile faded as, through the gaps in her fingers, she saw hollow, soulless eyes staring at her with an icy gaze.

'Wait, his head is alright? And what's with this gaze?'

"Woman, why don't you calm down and hear what I say?" Leon answered with a groan.

He had to admit it, Martial Lords were on an entirely different level. His Dragon eyes could see the movements in slow motion, but even the slow motion of their movement was quite fast, as his body wasn't able to react in time.

It was an entirely different league.

"Huh! What do you want to say now? Beg for your life." Feng Ruoxi sneered as all the scums who acted haughty, at the end of their ropes, started begging and crying.

And she likes to see the breakdown of the heinous men who think they are superiors and can do anything they want, destroying the lives of others without giving a damn.

"You harbor deep misunderstanding, women. I said we weren't in that kind of relationship, but we will be in the future. The reason I said no is that I haven't proposed her formally." Leon answered with a sigh.

He was waiting for Sophia's interaction with Seph to see how she behaved, but since she managed to resist his influence, this was already enough to check.

Feng Ruoxi's expression stiffened upon hearing this.

Leon and Feng Ruoxi walked in after the gate opened. The layout of a manor appeared in his eyes. The outer layer consisted of all sorts of defense structures, and armed people were patrolling around. They were strict and stern, each one then was at a Martial Master level.

The inner layer was at the center of the mansion, surrounded by a garden and fountain.

"Newcomer? Madam Feng, right?"

A buff man yelled from the side.

Without waiting for Leon to reply, the man shouted to his walkie-talkie, "That new hot shot and Madam Feng are here. Come and pick them up."

"Why did he ask if he knew?" Leon grumbled.

Though Feng Ruoxi didn't say anything, she also expressed the same thoughts.

Soon a man named Kraft arrived and bowed his head.

"Madam Feng welcome to Sub Division 3. Your assistance will be of valuable help to us." The man then looked at Leon to size him up, then he ignored him and started flattering Feng Ruoxi. "Madam Feng, please follow me."

Leon noticed the strangeness and prejudice against him from the man's eyes.

And he found out the reason sooner.

On the way to the southeast side, they got a brief explanation of the manor defense structure. The manor had to face from all four sides and was guarded by 120 soldiers.

"Did you have any recent track of the vampire?" Leon asked curiously but frowned seeing the man giving him a death stare as if asking him not to overstep his authority.

"Did you have the recent track of a vampire?" Feng Ruoxi asked the same question, to which Kraft bowed his head with a sweet smile and started explaining like a licking dog.

"We found signs of a Vampire 9 km southwest yesterday. He seemed to be moving deeper into the forest. As for sources, he is hunting at night and resting during the day. We plan to track him, find his resting spot, and then attack him during the day."

They walked to the middle fortress and climbed to the top floor guarded by two men who gave a nod to Kraft.

As they entered the room, Leon halted in his steps, seeing the realms of the individuals inside.

'It seems the matter is much more serious than I thought.'

With this realization, another question rang in his mind.

'Just what the hell a sheep like me doing here amidst the group of wolves?'

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