Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:46 AM

Chapter 110: 110Vampire Hunt[IV]

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Chapter 110 110:Vampire Hunt[IV]

Linglin nudged Feng Ruoxi's shoulder a bit and asked with a pout"Are you not worried about him? What if he died by getting into trouble."

Feng Ruoxi raised her brows thinking for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think so. I am not his babysitter.

"Bah! How cold of you, "Linglin teased her.

Two days went by in a flash.

Their search had been basically fruitless.

In all the places Helsa led them, they found nothing but blood worms and creatures. At first, they didn't find anything odd but as they went on, they felt as if they were going round and round.

And to make the matter worse, out of nowhere dark red clouds covered the sky and started pouring heavily.

"Mission Abort," Goro muttered dryly.

"Isn't it too soon? It's just 2 AM."Kratos asked in confusion.

"Something seems off," Miyuki muttered with a frown and added, "It's as if we are deliberately led around. We encountered two to three blood worms but unusually we are finding one by each passing hour."

"Doesn't that mean, we are just closing near," Kratos answered dryly only to get odd looks.

"Coupled with the heavy rain, I think we should retreat to camp and plan out for tomorrow."Goro ordered and after a brief, everyone agreed.

"Let's leave."



It was a thunderstorm. The dark sky was repeatedly torn apart by a streak of glaring lightning and rain pouring down in torrents.

The curtain of rain was limiting everyone's field of vision and a violent stormy wind crashed onto the trees threatening to uproot the trees.

"Wait!"Helsa shouted startling the other.

"Is there a problem?"Goro asked, seeing Helsa's expression becoming as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Blood.....I can smell too much blood and it's coming from the base."

"WHAAAAT!"Except for Feng Ruoxi, all of them yelled and started running towards the base camp.

All of them had heightened senses and as they drew closer, their ears started ringing madly.

The once-quietened atmosphere rang with countless explosions like oil on a hot pan

Numerous sounds of weapons slashing and shields colliding rang out.

The sound of flesh ripped open by sharp claws and the sound of blood spurting out followed by the cry of anguish and pain traveled in the air.

The heavy sound of bodies falling and getting dragged on the ground rose in the air.

Going around for the past two days, he arrived at a weird question.

Secret hideout?

How did they know that the Vampire even had a secret hideout?

And why would the Vampire have a secret hideout amidst this place?

"There is something wrong. With its power, it can easily sneak into society so why is it persisting in the wilderness?"

Leon's steps halted at a glade which had a small thatched tent that seemed to have been built recently.

Stepping in for a moment, he flapped the cover of the tent.

Leon's heart pounded in his chest as the cold realization of death surrounded him. The air felt heavy, and an unsettling stillness gripped his senses, sending shivers down his spine.

His breath caught in his throat, the stench of decay assaulting his senses.

The pale and lifeless faces of the corpses seemed to silently tell stories of tragedy and loss, casting a profound shadow over his soul.

The tent wasn't big but it was stuffed with corpses to the brim.

His eyes darted around struggling to comprehend the grim tableau before him, as an overwhelming sense of sorrow and unease settled in his heart as he stared at the haunting opened wide eyes of the dead.

There were a few children, a weeping mother, and a grieving parents who despaired as death slowly encroached on them.

Amidst them, a woman's eyes tilted noticing him. Her lips moved creating a whisper which was faint yet clearly audible.

'Ki-Kill that mnace.Ha...Hav..revng of mi ded chil..."

Words struck in her throat as the light life vanished from her eyes.

For those who are evil, Leon always feels a sense of joy and fulfillment in killing them but on the other hand, when he sees the death of a pure innocent soul, his heart always quivered with grief.

He dislikes the fact that bloody cruel fucking pieces of shits roamed free enjoying their lives, while good people lay dead in their graves without getting a single chance to relive.

As he went over them, Leon understood one thing.

There was a son of bitch who was in cahoots with the Vampire cause in no way he can find these people in the forest.

The man must have kidnapped them and fed them to the Vampire.

Bending down, Leon placed his hands on the dead and closed their eyes one by one.

"Kids, Madam and Sir. Life has been hard on you but I will make sure that you have a good afterlife and rest in peace."

"If there is a True damned God in this world, who is kind and thinks of others, May he bless you and give you the joys of heaven."

"May God be with you."

"And for that beast.."

A bloody murderous intent burst out from his body dyeing the place in red.

"Leave it to me."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!