Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:50 AM

Chapter 107: 107Vampire Hunt

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Chapter 107 107:Vampire Hunt

Inside the room, four individuals sat indifferently, probing one another.

They turned their heads towards the door, and their eyes flickered upon seeing the newcomer.

Two of them wore military dresses and sat in a disciplined manner, while the other two sat quite comfortably.

"Sister Feng, it's been a while," a white-haired short girl unfurled her fingers and waved at Feng Ruoxi.

"Yeah, it has been a while for Linglin," Feng Ruoxi greeted her coldly. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"You are still so cold and unapproachable, Miss Feng," a black bulky man spoke and then took a puff of his cigarette.

"Are you itching for a beating Kratos?"


"Huh!" Kratos and others' attention was drawn towards the man who coughed.

"And who are you, punny guy?"

"Don't get me wrong. I just remembered Kratos from the game."

Kratos smiled a bit and nodded his head as if approving Leon's doubts.

He was about to say something when Goro, the agent from the military, spoke coldly, "Kraft, what is this guy doing here?"

The atmosphere became awkward all of a sudden, and Kraft scratched his head.

"Even I don't know. I was just assigned to this mission," Leon answered in a polite tone.

"We don't need weaklings like you. Each one of us is a Martial Lord, whereas you are just a Grandmaster. Just go back."

"I can't do that, sir. I have got orders from the superior. If you have a problem, just go and talk to him," Leon replied, causing Goro to frown.

A thick vein bulged over his forehead as he felt that this guy was undermining his position.


"Let him come," the other woman named Miyuki grasped Goro's shoulder with a smile.

Just as Leon was about to sigh in relief, she poured hold water on him again.

"Don't worry about death. We need people like him..." She paused a bit and then scanned Leon from head to toe, "To become fodder for us to be successful. Am I right, Mr. so-called Viper of Night?"

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

Everyone felt the temperature of the place going down by a margin.

The more they listened, the more tense everyone's expression became.

From research, it has been found that the blood they ingest changes, and after it assimilates into their body, the cells are converted into highly potent stem cells with extreme division capabilities.

Leon frowned seeing them going about the regeneration. It was good to understand every bit of that, but they seem to be forgetting about crucial details.

"Can you explain the Blood Mystic thing?"

Goro's speech stopped, and he glanced at Leon.

''Why are you looking at me as if I have committed a huge crime just by asking?"

Goro smacked his lips in annoyance.

"The chance of the Vampire having Blood Mystic is quite rare as this ability is only found in the Vampires of the royal family who won't trail off to here out of nowhere."

"So, let's not waste time on going over that."

Hearing this, Leon controlled his urge to curse and decided to keep quiet.

'If something goes wrong, it's you who gonna fuck up and die, so who cares.' Leon folded his hands and leaned back on the wall with a sullen expression.

Meanwhile, Goro caught sight of Kraft picking weapons and asked,

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing?" Kraft answered with a frown.

"No need for that. Just stay put. Adding you will bring more harm to us," Goro spoke coldly.

"You can't say..."

"I am the Captain and in charge of this place. Don't teach me."

"Calm down, guys," Miyuki intervened with her obvious flashy smile.

"Kraft, you know Goro is bad with his words. He meant that there should be someone guarding the base, isn't it? And who would be more suitable than you, a mid-Martial Lord?"

Veins bulged on Kraft's forehead as he finally decided to step back.

"Okay, I will guard this place."

"Ohh! It seems they have some history." Leon chuckled seeing the strange confrontation, but his eyes weren't entirely on them. Rather, on a certain someone who was doing something on the phone.

A strange glint flashed in his eyes seeing this.


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