Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:43 AM

Chapter 112: 112Vampire Hunt[VI]

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Chapter 112 112:Vampire Hunt[VI]

Goro's heart sank as he watched in helpless agony, the life force draining from Miyuki. The vampire's fangs pierced her delicate neck, extracting the essence of her existence. The pain in Goro's chest intensified, not just from the physical wounds but from the profound loss unfolding before him.

In that moment, time seemed to slow, each second stretching into an eternity as he replayed memories of their shared laughter and whispered promises. He could feel the weight of regret settling on his shoulders.

Miyuki's eyes, once vibrant and filled with life, now stared into nothingness.

Goro screamed, his mind going blank. Turning away, he dashed to save Miyuki. But how could Kraft let such a sweet opportunity go?



A sharp claw ruptured through his skin, drawing a cut behind his back, splattering blood.

"Can you feel it?"


Goro crashed onto the floor as his back was opened by another brutal slash.

"Now, do you feel the agony... The agony of seeing your beloved dying before your eyes..."


"This pain... This unease... This is the same thing I felt when you abandoned her..."

Kraft's voice grew louder.

Kraft had been on the same team as Goro since the beginning. He respected Goro as team captain, but that respect started fading since the fateful day when he decided to abandon a teammate for a mission.

That day, he came to know the true face of this guy. He could do anything to get to the top and earn contributions and flattery from others.

Kraft tried to surpass him, but it led to a dead end. Instead of getting promoted, he was demoted to an ordinary watchdog under suspicion of leaking information he had never done.

"I know, Goro. It was you who accused me and suspended me. Do you know how I have been feeling since that day?" Kraft's eyes became dark and lifeless.

"As a man who has been serving the country for the past 12 years, is this what I deserve in return?"

"Kraft, don't lose it. You are bewitched. You were a good agent." Goro shouted with a quivering voice trying to find a way.

"Stop your fucking hypocrisy."

"Let's leave it. You won't understand, you will never understand my agony," Kraft laughed and stepped forward.

Goro's body tensed up in pain. His back burned, and his vision became dizzy.

Her body burned more furiously, and her hair burning in crimson flames rose towards the sky.

As her whole body was illuminated with an intense crimson glow, Feng Ruoxi unleashed a powerful surge of energy.

"Take cover," Feng Ruoxi shouted as a warning.

Feeling a grave sense of danger, Linglin, Helsa, and Kratos ran for their lives.

Goro, gritting his teeth, stared at the lifeless body of Miyuki getting sucked dry by the Vampire.

'Miyuki forgive me. I will take revenge once I get stronger. As for your death, you can only blame yourself for being too confident.'

Goro groaned in pain as he got up on his feet and fled away in fear.

The sheer brilliance of her thermal energy bathes the battlefield, casting an ethereal light on the destruction and chaos unfolding.


With a thunderous roar, flames emerged like waves crashing down, screeching ghouls exploding into ashes.

Buildings crumbled, and vegetation was wiped away.

A wave of flames crashed on everybody, blowing them away.

"ARGHHHHH!" Kratos screamed, wriggling, and flopped onto the ground.

His eyes turned towards Linglin who emerged from debris.

Noticing her gaze, Linglin forced out a smile.

"My suit is fireproof."

"Fuck!" Kratos cursed aloud.

Then both of them searched for Helsa buried somewhere among the flames, which were extinguished by the rain.

After a few moments, when the dust dispersed, Feng Ruoxi looked around for a possible sign of the enemy.

"You are surely a gutsy woman."

A cold voice emerged from the top.

As black clouds from flames dispersed, a human figure hovered in the air.

"Perfectly suited to become a slave of mine."

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