Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:42 AM

Chapter 113: 113Vampire Hunt[VII]

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Chapter 113 113Vampire Hunt[VII]

"What's your name girl?"

"Feng Ruoxi and yours?"


"I see, "Feng Ruoxi muttered softly and looked up.

"I remember that name after you die."

Terpes looked down at the burning woman who stood amidst swirling flames, her silhouette flickering with the dance of fire.

Cloaked in living flames, her hair seemed to be woven from strands of ember, trailing behind her like a fiery veil. As the inferno curled around her form, her eyes burned with an intense, mesmerizing glow, radiating both power and command. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Each step she took left trails of sparks, and her outstretched hands controlled the very essence of the flames that obeyed her will.

A fierce shriek of a bird resonated throughout the whole space emerging from the depths of her soul.

"I will also make sure to remember your name."

The moment his words fell, lances of fire shot at him.


Leaving behind a sonic boom, he glided through the sky as two wings unfolded behind.

Terpas lunged forward with supernatural speed, his eyes glowing crimson as he sought to close the distance.

Feng Ruoxi, mastering the flames, responded with a swift gesture, conjuring walls of intense flames that rose like protective barriers around her.

Unperturbed, Terpas moved with eerie grace, dodging through the fire with supernatural agility. As he approached, the air chilled around him, and he unleashed a burst of icy breath from his mouth, and with a wave of his hand blood materialized around.

The flames hissed and flickered, but Feng Ruoxi retaliated, channeling the heat within her to intensify the fire, forming a scorching wave that met the encroaching blood.

In a mesmerizing display, the two enemies clashed fire meeting blood in a chaotic blast.

The Terpas, resilient and cunning, attempted to close in for a strike, but the Feng Ruozi, noticing stepped ahead and kicked sending beams of fire to encircle him.

"Mere tricks!"

Terpas glided his body through the array of attacks and flapped his wings creating a strong gust of wind keeping the flames at bay.

The battlefield became a symphony of elements as Terpas's supernatural strength pitted against Feng Ruoxi's mastery over fire.

The blood of death started to wriggle and shot towards Terpas.

As for Terpas, he too roared in pain but he changed his direction in the mid-flight and landed on the ground safely.

"There is a human who can even produce sacred flames as the sun itself."Terpas expression was cold.

He looked down at his claws which sizzled with white smoke as if they were slowly burning away his skin. He clenched his fist tightly gathering blood into his hands.

Worn skin fell off and new flesh grew. Under everyone's surprised gaze, his wound healed and became almost new.

Then raising his chin, he cast a smile that was anything but sweet. A terrifying chill permeated all around.

Simultaneously, he opened his ferocious mouth filled with fangs and roared furiously.


"Rejoice humans!"Terpas spoke with grunts of pain.

"Pushing me to show my true form is already a worthy show to watch. Something very few are lucky to witness. If not for my situation, I wouldn't have fallen into this."

Terpas then burst into laughter that was followed by a cacophony of breaking and jolting bones echoed.

His body started expanding, and his blood and flesh changed color as if he was undergoing metamorphosis.

Huge bat-like wings broke through his skin and emerged from his back, and there were sharp bony spurs on them. The wings spread out abruptly into a large wing span of several meters tall standing up behind his back, giving a menacing display.

The clothes were torn off as the body started expanding. The skin on his body fell off piece by piece.

And much to everyone's surprise, his transformation also brought a change in Kraft who started transforming forcefully.


Kraft let out a painful groan as the transformation surged inside him. Amid veiling madness clouding, he tore off his skin as if trying to break free from the shackles that were holding him back.

Blood spurted from his body dyeing the air.

"My servant it will hurt at first but soon you will adapt to your true self so cast this pathetic mortal shed away,'' Terpas spoke with a smile.

Kraft's humanoid figure convulsed as an otherworldly energy of blood coloured surged through his veins. His features contorted in agony, fangs elongating into razor-sharp points, and his eyes darkening to a predatory crimson. Sinister cracks echoed as bones reshaped beneath his flesh, the sound a haunting accompaniment to the brutal transformation.

"What is this..."Linglin screamed as her whole body quivered in shock.

Kratos, Helsa, and Goro were already too shocked to speak seeing the gruesome display of brutality.

Meanwhile, Feng Ruoxi tried to get up as this was the crucial moment to attack.

A decisive moment and an opening that could turn the tide of the battle but just as she got up, and gathered her energy, a cooling sensation washed over her making her dizzy, and losing her foot she stumbled crashing into the pile of bricks with her lips wide open.

"What... happened."

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