Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:32 AM

Chapter 121: 121Deadly Crisis[III]

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Chapter 121 121:Deadly Crisis[III]

Leon's entire hand trembled and a numbing force assaulted him the moment his sword touched the claws of the woman.

"You don't have a sword intent or a good sword art. Your swordsmanship is crude and worse than any garbage I have seen out there still you are better than that slave Terpas."

Leon almost coughed blood at her words which gave him emotional damage. The words hurt more than the combined pain he had suffered till now.

''I know it.....'' Leon's voice trailed off as he heard a crackle coming from his sword.

Then, with a burst of power, like spider webs, cracks started to spread over his sword and then it shattered into pieces shooting off the sharp shreds.

One of the shreds, caressed through Seraphina's cheek leaving a small gash from which a trail of blood.

"Huh!" Seraphina blinked her large crimson eyes a few times naively and then raised her hands.

"Blood?"Seraphina's hand fumbled over her face as she touched a dark red liquid.

"Blood....Blood...Blood...."She kept on repeating the same words as if it were some sacred mantra.

She kneeled on the ground staring at the drip of blood while continuing her muttering

Letting out a ragged breath, Leon slowly inched back seeing her madness. Using the nimbus step, he had already retreated to a safe distance as a bloody power erupted from her.

'Isn't this a small wound that would heal quickly? You were going to crave my name in your heart so what's this grumbling over a few drops of blood?'

"My precious blood."She screeched, gripping the drops of blood.

Watching lurking particles of qi congregating to form a crimson aura around her, Leon knew he was done for.

Leon channeled strength to his leg as he made a mad dash to increase the distance. nove(l)bi(n.)com

At first, he wanted to slash seeing the opportunity but his senses screamed that if he attacked, something was gonna burst him into pieces of meat.

'I am also far away from the camp. I can also use my abilities now.'

Jagged hands of blood crackled around towards Leon and soon with a flicker Seraphina appeared behind him and stabbed her hand to kill Leon but her hands halted as a loud shockwave spread in the air.


Leon mumbled softly following which a dark veil emerged from his shadow.


Seraphina leaned back feeling a headache assaulting her and she swiveled toward a mysterious black lady who appeared before her and without any care pounced on Hella as if she had been hypnotized by a ghost.


Snyder's shadow emerged and he sliced off his sword which Seraphina avoided narrowly.

Meanwhile, as she was still preoccupied with Synder, seizing the chance Kihwoon and Leon combined assault on Seraphina.


For the first time, Seraphina spat out a sharp cry.

Leon's expression changed as he saw her standing without much harm as the wounds on her body were repeatedly healing.

A bloody killing intent erupted from her body freezing everything in the space.

Leon didn't use Dragon Eyes to counter it as it might take a huge amount of hidden qi reserves and he might not be able to maintain the ghosts for too long so Leon could only bite his lips to bear the pressure.

At that time, Leon, on raising his head, met Seraphina's eyes. Her lips curled upwards with a mischievous smile and it didn't take Leon to find out why.


With a sonic explosion, she accelerated towards him. Two pairs of small wings unfurled from her back giving her a boost.

Leon's ghost army that stood before him for protection was blown away like paper dolls.

Pondering this, Leon released the summon who disappeared in the blink of an eye.

'It's gonna be a leap of faith.'

Taking a step, he blasted the ground and cutting through the air accelerated straight at Seraphina with a cold glint.


A blast occurred due to the collision and Seraphina tilted her head with confusion.

With a burst of speed, Leon stabbed at Seraphina who just extended her hand and grabbed his hand with a curious expression

"Isn't that the same sword?"She asked, tilting her head with an innocent gaze.

"It is..."Leon muttered with an amused smile and at that time, a slender black hand emerged from Leon and touched Seraphina.

Seraphina flinched back a step as her sixth sense screamed of danger feeling creepy from the black hand and she retracted her hand but it was late.

The moment the black hand touched her, it was over.

A feeling akin to losing herself emerged as she felt her soul getting sucked out of her body with a strong yank.

Her body swayed and her vision became murky.

"Great Hella!You did well."Leon praised Hell and acted quickly.

He summoned all his ghosts, who stabbed forward. Some at heart, and some at her head as if wanting to tear her into untraceable pieces.

But before their blades could touch her, a calm majestic voice stirred the atmosphere giving Leon a fright.



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