Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:33 AM

Chapter 120: 120Deadly Crisis[II]

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Chapter 120 120:Deadly Crisis[II]

'Fuck, I am questioning my psychopath.'

Her behavior makes Leon question his nature.

'Before her psychopath tendencies, I am worth a fart.'

"Lady, why don't you calm down a bit? As a stranger, we should take things slow," Leon answered with a dry smile while calling the system in his mind.


He would rather die than become a slave and be raped by this bitch.

[Advancement Condition] Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Kill Points:1000

Counterattack points:250

Though he wanted to break thoughts immediately he wished he would delve deeper into Laws and break through on his own but it seems he can't for now.

"Is that so? Then let's get acquainted."She replied, pulling her arms while taking long strides.

"Any chance you are willing to become the slave of this beautiful lady? Let me tell you, I am not an ordinary Vampire girl. I have a chance of inheriting the throne. You can become the Prince Consort. And became the Vampire King."

"What?"Leon screamed aloud.

Her revelation struck her like thunder and a sudden realization dawned upon him.

'Maybe Terpas isn't a True Vampire but a slave and this might be what he was murmuring about. That means this woman let her servant get killed.'

Seeing Leon's expression, Seraphina thought he was doubting her identity.

"I am not lying? I swear on the name of Lady Nyx, The Goddess of Night."

Leon was taken aback by her frankness and pledge.

The most dangerous thing to bear was beauty, love and kindness...

Leon pulled out his Exitus taking his stance"If you want to pet me then you have to defeat me."

While doing this, he immediately shouted in his mind.



Leon frowned as his body reacted immediately sending him to his knees as he felt his internal organs begin burning. Ceasing his breath, Leon glanced around searching for the woman who was an expert in slipping away.

'Where did she go?'

'Just where?'

He waited for the right opportunity to strike while fighting his body's unwillingness to stay conscious.

Gritting his teeth, Leon searched around with his heightened perception caused by Dragon's eyes still it was far from enough.

'Where is she? Where is she?'

Leon chanted those words like a spell rotating around but found no sign.

'NO LEON!Don't let her affect you.'

'I may be weak but that does not mean I am just a useless lamb. Power, I need to understand my power.'

Taking a pause, Leon started to analyze everything he had seen so far.

'First, she had no intention of killing. Secondly, she had blood power. Third, she had the power to appear and disappear anywhere...Wait, one time she emerged from a shadow..'


Leon closed their eyes and waited for the right moment to strike.

Seconds seemed to be like hours, as he tried to sense the darkness fluctuating around.


The world around Leon became dark and devoid of anything and in that darkness, his ears perked up as he felt a small stir.

Sensing something, with the last bit of energy, he triggered Nimbus's steps as he exploded the strength to his feet and struck his sword.

The sword cracked as it seemed to tear through the space imbued with dark energy and move to the image emerging to his left.

The force of his swing spread most of the blood covering that seemed to strike something sharp.


A powerful mass of pressure blasted everything as the tip of the sword touched something sharp followed by a sharp crisp sound resonating in the air.

A powerful gust bellowed, radiating a shockwave and the ground beneath his feet crumbled.

Then the entire forest seemed to have quietened down in fear as the only sound of metal cracking into pieces resonated in that place.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!