Published at 31st of May 2024 06:34:28 AM

Chapter 124: 124Raven Of Death

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Chapter 124 124:Raven Of Death

After a brief meeting with Leon that left a big turmoil in her heart. With a heavy heart, she made her way back to Aurorica and went to Agnes the city where her uncle resided

Gwen, still grappling with the revelation of Leon's identity, decided to seek guidance from her uncle Stephen.

The meeting was set at a luxurious tea house, a place adorned with intricate tapestries, soft ambient lighting, and an array of exotic teas from around the world.

As she entered the opulent establishment, the aroma of various teas wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere of sophistication. The tea house boasted private chambers for discreet conversations, ensuring the utmost privacy for discussions of sensitive matters.

"Uncle goes to extremes when it comes to spending things on matters concerning luxuries."Gwen shook her head with a smile.

Gwen found her way to the appointed chamber where Stephen awaited her. The room exuded an air of refinement, with plush velvet chairs and intricately carved wooden tables adorned with delicate tea sets. Soft instrumental music played in the background, providing a soothing backdrop to the impending conversation.

Stephen rose from his seat as Gwen entered. His chocolate brown hair and tailored suit added to the ambiance of elegance.

They exchanged a formal greeting before settling into their seats.

"Gwen, my dear niece, what brings you to this elegant tea house today?" Stephen inquired, his eyes reflecting concern.

Gwen took a moment before speaking, "Uncle, I need your guidance on a matter of great importance. It involves a man named Noel."

"I see...You have encountered another problem and here I thought my lovely niece misses me."Stephen made an exasperated sigh with a saddened expression.

"That's enough acting for today," Gwen muttered trying to control her twitching lips.

Stephen picked up her teacup and asked her to carry on.

As she unraveled the complex web of events involving Wolfgang, Seph Greymore, and the mysterious feeling that he might be Leon, Stephen listened attentively, sipping on a delicate green tea. The porcelain cups clinked softly, adding a rhythm to the narrative.

The tea house staff moved discreetly, ensuring the pair had everything they needed without intruding on their discussion.

Stephen's brow furrowed as he processed the intricate details of Gwen's story. The revelation of Noel's true identity resonated deeply within him, and he considered the implications of their connection.

"Gwen, these revelations about Noel and his involvement with Seph Greymore raise more questions than answers. The involvement of someone like Noel complicates matters significantly. We must tread carefully," Stephen advises, his voice a whisper in the elegant chamber.

"And how can you be so sure that he is Leon? What if it's a mistake?A mistake that might make you pay heavily if you keep pushing on this unknown path.


"Yes, Gwen, the Irina I know and the mother whom you all love will be back."

"Fearsome and stronger than ever. The Queen of Socialite will be coming back to take her reigns."


Far away from Aurorica.....

In the bustling city of Horizon, a behemoth of a man stormed across the street, his sheer power evident in every step.

Covering his face, he clicked his tongue in frustration.

"Damn! I can't miss this chance. I need to do something to gather my reputation as in the last mission I sucked.I searched around through my channels but where did he disappear."

Due to this negligence, he collided with a smaller figure, triggering a surge of anger.

Without hesitation, a powerful kick launched the smaller man into the air, leaving him sprawled on the pavement.


The small cried in pain as he hit the street lamp with a loud bang.

The people surrounding stepped away with shrieks seeing the man emitting an ominous aura.

Few even took their phone to record while few started to call emergency numbers.

But before they could do that, fierce pressure enveloped them.

"Do that, I will make sure you won't have any remains to be buried under."

The people around buckled up falling onto the ground due to frightening pressure.

"Hmmmph!"Snorting, the bulked man or Kratos walked back.

Oblivious to the impending darkness, the imposing figure continued on his path, unaware of the ominous raven of death casting its shadow upon him.

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