Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:47 AM

Chapter 109: 109Vampire Hunt[III]

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Chapter 109 109:Vampire Hunt[III]

Everyone gawked at the place where two huge blood worms stood. Their remaining blood tried to regenerate, but the flames burnt them faster and faster, ensuring that none of them was left behind.

"Well, that's a good way to kill. I think this will help us to deal with Vampires," Kratos scratched his head and stared at the indifferent Feng Ruoxi who stood at her spot, folding her hands over her chest with a look that said as if she hadn't done anything substantial.

"It seems the Vampire has left us a gift here," Linglin chuckled.

"No need to get upset. This proves that we are on the right track," Miyuki answered.

"Let's not daydream and move."

The group started moving, but Feng Ruoxi stopped, noticing something amiss.

"Why aren't you coming?"

Everyone frowned and glanced at Leon, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess this is where I should depart."

"Huh! What do you mean?" Kratos raised his brows.

"You, as well as everyone, know that I don't fit well. I am not able to understand your gestures and not able to work as a team. I don't have enough experience, or I guess, I just don't fit," Leon answered with a dry smile.

"Do you think this is a game where you can join and leave as per your wish? You should have known your place earlier before coming here," Goro sneered at Leon.

"I guess not everyone is fit to work as an agent. Some just purposefully use their backings to climb, but I know you aren't like that Mr.Noel..." Miyuki paused, giving a sly smile.

"Cause at least you understand where you stand. Believe me, acceptance of your worth is a good thing."

''As expected from you. Always spouting venom with that tongue," Linglin said with a frown.

"Sorry, I am a blunt girl. If I offend you, that means I just said some truth you can't handle," Miyuki shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't do that Noel. You will be helpful," Kratos smiled, stepping forward.

"Enough!" Leon shouted, raising his hands.

"Stop quarreling among yourselves. You have a problem with me right? Fine, I will leave. And Kratos, don't try to act smart. I know exactly what you are thinking."

"Buddy, what do you mean by that? Are you joking with..."

"It's enough Kratos, I already know."

"Know what?" Both Linglin and Feng Ruoxi asked with a frown. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Kratos put on an innocent expression and tried to appease Leon, but his expression cracked due to Leon's next words.

"I am already aware of your scheme. You are already talking to the other side about accepting the bounty mission. And I don't know if there are others." Leon spoke coldly, glancing around.

"In the upcoming fight where we need to trust one another, I don't think I can trust anyone except Feng Ruoxi. I am here to hunt, not be hunted."

"I see!" Leon covered him with a smile.

"Just because I found out the Serum, he might have thought "I see!" Leon covered him with a smile.

"Just because I found out the Serum, he might have thought that I could find out anything." Leon laughed about the old man's assumption.

He didn't know if this was the person's guess or his experience to find things.

"System about the Vampire position."

[Host, you need to spend 206 luck points.]

"Huh!" Leon frowned, seeing the point going up.

"Why did it increase?"

[Do you want to know in exchange for 1 luck point.]

"No!" Leon clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"What about his hideout?"

[It would be 40 luck points.]

Leon facepalmed in annoyance.

40 luck points for things that hold no major significance to boost his strength were too much.

"It seems I can only go with the third option though it would take some time."

The moment Leon decided it, a trail of darkness emerged from him.

From the cloak of darkness covering, two huge pairs of dark wings, and a figure, black like the pitch darkness of night emerged.

"Hawk! I need your help."


A piercing, high-pitched cry emerged that echoed through the air, carrying a sense of both power and urgency. It's a sound that can evoke a primal response, echoing the wild and untamed nature of these majestic birds.

During one of his missions, he found this guy who was on the verge of death and then he got the idea to take it.

It was an ordinary hawk at first, but preying on others, it had evolved to be bigger and stronger, almost equal to Martial Disciple.

It also had its squad of ravens below.

Leon caressed the majestic hawk with black ravens circling.

"Soar high into the depth of night my friend, and find that bloody beast."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!