Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:49 AM

Chapter 108: 108Vampire Hunt[II]

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Chapter 108 108:Vampire Hunt[II]

The Wilderness of River Valley was filled with dangers. Traversing deep into the forest at night was like walking on a small thread of life.

Though Leon didn't like Goro, that guy seemed to have a knack for danger. Even if Goro dismissed the thought of a Vampire being a Blood Mystic, he was still cautious of Vampires, as they had no prior information about the upper-level Vampire.

They planned to search for a Vampire hideout or kill the Vampire when encountered. But they are mostly leaning towards finding the hideout and setting an ambush to lower the risk.

Leon asked the system about the Vampire, but unlike other times, it asked for a whopping 200 luck points, giving him a scare.

While the group traversed, a lady with short purple hair jumped out.

"Is she with us?" Linglin asked, raising her whip to strike at any moment.

"She is with..." Goro hadn't even finished his sentence when the lady appeared right before Leon and stabbed him in the neck.

Feng Ruoxi at the side reacted swiftly but stopped seeing the knife halting from Leon's neck, just a few mm away.

The knife was just a step from cutting his artery, then with a snort, the figure gave Leon a fierce look. "Why aren't you dodging?"

"I don't need to."

"Why? Do you think I didn't dare to sta..." Her words trailed when she felt something touching down, and as she looked down, she saw a small karambit touching her torso.

Leon smiled without answering her. It's better to not argue with people like this. Even if he said that her knife couldn't even scratch his skin, all of them wouldn't believe him and laugh.

"Buddy, are you good?" Kratos patted Leon's shoulder from behind.

"He seems to be frozen by fear," Goro snorted.

The purple-haired woman took a deep breath and looked down at her hands which were shivering for some reason.

'So this is Viper of Night, someone whose fang is always ready to bite you.'

She had heard many things from him and personally cleared a few crime scenes of the mafia lord who got killed by him.

Few who managed to stay alive, after witnessing his slaughter confessed their crimes while some committed suicide.

Suppressing her shiver, she said, "Helsa from the Intelligence department. I am here for tracing."

"Ohh! How do you track?" Linglin asked curiously.

"By smell."

"You have the fine abilities of a dog." Leon praised sincerely but Helsa took it otherwise.

Helsa's pupils constricted as she felt cold sweat dripping down her hairline, noticing Leon's gaze. His face might be smiling but his eyes looked like an emotionless reaper. For some reason, this mere Martial Grandmaster was giving her a deja vu vibe.


A sword pressure tore through the air and cut apart the Blood worm into two.

However, as the cut appeared, the worm that was divided into two halves regenerated, forming two blood worms.


"Were you born an idiot? I knew you shouldn't be brought here?" Goro cursed loudly without hiding his attention.

"How can I know it would be generated like this? I thought the silver blade hastened growth." Leon fought back.

"That's on Vampire not his bloody minions or summons, you idiot." Goro spat.

'Che!' Leon clicked his tongue, in annoyance. He was just trying to test the hardness and the way the worm behaved so he could use his qi of destruction and see its effect.

The regenerated blood worm opened its mouth showcasing crystallized blood as teeth, and sprang forward at Leon.


"Move aside!"

Two blades dancing in the air stabbed the back of one Blood worm and with a fierce bellow, Kratos whipped his hand to pull chains attracted to the ax blade and yanked the huge body of Blood Worm towards it and then, rotating his body, slammed the worm onto the ground with a bang.

"Hey wormy, come and play with Daddy."

"MUAAHAHAHA!" Kratos roared and with a leap, and jumped towards the worm.

While the other one was whipped away by Linglin.


Under the fierce assault, a shockwave radiated through the Blood Worm's body giving it a shiver.

The Blood Worm, as if feeling threatened, decided to crawl back but just as it tried to do that.


A crackling bang echoed, and the exoskeleton of the worm started burning. A blurred fire slammed into the worm. The flames started enveloping the whole body of the worm making it lose its composure and start wriggling.


With a crackling sound, the fire started growing and in less than a minute, the worm was lost in a glaring ember.

As per the one handled by Kratos, a ball of fire struck creating a huge explosion that engulfed the whole worm in its embrace until nothing of it was left behind.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!